spongebob Member Posts: 2,565 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
I know... some of you newer folks are saying "Who the #$%^ is "SpongeBob" " - right? And some of you older members - like Nanuk - who have memory problems (they say that's the SECOND thing to go, Bud...) probably can't recall me either!

Sorry I;ve been AWOL - I'm still without a house, but looking like crazy. I left the ship and started in my new position in DC. The job is fun and I'm working with many folks who I consider old friends, so that's always nice. I'm still stressing out about finding a house. Staying at my sister's place is great - except for the 2 hour commute each way and the fact that I haven't seen my "stuff" since May.

Been some emotional bumps along the way, too, but nothing I can't overcome. I hope you are all fine. Looking forward to "re-engaging in our constructive dialogue" (or as the semi-colons would say - "Can't wait to shoot the #@$%")

Be well

- SpongeBob


  • tkd3g
    tkd3g Member Posts: 767
    Well, a fine howdy-do to you, ole' friend.

    Nice to see you back.

    Sorry you can't find a place to hang your hat. You will soon.

    We all missed you and your wonderful humor.

    Do ya miss the ship? I was thinking of you. My daughter and I went on a cruise to Canada. We were in a thunder and lightning storm one night. Seas were rough and tumbly :) It was actually pretty fun to experience.

    I was thinking it would have been a piece of cake for you. You probably experience that often and in a MUCH smaller ship. ( oh Sponge, my mind just goes in one direction when I talk with you)

    Great to see ya back


  • goldfinch
    goldfinch Member Posts: 735
    It's nice to see you back! I always miss your wit and wisdom when you're gone.

    It's tough being in limbo. Hope you find a home that works for you soon.

    Two hour commute!!! I complain about my half hour commute. I'll stop now (for a while:-).
    Glad you're able to be working with old friends.

    Hoping the "emotional bumps" even out soon.
    Again...Welcome back!
  • taraHK
    taraHK Member Posts: 1,952 Member
    Welcome back. Some time ago, you recommended white ginger oil to me, for combating nausea. I had quite a search to find it, but now have -- I love the smell! I'll be trying it out very soon, as I start my 5th round of chemo. Many thanks for the tip (and I still 'owe you' some dried squid!).
  • scouty
    scouty Member Posts: 1,965 Member
    I am so glad to see you back. I thought I might have given you food poisoning while you were here at our gathering.

    Hugs, Lisa P.
  • StacyGleaso
    StacyGleaso Member Posts: 1,233 Member
    You were gone??????

    Tee hee! Of course we missed you! A day without SpongeBob is like a day without SUNSHINE! It's like when your shoes are on the wrong feet, and you know something isn't quite right, but you just cannot figure it out! (Oh, act like that has never happened to you!)

    Glad you're back buddy! Your REAL friends will never let you down!!!!!!!!!

  • livin
    livin Member Posts: 318 Member
    Glad to hear you are back. Hope you find a home soon, good things come to those who wait. I have always thought you have a interesting and exciting job. Livin
  • RunnerZ
    RunnerZ Member Posts: 185
    Sponge Bob! Welcome back! I have friends who just purchased a house in DC...market is crazy. You have to rush to put in a bid and many people even overbid in an attempt to win the house. Now, if you could just get a gig on the Great Lakes, there are plenty of houses for sale at far more modest prices. Great to have you back. The names come and go, but there is only one Sponge. How are you feeling? I'm doing well...running and helping to coach my daughter's cross-country team. Hope you are navigating the emotional bumps. Expect more of them...I have endured many over the past 7 years since surviving cancer...some cancer related and some just life. Keep in touch!
  • kangatoo
    kangatoo Member Posts: 2,105 Member
    RunnerZ said:

    Sponge Bob! Welcome back! I have friends who just purchased a house in DC...market is crazy. You have to rush to put in a bid and many people even overbid in an attempt to win the house. Now, if you could just get a gig on the Great Lakes, there are plenty of houses for sale at far more modest prices. Great to have you back. The names come and go, but there is only one Sponge. How are you feeling? I'm doing well...running and helping to coach my daughter's cross-country team. Hope you are navigating the emotional bumps. Expect more of them...I have endured many over the past 7 years since surviving cancer...some cancer related and some just life. Keep in touch!

    Hey Sponger......did yah bring a note? Buddy, if you get real desperate for a home you could always raid the local marine surplus yards. Some crazy company over here is buying up shipping containers and converting them into transportable homes. Metinks the air-con bill would be a tad high tho..them containers get hot!
    Emotional??.....I get emotional every time you guys n gals mention Vegas! Seriously buddy, hope you get thru things mate. Luv from oz, Ross n Jen
    (or if you like..from tha toothless one!)
  • JKendall
    JKendall Member Posts: 186
    Hey SB...glad to see you're back---welcome! Jimmy
  • nanuk
    nanuk Member Posts: 1,358 Member
    I would respond, but I can't remember what I was going to say..

    Nanuk, who has an advanced case of CRS..
  • HowardJ
    HowardJ Member Posts: 474
    Hi SB, Welcome Back! I've missed your sage advice and great humor!
