Flex Sig Results

scouty Member Posts: 1,965 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Durn y'all. I am so humbled by this all. My rectum was clean as a whistle. The GI doc just kept saying WOW, she could not even tell where the tumor had been. She did biopsies just in case, but said she saw nothing suspicious. I think the concept of someone now having any surgery or radiation, just doing chemo, then stopping that and changing the diet is blowing them away. I am just so blessed, thankful, and every other joyous tearful "quiet" emotion one can have. I don't even know what to say. I have cried many times, wonder "why me" some, but mostly I am a very relieved tired.

The biopsy results will be in Wednesday, but I am not worried about them at all. I saw the rectal tumor last year and then today....the difference was amazing. My bag can now be reversed and maybe a snip or two if I allow it, I will not make that decision for a few days.

I thank you all for your wonderful support on my good news on Friday and to be honest was not expecting good news today. Last night in bed, in my mind I wrote the post for NOT NED. I just don't know what to say right now. I wish it was raining so I could run around my yard butt neeked again.

I have some serious work/future decisions now. I had just gotten accepted for long term disability last week and now I don't know what that means. I have calls in and will figure that out, but mostly I am just going to hang out, relax, go to bed before dark and let this all sink in.

On my Friday post, many of you asked what I was doing and I will share that but just need to update my head and take the time to "write my lecture".

I hate to put too many names down to thank but Emily and Stacy, I will never forget either of you. There is a whole slew of others and you know who you are.

I just can't believe this is happening!!!!!!!! Talk about wildest dreams!!!!!!

Your very appreciative and humbled friend,
Lisa P.

PS. welcome home Steved. I've been thinking about you.


  • Betsydoglover
    Betsydoglover Member Posts: 1,248 Member
    What wonderful results!

    When your celebration has slowed down, I am looking forward to your nutrition lecture. My prognosis is pretty good for Stage IV and I want to do everything I can to make it better.

    Meanwhile, so happy for you.

  • CAMaura
    CAMaura Member Posts: 719 Member
    I would fear my good wishes being redundant...Not Possible......Enjoy this good news...and many more NED reports to come!
    All the best, Maura
    If it rains any day soon...I think another skinny-dance is called for!!
  • taunya
    taunya Member Posts: 390 Member
    OOOOOOOOO, Lisa!!!!! I am so *&(*&%^& excited for you!!!! AHHHHHHHHH WOOOOWEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!
    I can't stand it. Congratulations!!!!!!!!!
    Oh, Lisa, this is so awesome. I am smiling for you from ear to shining ear.
  • JKendall
    JKendall Member Posts: 186
    Great news Lisa!!! Emily is going to be soooo happy, she may do the naked rain dance with you! All this and a whistlin' rectum as well, who could ask for anyhing more??? Music to our ears. I can see it now in Vegas at Colon-palooza II, a naked whistlin' rectum show with soggy tye-dyed socks!

    Lisa, this is excellent, encouraging news for everyone here. Your GI doc said it perfectly: "WOW!" Thanks for sharing it.

  • tkd3g
    tkd3g Member Posts: 767
    What can I say? What words can I use to congratulate you?

    Fantastic, wonderful, stupendous, amazing, great, beautiful, incredible, delightful, freeing, monumentous, exhilarating, breath-taking...

    I know...Hot Damn, Girlfriend, you did it!!!!!!!!!!

    I'm smiling ear to ear reading your post. I'll bet you can't get the grin off your face. And so it should be.

    Oh, so wonderful, Lisa. Enjoy. And you sure know how to LIVESTRONG.

    Hugs and kisses,

  • rthornton
    rthornton Member Posts: 346 Member
    Well, you're just an inspiration for all the rest of us! Congratulations! We should all try to have rectums just like yours!

    Really, your story is an inspiration ...

  • Glv49
    Glv49 Member Posts: 206 Member
    That is soooooo great!!! I am really happy for you, now go and get that bag reversed and put on those short shorts!!
  • kangatoo
    kangatoo Member Posts: 2,105 Member
    rthornton said:

    Well, you're just an inspiration for all the rest of us! Congratulations! We should all try to have rectums just like yours!

    Really, your story is an inspiration ...


