Good News/ Bad News

Kanort Member Posts: 1,272 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Dear Semi-Colons,

I first want to apologize to Kanga for missing his birthday. Happy Birthday, sweet man. I hope your day was one to remember.

For my new semi-colon friends I will give you a little quick background. Stage 3 with 3 out of 31 nodes positive; diagnosed 9/03; Folfox completed 7/04; stable lung nodules since 2/04 which are thought to be calcified with one biopsied and found to be a hamartoma;
clean CT and PET scans since completion of Folfox in 07/04

My original oncologist left my area at the end of my chemo treatment and I have not been pleased with his replacement. I have felt like an unwanted "child" he inherited and had to take care of. Anyway, he has not been as thorough with me as I would like. My next scan was to be next month and only of my chest. My CEA had gone from 1.3 to 1.7 and I didn't want a trend to be happening without being closely monitored. So I decided to go with my heart and travel four hours to be seen by my original oncologist. I am so grateful I went with my gut feeling. I saw my prior oncologist who ordered a CT of my pelvis, abdomen, and chest. The good news is that my colon is in his words "is
as clean as a whistle." His next words were the shocker......."but the CT scan showed a tear in your abdominal aorta." I was too shocked to know what to ask. My prior CT in September show all my vessels to be of normal appearance and size. He said that I don't
have an aneurysm so that is good, but the hole is leaking blood and needs to be repaired. My prior two CT scans mentioned suture material left in my surgical site and that has them babbled. He called my original surgeon and both agreed that they had never seen a report of suture material noted in a CT . So I am on bed rest until I can see a vascular surgeon. I think maybe the surgical material moved when I took a "organic" coffee enema and maybe it punctured a hole. Who knows. I see an internist next Wednesday who will set up a MRI to see how big the tear is and its exact location. From all I have read the surgery is no piece of cake. However, when I remodeled my house last year I had a word theme. I have BELIEVE everywhere in this house as well as out by my pond. So, I guess I better practice what I preach and BELIEVE all will be well this time around too.

Forgive the long post, but Sponger told me long ago it was OK to start a post.

For all of you that are presently on treatment please know that up until yesterday I was full throttle everyday. Chemo does end and things improve rapidly. Maybe I was moving too fast and God needed to remind me to slow down. My friends are already pitching in with my mother who I can no longer lift and help until I get this present little flaw patched.

I love each and care for each and everyone of you deeply.



  • kerry
    kerry Member Posts: 1,313 Member

    I'm sending all my prayers your way. We'll keep in touch. Let me know what I can do to help.

  • debralla
    debralla Member Posts: 203 Member
    kerry said:


    I'm sending all my prayers your way. We'll keep in touch. Let me know what I can do to help.


    know that my thoughts and prayers are with you .Get lots of rest and keep us posted ..
  • jerseysue
    jerseysue Member Posts: 624 Member
    I'm sending good vibes your way! I'm a believer too!
  • scouty
    scouty Member Posts: 1,965 Member
    Honey, honey, honey,

    My heart hurts big time now. So you think it was the Folger's instead of the lifting of your Mom?????? I don't buy that, you're not a blond.

    Dear friend, my love and most positive thoughts are on a beeline to you.

    Lisa P.
  • terril
    terril Member Posts: 296
    Hi Kay!
    BELIEVE. Yes, we do. Be positive. Many people are thinking of you and sending good thoughts. You know something...just another bump in the road, as a friend of mine describes this journey we have all been taking. My prayers and thoughts go out to you for good health and strength in dealing with this news. All shall be well. Terri
  • kangatoo
    kangatoo Member Posts: 2,105 Member
    terril said:

    Hi Kay!
    BELIEVE. Yes, we do. Be positive. Many people are thinking of you and sending good thoughts. You know something...just another bump in the road, as a friend of mine describes this journey we have all been taking. My prayers and thoughts go out to you for good health and strength in dealing with this news. All shall be well. Terri

    Kay....we were very upset to hear that you have this wall thrown at you again. I had to get on the phone as soon as Kerry told me. Strewth two are such a worry! hearing my voice(did yah understand a word I said) might not have helped but hopefully it was at least an ounce of encouragement for you. We hope that somehow it can be fixed without too much trauma to you 'cos how "tha hell" is Kanga gunna bear hugg yah if you are not fit for it?
    Sponger was right to chastise you too sense at all keeping it all pent up...if yah don't tell us how you feel, how are we gunna know?
    (course kanga knows a lotta stuff...ESP...)
    Good to hear you have Chris to help don't fear Kay....lotsa love here for you.
    If I come over there and you are not up and about I am gunna carry you to Palooza 3 all by myself....bugger me back!
    Someone called me an angel in a post a while back...geez.....if thats tha case...I'll fly over tha other side of Austin and get yah!
    You'll be fine me...I'm an ozzie and ozzie's don't lie.
    huggs from the "thongman" and his babe.
  • kangatoo
    kangatoo Member Posts: 2,105 Member
    kangatoo said:

