NO MORE TAMOXIFEN...Lets Get Pregnant!

auzigal Member Posts: 20
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I just had to share this....and see if anyone out there has done this. I went off the tamoxifen last week after only 3 years. We are going to try and get pregnant...I can only hope that chemo didnt kill my eggs completely and the hormone fluctuations of a pregnany wont make the cancer come back to haunt me. Feeling petrified and scared that im taking my life into my own hands, but excited at the possibility that we might actually have a kid. Please let me know if you have been through this...would love some support around about now.




  • sassysally
    sassysally Member Posts: 150
    auzigal, I was 28 the first go round with breast cancer. I chose not to take tamoxifen, but oncologist told me with the chemo I had, it would kill all my eggs and children would be out of the question. Well......... my son will be 11 in January. My advice to you is to wait at least one year before attempting to get pregnant to give your body awhile to get the tamoxifen out of your system. My cancer was hormone receptive. I have subsequently had breast cancer two more times since then. Pregnancy went fine, got cancer three years after my son was born. Did pregnancy bring the cancer on???? who knows, but got it before pregnant... wouldn't give up my son for the world. YOU GO GIRL!!! Good luck and best wishes. If you have any other questions, let me know.

