Krispy Kreme ~

Doreen65 Member Posts: 52
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Hey board, with all the nutrition talk on here I am really trying to stick to this, BUT yesterday I did have to have a Krispy Kreme doughnut. Do you ever cheat and eat desserts? :o) Oh I am still waiting on my PET scan results. D ~


  • spongebob
    spongebob Member Posts: 2,565 Member
    You will be shot at dawn.

    That was "a" Krispy Kreme and not "a box of" Krispy Kremes, right? I can't eat just one so I stay away from them like they're the plague! Ahhhh... especially when they're hot.... (grooooowwwlll) There goes my stomach...

    The deal is that excess is bad. Enjoy things in moderation. If you want something, your body is telling you it needs something from that particular food. Maybe carbs? If you consistently ignore your cravings, you will eventually cave and binge and that's worse than having "one" every now and again.

    Confucious say "One donut make no big cancer".


    SpongeBob (I DON't want a donut... I DON'T want a donut... I DON'T want a donut...)
  • cheer3
    cheer3 Member Posts: 105 Member
    Hello Doreen,
    Don't beat yourself up. When I have normal liver function, I am going to have a brownie and ice cream!!!
    Blessings to you,

  • HisJoy
    HisJoy Member Posts: 113
    cheer3 said:

    Hello Doreen,
    Don't beat yourself up. When I have normal liver function, I am going to have a brownie and ice cream!!!
    Blessings to you,


    Hey, is your chemo messing up your liver, too? I finally got so bad that they withheld chemo for another 3 weeks to try to get my liver back in line, so NO white sugar or flour for me. I'm also blessed with non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, a liver disease, and so that isn't helping a bit. Is there anything in particular you're doing to get your liver functions back in line?
    Bonny Buffington
  • scouty
    scouty Member Posts: 1,965 Member
    Hey Doreen,

    I live in the area that Krispy Kreme first started so I can relate. There are things that you think you just "have to have" and I completely understand that. I am not perfect and never will be. Sponger is right about moderation. BUT, please think about what is important to you. I don't like putting it in these kinds of words, but I have to. Would you rather live a few more days or eat that doughnut? The choice is yours.

    Lisa P.
  • kangatoo
    kangatoo Member Posts: 2,105 Member
    scouty said:

    Hey Doreen,

    I live in the area that Krispy Kreme first started so I can relate. There are things that you think you just "have to have" and I completely understand that. I am not perfect and never will be. Sponger is right about moderation. BUT, please think about what is important to you. I don't like putting it in these kinds of words, but I have to. Would you rather live a few more days or eat that doughnut? The choice is yours.

    Lisa P.

    Ok..Kanga fesses up. This is true. I think Jen thought I was with child. Believe it or not I had cravings for sweet stuff...not in my nature normally but there was stuff while I was on chemo that positively made me sick. Here's a sample of the cravings I had.....BAD BOY!The cravings went for at least a month on each item..true!
    Cherry ripes, hot donuts, plain salted crisps, chocolate blocks, Turkish delights. Tsk! tsk! So hit me Lisa. It was amazing that these "bad things" I could keep down yet 90% of the good foods I found hard to tolerate..go figure. Needless to say I have changed my evil ways now but while on chemo I did eat some wierd food. The only thing now out of that lot that I really, really like to eat now is the hot donuts(when Jen lets me have '!)
    Now I am a kiwi fruit convert!
  • kangatoo
    kangatoo Member Posts: 2,105 Member
    kangatoo said:

    Ok..Kanga fesses up. This is true. I think Jen thought I was with child. Believe it or not I had cravings for sweet stuff...not in my nature normally but there was stuff while I was on chemo that positively made me sick. Here's a sample of the cravings I had.....BAD BOY!The cravings went for at least a month on each item..true!
    Cherry ripes, hot donuts, plain salted crisps, chocolate blocks, Turkish delights. Tsk! tsk! So hit me Lisa. It was amazing that these "bad things" I could keep down yet 90% of the good foods I found hard to tolerate..go figure. Needless to say I have changed my evil ways now but while on chemo I did eat some wierd food. The only thing now out of that lot that I really, really like to eat now is the hot donuts(when Jen lets me have '!)
    Now I am a kiwi fruit convert!

    Doreen..I am not advocating you eat any of that stuff. For one thing it is not good for you and the other thing is that if Emily were here you would feel her wrath!
    And of course Scouty would take a baseball bat to yah if she got close enough!
    Kanga was just tellin' it as it!
  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,065 Member
    Hi doreen,

    I always feel so sad when I read posts like this. I wonder why does sugar (insert your particular craving) has such a strong hold on us.....even when our life is on the line.

    I am experiencing this with my father who is overweight and having health problems. I watched my sister die an agonizing slow death from intestinal cancer.

    I will tell you that dying from intestinal cancer is very ugly. She could not eat near the end and looked like a cadaver from the holocaust. People stared at her in public. And yet she couldn't give up her sugar.

    Have you ever seen a person hauling their oxygen tank behind them while they smoked a cigarette? Were you appalled? Did you ask yourself....HOW can someone with emphysema be SMOKING???

    I feel the same way when I see people still wanting their cake and eating it too when they are dealing with intestinal cancer. I just feel so sad.

    You will not feel my wrath. Just my sadness.

    Do I ever have sweets? Yes, but natural ones. Ones without refined sweeteners. Ones that have nutritional value. Ones that will not contribute to my demise.

    It's all about choice......not so much moderation.

    peace, emily