follow up question

vanser Member Posts: 100 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Hi everyone -
Thanks for the replies to my last post - I really appreciate it ! I had one quick follow up question for SpongeBob - you mentioned that some family members have bladder mets from Colon cancer (sorry that you have to go through that) is blood in the urine how the mets were detected ? (she did not "see" blood, traces were found by the lab...)

Thanks again,


  • spongebob
    spongebob Member Posts: 2,565 Member
    Vanessa -

    There was blood in the urine, but in very small amounts that were not readily visible to the unaided eye. The test to have done to detect it is called a urine cytology test - its a standard lab test.

    The cystoscope is more invasive and is basically like a colonoscopy for the bladder (the tube is a bit smaller - although it doesn't seem much smaller! - and you don't get any drugs).

    - SB