Am I losing It???

aspaysia Member Posts: 250
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Maybe I never had "It" but... I was out all day to-ing and fro-ing (I know because I was sorta dressed up--for me, anyway) Now it all seems like a dream and I am not sure where I was and don't want to ask a lot of questions in case my family starts to worry. I know you all have probably been there and done it but I usually remember EVERYTHING even tho' it would be nice to forget some stuff. So here I sit not being sure what the Hell I did today. All my stuff is intact --wallet, etc--but where is my brain??? Its as if today did not even happen except that I am all sweaty from being out in the heat. That's it! Heat stroke. There, I feel better. I have an explanation. Sorta.
I am supposed to go to Canada in a few weeks with my niece and her baby. They will have to take care of me because I sure am losing it. The only reason I know about the vacation is by reading an e-mail from the travel place confirming a ticket I do not remember buying.
Maybe I am just getting senile. Never was the sharpest pencil in the box. Worst case scenario is a brain tumour.
Has this ever happened to any of you? I am not even on chemo or anything.
Aspaysia, drawing a blank on her entire day.


  • Kanort
    Kanort Member Posts: 1,272 Member
    Hi Aspaysia,

    I had what we all call chemo brain during and for a short while after my treatments. I still from time to time will "go blank" for a few seconds, but I have never had the experience you are describing. Maybe you are just preoccupied and not really focusing on what you are doing. If it doesn't get better I would have it checked out.

    I hope today is better.

  • nanuk
    nanuk Member Posts: 1,358 Member
    Kanort said:

    Hi Aspaysia,

    I had what we all call chemo brain during and for a short while after my treatments. I still from time to time will "go blank" for a few seconds, but I have never had the experience you are describing. Maybe you are just preoccupied and not really focusing on what you are doing. If it doesn't get better I would have it checked out.

    I hope today is better.


    Assp... I have these episodes all the time..think it was just a brain fart.. Bud
  • taunya
    taunya Member Posts: 390 Member
    Last week I was shopping with my Mom in a little local store. I was talking away and she was sort of ignoring me. I picked up a little gizmo called a "shampoo massager" and asked if she had heard of such a thing and started to massage her head with it. She turned around and I was never more embarassed in my life!!!!!!IT WAS NOT MY MOM!!!! This woman was MY AGE and she was wearing a white, long sleeved shirt, while my Mom was wearing a dark pink t-shirt!! AHHHHH!
    Whew! It was even embarassing to tell about it!!!
    I felt way off-kilter for days afterwards. I think it could be a lot of things but it is probably nothing to worry about. If it happens a lot, then I would take it more seriously. Is this an isolated incident?
    I am sending you some hugs from one kook(meant in the kindest kooky way) to another.
  • kangatoo
    kangatoo Member Posts: 2,105 Member
    taunya said:

    Last week I was shopping with my Mom in a little local store. I was talking away and she was sort of ignoring me. I picked up a little gizmo called a "shampoo massager" and asked if she had heard of such a thing and started to massage her head with it. She turned around and I was never more embarassed in my life!!!!!!IT WAS NOT MY MOM!!!! This woman was MY AGE and she was wearing a white, long sleeved shirt, while my Mom was wearing a dark pink t-shirt!! AHHHHH!
    Whew! It was even embarassing to tell about it!!!
    I felt way off-kilter for days afterwards. I think it could be a lot of things but it is probably nothing to worry about. If it happens a lot, then I would take it more seriously. Is this an isolated incident?
    I am sending you some hugs from one kook(meant in the kindest kooky way) to another.

    Dear Asp(I could say honey if you like!) It is probably worth telling your GP babe but in all fairness I have "lost tha plot too!". It comes and goes..memory that is. My doc said that if I did chemo(I did) sometimes memory does fail. Guess the poison has some effect on the brain cells, well, I am sure it did. I get all the things I need together before a trip...shades, keys, money, clothes etc. Then I walk out, get to the car and find I don't have my keys. Now this is TRUE Asp! I walked back inside and asked Jen, "where did I leave my keys?" She tells me they are in my hands!! Don't laugh is true!
    I am often talking to Jen and stop mid sentence..I forget what I was saying! I put things where I know I WILL remember where they often I cannot remember..all true!
    Just the same Asp...get it checked out if you are worried.
    huggs, Ross n ?????...oh yeah...Jen
  • steved
    steved Member Posts: 834 Member
    As you can tell this you are not alone in having such moments and I'm sure even outside this wee community we have here there are many who would confess to such periods.
    Your anxieties as to sinister causes though are normal too as we all worry that every sign and symptom we have means some sort of cancer! If it si isolated and a one off just accept it but if you are finding it a regular occurance best to get it checked by the docs.
    There are many many possible causes for such events. As a psychiatrist we aee people who have what are called fugue states where they have periods they can't acount for or remember. they are usually as a respinse to stress and resolve in time with support. Physical reasons can be anything from mild illnesses to the kind of sinister things that are going around your brain- tumours and dementias. Do remember that these are the least likely causes even if they are the ones that occupy the most space in your brain!
    If it is really worrying you get to see a doc as it may just reassure you to get the once over and all clear.
  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,065 Member

    Make sure you are taking your B vitamins and Omega-3 FISH OILS!!



    THANK you for sharing that! It gave me the best laugh starting out my day!! thank you!!

    peace, emily who loves to laugh and who doesn't have chemo to blame for those moments we all have.......argh.