Lindyloo are you still out there?

shorty6 Member Posts: 15
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Dear Linda--I am also quite new to this site. I saw your posting to "Caregivers please respond" in response to Oneeagleswings in early February. I'm glad to hear that your husband is doing well and hope that this has continued. I am a caregiver for my daughter, age 34, whose history seems similar to your husband's. The original tumor in the colon metastasized to her liver and lungs. The liver mets and the original tumor in the colon have been resected, but the lung mets remain, and have thus far been resistent to all of the chemotherapy regimens that she has gone through (Folfox; Folfiri; Avastin; Erbitux; and even one clinical trial). The lung surgeon said that her lung mets were inoperable. I would appreciate learning the name of the lung surgeon who operated on your husband. If you would be so kind to respond, I would greatly appreciate it. You can also respond via e-mail through this site. Were his mets in both lungs? How many were there?

We know what you are going through and though it is difficult, we try to remain strong and keep charging ahead, praying that the next regimen will provide the cure. We wish you, your husband and your family the best.
Thank you,


  • StacyGleaso
    StacyGleaso Member Posts: 1,233 Member

    Not to interrupt your trying to talk to Linda, but I couldn't help but hone in on the part about your daughter's lung mets being inoperable. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE e-mail 2bhealed and scouty from this site. They can BOTH offer nutrition options on cases that chemo wasn't used on or helpful with. The word inoperable makes things sound so awful, and you need to know that their are options out there.

    Keep the faith,

    Stacy (former Stage 4, now the BIG ZERO! (in a good way, of course!) )