    Kay....we were very upset to hear that you have this wall thrown at you again. I had to get on the phone as soon as Kerry told me. Strewth two are such a worry! hearing my voice(did yah understand a word I said) might not have helped but hopefully it was at least an ounce of encouragement for you. We hope that somehow it can be fixed without too much trauma to you 'cos how "tha hell" is Kanga gunna bear hugg yah if you are not fit for it?
    Sponger was right to chastise you too sense at all keeping it all pent up...if yah don't tell us how you feel, how are we gunna know?
    (course kanga knows a lotta stuff...ESP...)
    Good to hear you have Chris to help don't fear Kay....lotsa love here for you.
    If I come over there and you are not up and about I am gunna carry you to Palooza 3 all by myself....bugger me back!
    Someone called me an angel in a post a while back...geez.....if thats tha case...I'll fly over tha other side of Austin and get yah!
    You'll be fine me...I'm an ozzie and ozzie's don't lie.
    huggs from the "thongman" and his babe.

    Oh yeah...forgot something. For a long time I was sending rainbows to Scouty, phoning her and telling her she would be ok...doing tha same now for you and Kerry. So yah better BELIEVE(there's that word again) me when I tell you I have ESP...Scouty is doin ok now and you and Kerry will be ok too.
    BELIEVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • goldfinch
    goldfinch Member Posts: 735
    So sorry to hear your news. Sending prayers your way.
    I love your theme word...BELIEVE.
    I think i'm going to use that word myself too.
    So to both of us...Believe!
  • goldfinch
    goldfinch Member Posts: 735
    Actually to all of us...BELIEVE!
  • jana11
    jana11 Member Posts: 705
    Oh Kay - holy cow!!

    THANK GOODNESS you went to see the onc who ordered the scan. Someone up there is looking out for you.

    I will keep you on my special prayer lists. You really are so lucky to have found this. Take care of yourself - and don't get overly excited. :)

    Keep your angels near to you. You obviously have many. :)

  • spongebob
    spongebob Member Posts: 2,565 Member
    Kay -

    See what you get for using the cheap Folger's Instant versus the Starbucks double mocha java half skim half soy latte with an extra shot of organic shade grown for that enema?!!

    Well, I have no doubt they'll get that bleed closed up and you'll be good as new in no time. And I am SO glad you listened to your body and sought out the counsel of a trusted advisor - it certainly paid off!

    Be well, sweetie and keep us posted on your surgery date and status.

    Love ya

    - SpongeBob
  • jsabol
    jsabol Member Posts: 1,145 Member
    I can hardly catch my breath after reading your post. You are one lucky lady to have persevered to see your old, thorough onc. Good for you and him. I'm not that far behind you in my course (surgery Nov 03, finished chemo July 04) and look to you as a role model!
    After reading your post, I have to BELIEVE that just discovering your tear is a small miracle, and that the repair will take care of the whole thing, and you will be on full throttle again in the near future.
    In the meantime, rest easy, and continue to BELIEVE. You and your mom remain in my prayers; we are all pulling for you. Judy
  • Betsydoglover
    Betsydoglover Member Posts: 1,248 Member
    Kay - What a shock! How great that you decided to listen to yourself and drive the distance to see a doctor you trust. I'm sure now, even though it won't be fun, they will get you repaired and back on your healing path.

    Take care. And a serious lesson for all of us - if you feel like your doctors aren't really paying attention to YOU, if for any reason the medical advice you are getting doesn't seem right, it is time for you to look around and look around quickly.

    Good luck.
  • pink05
    pink05 Member Posts: 550

    You are in my thoughts and prayers. Hang in there.

  • greta
    greta Member Posts: 237 Member
    pink05 said:


    You are in my thoughts and prayers. Hang in there.


    Hi Kay,
    Congrats on following your heart and finding out about the bleed before anything more serious happened. Must be tough laying in bed and all. Hope all goes well with the surgery. You'll be in my thoughts. greta