liver enzymes are elevated

drc758 Member Posts: 4
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
I have been cancer free 3 yrs in Feb had 6 inches colon removed 21 lymph nodes and 2 had cancer had to have chemo,now I have my first bad blood test in 3 yrs can someone tell me what to expect or what this might mean I go for c.t. scan Fri thanks--Dana


  • glimmerofhope
    glimmerofhope Member Posts: 53 Member
    I'm no Dr., but I am familiar with alkaline phosphatase being elevated due to arterial injection pump chemo that I took.

    My alkaline phosphatase was 1400 a year or so ago (128 is high end of normal). I was told this was a measure of PERMANENT damage to my liver, by my liver surgeon, who I have a great deal of confidence in. (He's also the guy who cut out literally 1/2 of my liver 3 years ago.)

    Through some miracle (and maybe milk thistle that I'm taking) my alkaline phosphatase has dropped to 176 and continues to fall even while taking 5FU, Avastin, and ammonium tetrathiomolybdate for 7 months.....go figure.
  • drc758
    drc758 Member Posts: 4

    I'm no Dr., but I am familiar with alkaline phosphatase being elevated due to arterial injection pump chemo that I took.

    My alkaline phosphatase was 1400 a year or so ago (128 is high end of normal). I was told this was a measure of PERMANENT damage to my liver, by my liver surgeon, who I have a great deal of confidence in. (He's also the guy who cut out literally 1/2 of my liver 3 years ago.)

    Through some miracle (and maybe milk thistle that I'm taking) my alkaline phosphatase has dropped to 176 and continues to fall even while taking 5FU, Avastin, and ammonium tetrathiomolybdate for 7 months.....go figure.

    sooo 128 is pretty normal???
  • CAMaura
    CAMaura Member Posts: 719 Member
    Hi Dana -
    Sort of funny (not funny - haha - that you are having problems) to read your post because I had 7 inches removed and 3 of 17 bad lymph nodes. Just goofy how I read things now that I have cancer.....
    Okay, back from the neurotic me. I would first think of your diet. What might be going on so that your liver is having a hard time processing all of the things going through your system right now? Also, what is considered normal for the specific enzyme? The range is normally listed on the bloodwork. We have to remember how important the liver truly is. It functions to filter everything, and there could be a variety of reasons for an elevation: meds which your liver cannot handle well, lots of holiday fun which might tax the liver...I don't know for sure. But your gastroenterologist might be of good use.
    Also, there are plenty of ways to cleanse your liver and rid it of toxins. Check out Dr. (Linda - I think) Cabot's site on the web...she is a liver specialist and is very interesting. I was able to bring my liver function back quite quickly after chemo (on my own and then found her site) with lots (LOTS) of water, and a few supplements known to be specific for liver cleansing. But she has very logical info and is worth a look. Please feel free to e-mail me if you are would like any specifics about how my elevated liver enzymes came back on track. In my case, the numbers freaked me out , so I stopped chemo and have never regretted my decision; my thought was that my body had received all that it could withstand.
    Sounds like you are prettty heads-up, though. All the best and I am sure you will find your answers.
    Take care - Maura
  • taraHK
    taraHK Member Posts: 1,952 Member
    I'm not a doc but my understanding is that there are many possible reasons for elevated liver counts. It is good that you are going for CT scan -- good to check things out. But, here's hoping it is nothing serious. Will be thinking of you as you go through the scan and waiting for results. "Feed the faith, starve the doubt"
  • luluatkins
    luluatkins Member Posts: 3
    I have had colon cancer also stage 3. I take a herbal supplement for my liver called Milk Thistle.Plus a few other supplements.I feel they help a lot. And I also quite using sugar all together. Sugar feeds cancer cells.I dont eat beef at all.Have you tryed doing any of these things? Milk thistle is good for your liver , I was told by my doctor to take it. My cancer was discovered in june 2003. I hope this can be of some help to you. luluatkins