
debcanmcg Member Posts: 32
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Husband 51 diag 5/04 stg IV CR cancer. Had 29+ rounds chemo, had several urinary track infections then cea went up to 459 chemo chged two weeks ago felt fine for two days then the floor fell out. could not eat went for first pet scan then to er needed fluids went to clinic next day with blood in urine sent home again with Leviquen? Over week end BAD pains went into Hospital on monday with stool in urine and out rectum (has as ostomy) ran test all week found Fistulas. ONe from colon to the blader one from the small intestine to the rectum stump. CEA droped to 90 with the first round of new chemo. Has any one had this or knows someone who has??? Need info so I understand when we see the Oncologist next week.


  • CAMaura
    CAMaura Member Posts: 719 Member
    Oh my goodness. I am so sorry to hear of these problems surfacing for your husband; I am sure you are incredibly worried for him. I know you are not asking my opinion, but I don't have direct info other than to say that having stool in his urine is a sure sign of bacteria set for one spot or ogan being sent to another. That worries me. I think this calls for someone in conjunction with his oncologist - a gastro doc, and possibly a surgeon...I'm really not sure. My thought is that the onc deals with the cancer - or actually the chemo - but the others are dealing with his body and organs; know what I mean?
    He is sustaining a lot of discomfort. If you feel comfortable, please push for some direct answers to bring your husband's body into the balance which he certainly deserves.
    Don't be shy. Be a squeakly wheel on his behalf. I landed in the ER for fluids, but I caused a stir even after that seemingly little glitch. Ask for specialists and then ask again. Your husband really deserves to have his body set up correctly after an ostomy. This is possible. Find out where the problem is and and what the option is for repair. You know, I cannot help but think that he has had his life turned upside down with the initial surgery and chemo; and so have you. My hope is that the docs can pull together to collaborate for a current solution. As you can see, I do not have any direct answers - just feel for his pain and your anguish. Do push on his behalf and do not settle until you and the docs have a plan for this that leads to a logical solution of a body which is in balnace with surgery, chemo, etc. The both of you will benefit. All the best and I wish some restful nights coming to both of you - Maura
  • Btrcup
    Btrcup Member Posts: 286
    Deb, my hubby dealt with fistulas. They were from the colon to the outside of his abdomen. They gave him small ostomy bags to contain the fluid. He started with an abcess. The surgeon drained it and he ended up with 3 fistulas. I'm not sure it this is the same as your husband's, but if you have any questions, you can email me through ACS.
