Long term effects of Taxol on taste buds

Maryjo69 Member Posts: 1
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I am a 69yr old female Survivor of breast cancer.
Its been 14 months now and my food still tastes nasty , I am presently on Anastrazole 1mg daily.
Can any one give me some insight one why it is taking my taste buds so long to return to normal or is there any remedy that you can reccomend?


  • ClaudiaAnn
    ClaudiaAnn Member Posts: 51
    Hi Maryjo69 - I also had Taxol and am on Anastrazole, but I haven't experienced any problem with off tasting food. You might go to the web site my oncologist gave me called PLWC.com or "people living with cancer." There might be some answers ther.
  • nancys
    nancys Member Posts: 323
    hello Maryjo, I am a 5 year bc survivor. I also had Taxol as the last cycle of my chemotherapy. I can not tell you exactaly how long it was that food had little taste. I do know that for quite some time I craved mexican food because the spices in mexican food tasted good to me. The chocolate I used to love has never tasted the same again and I eat very little chocolate....a good thing for me weight wise. I drank diet Dr.Pepper while on chemo and is still the only soft drink that I have any taste for. Your taste will return and one day you will be surprised that something really tastes good. I am not familar with the drug you are now taking but will look it up tonight. It may have something to do with your loss of taste. Stay strong..you have been through the worst. Hugs, Nan
  • ClaudiaAnn
    ClaudiaAnn Member Posts: 51
    I am sorry I gave you incorrect web site info, its plwc.org. After reading NancyS reply, maybe I did have taste change but didn't know it. I also craved chocolate and mexican food. I just didn't associate it. I thought it was a mood thing. Thanks!