Very Scared LDH still climbing!!!!!!!!!!!

bebe1976 Member Posts: 60
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hey all,
I saw my doctor las week and was told that the LDH that was slightly high last month went up 133 points this month. I will have a bilateral breast MRI tommorow and a PET CT if that does not show much. I have been cancer free for three years. After my treatment was over I graduated lawschool, got married and still have my old job so I feel I have a lot to loose if I don't win my battle next time around, WHICH MIGHT BE NOW!!!!!!. I am sooo scared, doctor says I don't fit the profile for a cancer recurrence as of yet and that he's sure it's nothing but I didn't fit his profile three years ago and got cancer anyway. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • 24242
    24242 Member Posts: 1,398
    I am sorry you have to face this again, once should of been enough for us all. You are an amazing woman that inspire us all, your accomplishments many for someone who has faced all you have. It is time we truly think deeply about creating the life we want and stop getting ahead of ourselves especially after all this time. I too find myself running all sorts of senarios in my head and that is enough to stress anyone. I often tell people that sometimes the best we can do is get out of bed and breathe deeply because that can be quite an accomplishment. WE all have lives ahead of us for how long is another question is all. After cancer we should be slowing the mind and resigning to the day we are on. Calming through the worst storm is hard work but simple, just not easy.
    Be good to yourself first,
  • bebe1976
    bebe1976 Member Posts: 60
    24242 said:

    I am sorry you have to face this again, once should of been enough for us all. You are an amazing woman that inspire us all, your accomplishments many for someone who has faced all you have. It is time we truly think deeply about creating the life we want and stop getting ahead of ourselves especially after all this time. I too find myself running all sorts of senarios in my head and that is enough to stress anyone. I often tell people that sometimes the best we can do is get out of bed and breathe deeply because that can be quite an accomplishment. WE all have lives ahead of us for how long is another question is all. After cancer we should be slowing the mind and resigning to the day we are on. Calming through the worst storm is hard work but simple, just not easy.
    Be good to yourself first,

    Thanks for all your support Tara, it has really helped ease the nervousness.
    Know you can also count on me.