Help me I am lost

Angel34207 Member Posts: 1
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
Hi, My name is Angel and I was diagnosed with stage 4a ovarian cancer last year. I am finished with my chemo and the horizon looks clear. My problem is that now I do not know where to find help with the emotioal issuse. I am 23 now and had to have a complete hystorectomy. I tried going to a theripist to deal with the emotional side of recovery but did not get any comfort or strategy. I was wondering if anyone in the Tampa Bay are could tell me of a support group of women in my possition???


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  • Waving
    Waving Member Posts: 43
    Hi Angel34207,
    If you go to the webpage you can find links to a variety of ovarian cancer and related websites for information and support.
  • groundeffect
    groundeffect Member Posts: 639 Member
    Have you spoken to the Tampa Bay area American Cancer Society office? With a quick search on the internet, I see there is a American Cancer Society's Benjamin Mendick Hope Lodge in Tampa, and that they address emotional needs for cancer survivors. Here's there info: 12810 Magnolia Drive, Tampa, FL 33612, 813.490.4700. Give them a call and see if they can refer you to someone who can give you support.

    There is also a group that is affiliated with the affiliated with the Ovarian Cancer National Alliance, OVACOME, in Tampa. Their phone # is 813-223-9108, and they have a website at

    I hope you'll call one or both of them, and are able to sit down and talk with other women in your situation. I love my support group, and draw comfort as well as a lot of information from them when we meet. We have one member who is in her 20's, and talking to her has made me realize how hard it must be.

    Finding you had cancer must have been pretty awful, and having a hysterectomy at your age would certainly be a traumatic experience. Let us know if you're able to make contact with a group. I was a little scared of going to a meeting, not knowing what to expect, but found a group of women who have all "been there", are living and working (if they're not retired), and are always looking forward.
  • Kares
    Kares Member Posts: 1
    Hi Angel.

    I am a 31-year-old female who was just diagnosed with stage 4 ovarian cancer last month. I also live in the Tampa Bay area.

    I just underwent surgery last week where they did a hysterectomy. I am married and have a 3-year-old daughter. My husband and I were planning to start trying for our second child after this past Christmas. So like yourself, this event has left us traumatized.

    I too, am looking for a support group. That is how I came across your message. I would be happy to speak with you, and maybe we can work together to find or create a support group.

    Please do not hesitate to reply. My battle against this disease has just begun. I could use some words of encouragement and advise myself.
  • amberlo
    amberlo Member Posts: 3
    Hi my name is Amber and i am 25 i do not live in your area but i am here to talk to also. I was diagnosed with stage 3 ovarian cancer and had my right ovary removed. Granted no hysterectimy, i am very scared that the cancer may come back and will lead to that. I have no children and want them someday. The thoughts that go through my head daily are sometimes very tramatic. I would love to hear from u sometime
  • jana2
    jana2 Member Posts: 1
    Hi,my name is Jana I live in north carolina I am 31 years old and have a 7 and 5 year old. My cancer started in the cervic, the ovaries, then the bladder. I feel like im falling apart. I would love to chat sometime
  • Lydia2
    Lydia2 Member Posts: 1
    jana2 said:

    Hi,my name is Jana I live in north carolina I am 31 years old and have a 7 and 5 year old. My cancer started in the cervic, the ovaries, then the bladder. I feel like im falling apart. I would love to chat sometime

    Hi jana, my name is Lydia and I live in Upstate New York.

    Like you, my cancer started in my cervix. Since the surgery, I have had many bladder issues. They are doing tests in the next 3 weeks to see exactly what is wrong.

    We are also looking into recurring ovarian cysts, which release into my abdomen, burst and cause fluid and pain, those don't worry them. There is one cyst that has been in my ovary for a long time but hasn't moved. They did a CA125 (?)and the levels were elevated but within normal limits.
    They told me there could be some endometriosis in there causing the elevation so we are not doing anything right now.

    They also recently removed some some external vaginal tissue lesions and found more pre cancer cells. The doctor's told me it couldn't spread to my ovaries and rarely spreads to the bladder. What has me scared is this recent pathology report mirrors what they found before diagnosing the cancer. I'm trying my best not to show how this is worrying me but, yesterday, I lost it.

    I understand when you say you feel like you are falling apart. Me too. What's worse is watching my family fall apart, that really bothers me most.

    The thing is, I love talking to them but it's so hard talking honestly about it sometimes. Especially to my husband because he gets so sad and angry that it's happening to me.

    I need someone to talk to that won't break into tears or feel sorry for me and have to see the pain in their eyes looking back at me. It makes me feel awful and I need to feel better.

    I'm not sure if you are looking for information or just someone to talk to, but if you want to talk, I would be glad to listen if you will.


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