Bad to worse

TealRibbon Member Posts: 44 Member
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
Just a quick note to let you all know that I am not doing well. The cancer has spred to my lungs and liver. The experimental trial drugs did not work for me. I now have fluid around my lungs and they want me to have it drained. Seeing the doctor this week. I feel sleepy all the time. I am trying not to let myself get too far down, but it is hard to stay "up" with all this going on.

Just wanted you all to know why I have not been on the board much lately. Thanks to you all for your support, especially, Groundeffect, Bonnie Rose, Monika and the other old timers here. I will try to post back as often as I am able.

Love you all,


  • BonnieR
    BonnieR Member Posts: 1,526 Member
    Dear Sandi, With much sadness I am replying to your posting. I have tears in my eyes as I am typing. I was so hoping this new drug would work for you, I know what it is like to experience the ongoing chemo and the hope that this might be the one. You are such a giving, loving and courageous women. I don't know if you know this but you were the first women to send me an email from here. Thank you so. I have no great words to share only that I have and will continue to keep you and your family in prayer. May you rest in God's love and peace. I pray the draining of the fluid brings you much relief. I love you my dear sister and only pray that one day a cure is found and hopefully that day is soon. Thank you so much for taking the time to update us here and I will watch for another posting.

    Prayers and Hugs BonnieRose
  • mopar
    mopar Member Posts: 1,972 Member
    I wish I could write as eloquently as Bonnie, but please know that my thoughts and prayers are just as heartfelt. It saddens me to have woken this morning to hear of your ordeal. But, as Bonnie says, you are VERY courageous. We are all inspired by you and your perserverence. May God continue to provide the strength you need. May His Peace surround you as you go through each day, each moment. And on the days that you don't particulary feel up to giving us a 'call', maybe someone in your family can enter in for you and let us know how you are doing. I still have Faith in the Lord AND in you! Because faith is the 'substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen'. May we look beyond the physical and see you as whole and complete. In that way, you will gain the strength that only He can provide.

    Lots of Hugs. . .

  • CherylJean
    CherylJean Member Posts: 3
    I read your entry today and can surely sympathize with you. You have to be positive. Do not let what is going on get you down. You have to look deep down within yourself and know that no matter what happens everything is going to be OK. I am in the same situation as you. I have cancer of unknown primary source, but they are treating is as if it were ovarian, much to no avail. I have been sent to a research program and 5 treatments later it seemed to work at first but now its not. That is now the 5th chemo that has not worked for me. I go in Wed. for them to try one more. At this time you must rely on your faith very strongly. That, my husband, friends and family are the only things that get me thru each day. Also, please try not to dwell on it. I know that is a lot easier said than done, but think positive good thoughts. Tell people you love how you feel, don't leave things unsaid - that will give you a sense of relief also. May God be with you everyday and hold His healing hand over you. You are in my prayers.
    Much hope and love,
  • groundeffect
    groundeffect Member Posts: 639 Member
    Sandi, This is tough news, and it makes me sad to hear it. I do hope you're able to keep an optimistic view! Your husband and cute little dog need you, and we do, too!

    I think of you often, and send prayers your way when I do.

    Be well, and I hope you'll be back with us soon!

    Love, groundeffect
  • paula57
    paula57 Member Posts: 93
    Sandi, I'm new to this website but wanted to let you know that my prayers are with you. Thinking of you! Paula
  • TealRibbon
    TealRibbon Member Posts: 44 Member
    Thanks to you all for your words of kindness. I have had major prayers said for me the past few days. I started to feel a little better today. My Onc THINKS the Doxil may be doing something. No promises but he said lungs sound much improved. Took Doxil today and will get new CT scan just before next round of chemo in about 3 weeks. I will keep you posted. I have missed church for 3 weeks in a row. Feel like I can make it tomorrow for Sat. night Mass. Wish me luck.

  • groundeffect
    groundeffect Member Posts: 639 Member

    Thanks to you all for your words of kindness. I have had major prayers said for me the past few days. I started to feel a little better today. My Onc THINKS the Doxil may be doing something. No promises but he said lungs sound much improved. Took Doxil today and will get new CT scan just before next round of chemo in about 3 weeks. I will keep you posted. I have missed church for 3 weeks in a row. Feel like I can make it tomorrow for Sat. night Mass. Wish me luck.



    I hope you were able to attend Mass, and wish you the best of luck with Doxil. I've heard good reports of its effect.

    My thoughts were with you when I was out weeding today - I hope you'll understand why!