Re: has any one noticed when you get tired and out of energy

hounddog Member Posts: 115
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
It has been two years since I finished chemo treatments and I find out when I get tired like I am right now I get a sore Throat and get sick because my system runs low does any one else notice this. Or am I the only one . I got a sore throat before Thanksgiving and was sick all weekend and still have sore Throat.
I'm on an antibiotic.


  • wimpy
    wimpy Member Posts: 58
    Yes I have noticed the same thing. Before cancer I hardly ever got a cold or the flu. Since cancer it is one cold or flu after another. The only time that I stay well is in the summertime when I am getting more sunshine and eating more fruits and vegetables. Don't ask me what is going on but I presume that it is the hit that our immune system took when the chemo and radiation were administered.
  • chhristin
    chhristin Member Posts: 7
    I too seem to get upper respitory sinus infections and colds too often. Seems all it takes is for someone to walk by that is sick and I seem to catch it. I've been sick free for almost 2 months now but it is going around the office once again so I'm ducking for cover. I guess it just takes time for our systems to build up the strength it used to have. Hang in there!