My Mom

themis01 Member Posts: 167
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Hey everyone. My mom has had 4 sessions of Folfiri and has a cat scan tomorrow to see the progress. She is taking 2 weeks off from chemo because the diarrhea and dehydration has really caught up with her. More importnantly she is REALLY down and discouraged and wondering if she will make it. She has finally said she would like to correspond with some people regarding their experience with STAGE 4 colon cancer. If any stage 4 people out there are willing to share their stories of hope I would REALLY appreciate it. If you are interested can you email me on this site and I will give you her email address. I know that she will not send the first email so I am hoping that some of you will be willing to write to her first and share your stories. She is so down mentally that I am afraid she will give up even though she says she doesn't want to die. Thanks to any stage 4 survivors that have time to help in your busy lives.


  • deneenb
    deneenb Member Posts: 130 Member
    Hi Erika,

    I would be more than happy to tell your mom about my dad's situation. He has had the ups and downs but according to his Dr's he is a real success story so far. All contrary to what we were originally told when he was diagnosed. I will say a prayer for your mom's scans to be good.

    Best Wishes,
  • StacyGleaso
    StacyGleaso Member Posts: 1,233 Member
    Hi there!

    I ALWAYS have time for a fellow semi-colon! I am a stage 4 survivor who has been clear for 4 yrs now. Mine spread to my liver, and they didn't find that out until I was on the operating table. She can and will get through this. Each day is ONE DAY CLOSER TO REMISSION! The way I look at it, if "all the world's a stage," then I was the star! Have your mom get in touch with 2bhealed (Emily) and scouty (Lisa) to learn ways to beat this monster with nutrition. In rough times, you need to call on the "big guns!"

    Anytime you or your mom need ANYTHING, just gimme a holler....I cruise in here AT LEAST once a day to offer my "2 cents" worth, which usually leads to a dollar or two!

    Keep the faith,
