Home After Liver Re-section

markatger Member Posts: 314
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1

Wow, what a week. But, I'm home and with some shocking news. The tumors that they took out of my liver did not come back colo-rectal cancer metastasis on my pathology report. The surgeon also didn't think it looked like CRC.

They think it is some rare benign liver adenoma!! It is found in young women who have a history of birth control use - which I have used maybe a total of 18 months in my 34 years.

It is shocking, the surgeon and oncologist heads are spinning a little. They seem thought to be sure that it is not CRC or primary liver cancer.

I was also able to get my vaginal adhesion un-adhesed. But the weird thing though is I'm supposed to use Estogren now which is bad for the benign liver adenoma which they removed.

They said its ok to use the cream but I'm a little nervous.

Also the liver surgery was pretty shocking to the system, but all in all it onyl was 5 days in the hosptital.

Again it is still sinking in that I my not have ever been stage IV after being told that for over 9 months.



  • lfondots63
    lfondots63 Member Posts: 818 Member
    Hi Maria,

    This is GREAT! Congrats! This is even better then NED. I am glad you are not feeling too bad after the hospital stay.

  • rthornton
    rthornton Member Posts: 346 Member
    Hi Maria.

    I am really glad to see that you are past this surgery and doing well. That is very interesting news, certainly the first time I have heard of someone getting results like that. But it's great that the lesions weren't cancer!

    I wish you a great recovery from the surgery.

  • glimmerofhope
    glimmerofhope Member Posts: 53 Member
    Maria, that's great news, but I'm sorry they had to slice on your liver to determine this. I'm guessing that you are minus one gall bladder because of this, also.

    I think quite often we give the docs too much credit. Did they think you had metastatic colon cancer in your liver based on a CAT scan or PET scan? I have read that CAT scans are only 40% accurate where PET scans are 90% accurate in identifying cancer and based on my experience that seems about right.

    There are a LOT of things that show up on CAT scans that aren't cancer.
  • joanneire
    joanneire Member Posts: 75 Member
    Dear Maria
    That's great news- in a weird kind of way! Hope you have a speedy recovery. All the best, Jo
  • littlejulie
    littlejulie Member Posts: 311
    WOW!!! That really is SHOCKING NEWS! thats GREAT to hear! CONGRATULATIONS!
  • markatger
    markatger Member Posts: 314

    Maria, that's great news, but I'm sorry they had to slice on your liver to determine this. I'm guessing that you are minus one gall bladder because of this, also.

    I think quite often we give the docs too much credit. Did they think you had metastatic colon cancer in your liver based on a CAT scan or PET scan? I have read that CAT scans are only 40% accurate where PET scans are 90% accurate in identifying cancer and based on my experience that seems about right.

    There are a LOT of things that show up on CAT scans that aren't cancer.

    It is still really weird to me. My liver tumors showed positive on both CT AND Pet scans. Also the scan results were affected by chemo The docs had to do resaerch on this. But I guess they concluded that these rare adenomas are fueled by estrogen. Chemo and radiation affected my ovaries. So the tumors suffered as my ovaries were zapped?!!! I don't know - it seems like a stretch. I hope they are still trying to make sense out of it. I am really considering trying to find a specialist.

  • markatger
    markatger Member Posts: 314
    Lisa, Rodney : ), Jo and Julie,

    Thanks for the cheers!! WOOT WOOT.

    Gaws let me tell you though, I'm starting to look a little frankensteinish. This liver surgery insicion is a lot bigger than I thought it was going to be.

    Oh well - I am just so glad that it is over with!!!

    : ) Maria
  • Betsydoglover
    Betsydoglover Member Posts: 1,248 Member
    Maria - what absolutely incredible news. Unfortunate that you had to have liver resection to find this out, but all things considered it is still good news.

    Someday I may have liver surgery, although I am NED now and no surgeon would touch me. From what I have read on the net, the incision is shockingly large. So sorry you had to go through that when you don't actually have metastatic disease. (Although perhaps benign adenomas need to be removed????)

    Anyway, Maria, I'm happy for you.

  • Moesimo
    Moesimo Member Posts: 1,072 Member

    I am so happy for you. what good news!!!!! Go out and celebrate.

  • oneagleswings
    oneagleswings Member Posts: 425 Member
    OMG- your head must be reeling. That is the most awesome news and truly a gift from God-hope your healing goes well- and all the best.
  • livin
    livin Member Posts: 318 Member
    Maria, I am so glad you recieved GOOD NEWS, Thank GOD. I hope everything else goes well for you. Like believe there is HOPE. Livin