Do ever feel....after losing mom to breast cancer.

Mylin Member Posts: 7
edited March 2014 in Surviving Caregivers #1
greetings. I lost my mom to breast cancer that developed into secondary(liver, lungs, and brain) in august of 2004. I"m 30 years old and feel that i have been dealing with it pretty well, but I've noticed that I tend to obsess on cancer now. Anytime I get even a measley cold I start to have looming thoughts that I too have cancer now. Is this normal? Does anyone else feel like this? I would love any and all input. Thank you so much.


  • AuthorUnknown
    AuthorUnknown Member Posts: 1,537 Member

    Please accept my condolences on the loss of your mother. I encourage you to visit our chat rooms. You will find other caregivers there as well as survivors. You will find many who have struggled with the fear of cancer recurrence as well as the fear of cancer diagnosis.

    You may even want to visit the breast cancer discussion board. I think you will find much support there also. I wish you the best.

    Take care and be well,

    CSN Dana
  • eeyore2
    eeyore2 Member Posts: 1
    I can understand exactly how you feel. I lost my mom spring 2006 to lung cancer. I also feel like thoughts of cancer seem to be more prevalent than ever before. I hope it helps to know you are not alone.
  • Jjacobs0816
    Jjacobs0816 Member Posts: 2
    yes, I have a problem with this too. I am 24 years old and lost my mom to pancreatic cancer in May 06. You are not alone with this. You are in my thoughts and prayers!

  • surfgal
    surfgal Member Posts: 2
    Hi Melinda,

    I would imagine this is very normal to feel this way. However, information can be your ally and replace negative thoughts with positive facts. Although 1 in 8 women will have breast cancer this only assumes that study population will not make life changes that will dramatically affect this outcome.

    For instance, the New England Journal of Medicine reported a 72% reduction in the risk of breast cancer among women who walked daily. You can read more about it here:

    Breast cancer can be prevented through proper diet, exercise and medical supervision so keep the faith and start changing your health, it will change your mindset.