Casodex stops working. What now??

mbeavers Member Posts: 28
edited March 2014 in Prostate Cancer #1
Just received news that my PSA is rising after being on Casodex only for about one year (had orchiectomy in lieu of Lupron) Cancer has metasized to ribs and spine. Have had worsening episodes of bone pain. Need some candid information about what may possibly be down the road. Anyone who has been there, done that, please share your experiences.


  • stuart
    stuart Member Posts: 88
    There is a clinical trial for men in your situation at Sloan-Kettering for a drug called J 591...It has shown some promising results...If you google Sloan Kettering-J591 you can get information on this trial...Hope this helps
  • bitaday
    bitaday Member Posts: 36 Member
    chemothrapy some time reduce psa.Do you know any thing about vaccin?