22 yr old daughter stage 3

suezav Member Posts: 42
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
hello. i'm brand new here. my 22 yr old daughter was diagnosed with stage 3 rectal cancer last april. she had symptoms, read alot online, decided she needed a colonoscopy (of course i was sure it was irritable bowel), found a great gastro guy and had the test. we were shocked with the results. she had chemo (5fu, oxaliplatin,etc.) before she could even start the chemo, she developed a terrible infection after having a transrectal ultrasound with needle biopsy which was used as a diagnostic tool. she spent 10 days in the hospital on massive doses of morphine and antibiotics. this delayed the start of her chemo and scared us all even more than we already were. she had a resection on nov 4th (no colostomy, yeah!) and is now doing radiation with 5fu. she will then have 4 more months of chemo. my question is did anyone else out there have a transrectal ultrasound and were you given antibiotics to prevent infection? this really bothers me-she suffered so much. meanwhile, she's finishing out her last year of engineering school and has managed to keep her grades up! sorry to go on for so long. a happy and healthy new year to all. there are so many inspiring stories out there. it helps to keep me positive. thanks for listening....susan


  • spongebob
    spongebob Member Posts: 2,565 Member
    Wow, Susan! What an inspiring person your daughter is. You must be very proud - and rightfully so.

    Sounds like she has a great gastro doc, too. Someone who is willing to think outside the box (giving a 22 year old a colonoscopy after all is pretty radical thinking)

    Hey, have your daughter check out: www.colonclub.org and/or www.colondar.com

    Best regards

    - SpongeBob
  • kerry
    kerry Member Posts: 1,313 Member
    Hi Susan,

    Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry about your daughter. Since my diagnosis in 2002 I have been worried about my daughters.

    SpongeBob is correct to contact his recommended website. It will connect you with many young people who have been diagnosed with colorectal cancer.

    Where are you located?? What cancer facility are you using?

    Let us know and we'll be here to support you and our daughter the whole way through this treatment.

  • Moesimo
    Moesimo Member Posts: 1,072 Member
    I am so sorry to hear about your daughter. This is awful for anyone to go through, but worse for someone so young.

    I have had 2 endoscopic ultrasounds and I was not on antibiotics and I did not have any problems after either one.

    Make sure if you have any other children that they also have a colonoscopy.

    I hope your daughter continues to do well and remains cancer free.

  • Kanort
    Kanort Member Posts: 1,272 Member
    Hi Susan,

    I am so sorry to learn of your daughter's diagnosis. It sounds like she has really struggled these past months, but what an accomplishment to be finishing college and taking chemo simultaneously.

    I did not have the procedure you mentioned. Hopefully, someone will be able to answer your question.

    Take care and I wish you both the best.

  • suezav
    suezav Member Posts: 42
    thank you all for your kind words. spongebob, i am very familiar with the website you recommend. i've communicated with molly and also her mom. it would be a wonderful place for my daughter to talk to people her age who've been through this, but she has no interest in it at all. she is as stubborn as a mule! in her own good time, i think she'll find that it will help her to reach out.
    kerry, we live in new jersey and she receives treatment at the cancer institute of new jersey in new brunswick.
    does anyone out there have any advise on how to get through the rectal pain caused by the radiation? she has 2 more weeks to go and really suffers when she has to go to the bathroom. she has all kinds of topical creams and something like an enema with steroids in it to use internally but nothing works really well. any suggestions? thanks again for the support. susan
  • kangatoo
    kangatoo Member Posts: 2,105 Member
    suezav said:

    thank you all for your kind words. spongebob, i am very familiar with the website you recommend. i've communicated with molly and also her mom. it would be a wonderful place for my daughter to talk to people her age who've been through this, but she has no interest in it at all. she is as stubborn as a mule! in her own good time, i think she'll find that it will help her to reach out.
    kerry, we live in new jersey and she receives treatment at the cancer institute of new jersey in new brunswick.
    does anyone out there have any advise on how to get through the rectal pain caused by the radiation? she has 2 more weeks to go and really suffers when she has to go to the bathroom. she has all kinds of topical creams and something like an enema with steroids in it to use internally but nothing works really well. any suggestions? thanks again for the support. susan

    Hi Susan. All I can say is that you are a wonderfull mother for taking the time to find us. This must be so hard for you but there are some great people here to keep you informed with info on just about any problems. For your daughter to go thru all this and still be able to achieve great results in her chosen field is brilliant. She must be a very determined young lady and that attitude will help her get thru this. I did not do radiation so cannot help there but will keep a lookout if you have other questions. She may be stubborn Susan but keep a close eye on her as emotionally things can, and sometimes do change. This disease and its treatments have unusual effects which differ greatly between us all. Recognising those changes and dealing with them can get very difficult and need an open mind and gentle support. As you say...in her own time....just keep an eye on her Susan because 22 is very young to be dealing with cancer.
    Our very best, Ross and Jen