Looking for...

GreatGF Member Posts: 7
edited March 2014 in Emotional Support #1
I had thought I had posted a request for help finding more information on alternative cancer therapies here on the emotional support area but it doesn't show up.

It doesn't seem the ACS really supports alternative therapies (at least they don't seem to have a section for discussion about it).

I keep hearing (doctors, nurses, etc.) that I need to do chemo again. This is a highly emotional topic for me as I did chemo in the past with a terrifying result and I don't want to do it again.

Any help on this topic (resources) would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


  • AuthorUnknown
    AuthorUnknown Member Posts: 1,537 Member

    There is information on alternative treatments on the main cancer.org website. You may want to visit that part of the website for additional information. The CSN does not have a discussion board for alternative treatments due to the fact the CSN is designed for emotional support not medical information. However, you may want to consider posting your request on the bladder cancer discussion board, you may find additional information/support there.

    I wish you the best in whatever treatment you choose.

    Take care and be well,

    CSN Dana
  • hardknocks
    hardknocks Member Posts: 1
    Hi GreatGF,
    sorry to hear about the complications that you are experiencing.
    I am brand new to CSN.
    Try http://cancerdecisions.com/ this is one of the most extensive sites for alternative treatment information for cancer.
    Also they run http://ralphmoss.com/
    Also, depending upon where you live you might be able to find local practitioners.
    Best of luck,