    Congratulations dear Lisa. I am not going to add a lot of words..everyone has covered that. We love you so much and are so very happy for you. But you knew that didn't you!
    I think I ill hav to replace my keybord......this one is rustin.
    love always, Ross n Jen
  • HisJoy
    HisJoy Member Posts: 113
    WONDERFUL RESULTS!!! Will be watching for the details of your nuitrition!
  • HowardJ
    HowardJ Member Posts: 474
    Great news, Lisa! Thank you for sharing.

  • taraHK
    taraHK Member Posts: 1,952 Member
    congratulations, darling! words can hardly express.....
    Love, Tara
  • markatger
    markatger Member Posts: 314
    Congrats Lisa! You must feel like a signifiant load has been lifted from you. Very happy for you. And very motivated to start juicing, I'm shopping for a juicer right now!

  • BusterBrown
    BusterBrown Member Posts: 221 Member
    Well done Scouty!!! Again, you are in inspiration and a role model for all of us...
  • crazylady
    crazylady Member Posts: 543 Member
    That's wonderful news! I'm so happy for you!
  • oneagleswings
    oneagleswings Member Posts: 425 Member
    Many more yahoos- whoohoo's and an extra measure of yi-hawwws...excellent and exciting news..."celebrate and dance to the music"...(in the rain and "buck naked!!!!)
  • steved
    steved Member Posts: 834 Member
    So pleased to read of your continued good news. After what we have all been through we get used to there being a bad side ot any bit of good news so is great to have been given the all clear on all areas! Will toast a celebratory toast in your direction tonight. Congrats,
  • nettie4
    nettie4 Member Posts: 145
    cant tell you how happy i am. you will remain in my prayers and i thank God for your results of no cancer. everyday the good Lord keeps me here i am celebrating with you. take care

  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,065 Member

    Would that rectum be whistlin' Dixie by chance???

    Honey, what can I say? YOU are the star pupil. Teacher's Pet. You just took it and ran and have proven to us all that IT CAN BE DONE!!!

    Your enthusiasm and dedication and passion for getting the word out and sharing your story and now your WONDERFUL FABULOUS FANTASIC AWESOME successes just leaves me ecstatic.

    You bet I'm doing happy dances in the rain with ya (but I need the tie-dye socks)!!! WOOHOO!!

    So all you beautiful semi-colons, here is hope that is tangible. The hard truth that our scouty aka Lisa changed her diet and dedicated the last 8 (?) months to juicing and supplements and positive thinking and that #@$^%&! TUMOR hightailed it right outta her hinder!! And those lesions on lung and liver shrunk and disappeared from view. That's gotta mean something!!

    And hers is not the first story like this that I know personally. I truly hope y'all will put down the junk food, throw away the pop cans, toss out the sugar cookies and start JUICING!!

    If my very own oncologist says it works and now we have lisa's testimony right here among us, what are you waiting for?? It's NOT that hard.

    It does take dedication. But it's our lives we are talking about. It's like for us ladies who have carried a bambino for 9 months. We nourished that fetus and loved it even before birth. Think of preparing to give birth--give yourselves 9 months to dedicate to nourishing your body in order to "birth" better health and a cancer free body!!

    I am not implying that most of you are not doing this. I am just trying to encourage you to take it one giant step deeper into health and that's by getting a juicer.

    I honestly do not have any personal gain in this.....no stock in carrot farms or juicing manufacturers haha!

    I just want for all of you what exactly has happened to Lisa today.


    It was there and now it's not.

    I love it!

    peace, emily who is thrilled beyond measure
  • chynabear
    chynabear Member Posts: 481 Member
    Congrats on all of your awesome results. I am doing a little happy dance for you as well. This news is so inspirational and great.

    This site has already started to have impact on me and the way I feel and think. It's news like this that keeps me full of hope.

    I can't say "thank you" enough to each of you. I am so new to this site and already I can't believe the difference it has made in my life.

    Thank you for sharing your great news.

  • StacyGleaso
    StacyGleaso Member Posts: 1,233 Member

    You truly are a shining star among the troops here! Your story (along with Em's) prove that there ARE other methods of handling this. This does NOT have to be a death sentence. You are truly deserving of good health and great happiness. I am proud to call you my friend.
