a miracle?

colsie Member Posts: 24
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Some of you may remember my nervous posts in early January, and February. My father who was dx stage 4 in August, with liver mets, was starting chemo, and I questioned whether or not he should. Later I reported that other than fatigue, he had no trouble with the chemo at all. His treatments finished in May, and from that point on he'd be watched. They had seen some smaller tumours disappear, and the larger ones shrink some. In June he was told, that without any further treatment, he had about a year which was was great because he was at 10 months at that point after being given 9. He was told then by the onc. that he'd be good for about 5-6 months before talking treatments again, and that in the meantime, they'd do periodic CT scans. Well, last week he had his CT scan, and to his onc's amazement, only a spec showed up. No tumours, and the spec she said, could be anything. In two weeks, they will do blood work to check his tumour marker, then go from there. I don't think that chemo works months after the last treatment. So now,we wait and wonder if this is a miracle.
I write this for those of you who are told, you don't have much time, there isn't much we can do but make you comfortable. Maybe the medical community couldn't do much, but there are no limits to what God can do.
By the way, I love Stacy's Ned shirt idea and have been reading the posts. So sad about Judy and Lisa.


  • Kaye2003
    Kaye2003 Member Posts: 86 Member
    Amen. I couldn't agree with you more on the power of God. My husband was dx in 10/03 and told he would 100% have a colostomy. Feb 04 the tumor was as small as a dime and he had surgery and then chemo for three months. No colostomy. No one knows what the future will bring, but we trust it will be Gods will.
  • oneagleswings
    oneagleswings Member Posts: 425 Member
    Hey Colsie:
    "Hope makes the path for a miracle to follow"...
    and it certainly has....God bless....
  • taunya
    taunya Member Posts: 390 Member
    Wonderful news! I am really happy to hear that your dad is doing so well. We seem to have a rash of good news going on around here!!
  • Glv49
    Glv49 Member Posts: 206 Member
    That is wonderful, and no doubt in my mind that miracles really do happen. I just celebrated my 2 year anniversary from stage 4. And I was given much hope in the beginning. God is wonderful! God bless you and your husband.
  • Glv49
    Glv49 Member Posts: 206 Member
    Sorry Colsie,
    I meant to say good luck to your Father and you, but I said your husband! Talk about chemo brain. lol :)
  • jsabol
    jsabol Member Posts: 1,145 Member
    Hi Colsie,
    What great news! You are so right about those "prognosis" figures; it is not in our power, nor the doctors' power to predict the future.
    My dad also tolerated his chemo extremely well when he was 82 (better than I did at 53), so age isn't always a factor in predicting side effects either.
    Congratulations to you both on the good news; continue to enjoy each day as it comes! Judy
  • liverpoolgirl
    liverpoolgirl Member Posts: 44 Member
    what wonderful news, so happy for you both. I can only hope and pray my husband has the same results, and as we all know there is alway HOPE
  • kangatoo
    kangatoo Member Posts: 2,105 Member

    what wonderful news, so happy for you both. I can only hope and pray my husband has the same results, and as we all know there is alway HOPE

    Hiya Colsie. Great to hear your good news and we hope that your dad has continueing good reports. It just goes to show that the hope is always there. We all live in fear of a re-occurance, mainly because the doctors just don't know what may happen. The same goes for those that are told there may only be weeks, months or years left for them. I really don't think that in a lot of cases doctors know for sure either!
    Savor the good news Colsie!
    kanga n Jen