toooo young!!

kangatoo Member Posts: 2,105 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
I could not help but post this. We just found out that our friends daughter's boyfriend has cancer. He was just in a car accident, but not badly hurt. He was sent to hosp. for observation and tests to look for broken ribs and they found a very large shadow over his heart. It turns out the shadow is cancer......a large mass engulfing his heart and the major veins /arteries. It is inoperable. If he had not had the car accident the cancer probably would have killed him in a short time. He is now being counselled for chemo/radiation to shrink the tumour.
Jen and I were so absolutely stunned......he is only 19!!!!!!
This crazy disease just keeps getting the young ones!!!! Why?????
Geez......this really craps me off!!


  • HisJoy
    HisJoy Member Posts: 113
    That's exactly one of the things that I thought of when I learned I had cancer. How awful to watch a young person have to struggle with this disease! My son-in-law works for Children's Hospital as a medical technician and the oncology ward there would break your heart. Little tiny ones going through surgeries and chemo! I can't imagine having to watch one of my children go through this! I'm 53 and have lived a good life - had a career, raised children and had the ineffable experience of holding my grandchildren on my lap. If the Lord chooses to use cancer to take me to glory, I'm ready, with no regrets...but one can't help wondering WHY WHY WHY a young person has to suffer from cancer...or muscular dystrophy...or cerebral palsy....or any number of other horrible conditions. No answers. Just glad that this world isn't the permanent one - all things here are temporary, at best.
  • tkd3g
    tkd3g Member Posts: 767
    So sorry for that young man. What a terrible thing to learn. Just as you have stated, it seems so much more horrible when the young are diagnosed. Why anyone should have to go thru this, never mind the children, is beyond understanding.

    I have been unexpectedly confronted with my own mortality as I was told that I had cancer.
    Jodi Rell

    Just think what a young person must have going through their head after hearing they have cancer.

    Barb ( who is equally disgusted with cancer )
  • Kanort
    Kanort Member Posts: 1,272 Member
    How terrible, Kanga. We keep hearing about more and more young people being diagnosed. My friend, Memory, who is now 28 has been battling lymphoma for over a year and a half. The chemo has left her legs so weak that she can no longer walk. It's awful.

  • goldfinch
    goldfinch Member Posts: 735
    What awful news! Life is just so unfair!!! I will keep him and his family in my prayers.
    Mary P
  • JKendall
    JKendall Member Posts: 186
    Stories like this are just so can this happen?!?! No symptoms? And at 19??? I don't get it. This is all so frustrating.

    Ross, give them our support please.

  • JKendall
    JKendall Member Posts: 186
    Stories like this are just so can this happen?!?! No symptoms? And at 19??? I don't get it. This is all so frustrating.

    Ross, give them our support please.

  • kangatoo
    kangatoo Member Posts: 2,105 Member
    JKendall said:

    Stories like this are just so can this happen?!?! No symptoms? And at 19??? I don't get it. This is all so frustrating.

    Ross, give them our support please.


    Thank you all. Jen's girlfriend is aware of my situation and has been great support to us. She is passing on to this young lad our love. He will be told to contact me if he wants a shoulder. I don't know him personally but just the same we are still concerned for him.
    Ross n Jen
  • kerry
    kerry Member Posts: 1,313 Member
    kangatoo said:

    Thank you all. Jen's girlfriend is aware of my situation and has been great support to us. She is passing on to this young lad our love. He will be told to contact me if he wants a shoulder. I don't know him personally but just the same we are still concerned for him.
    Ross n Jen

    Ross and Jen,

    I've been AWOL for a few days - so sorry about your young friend. Yes, it is so terribly sad when our very young are affected by this horrible disease. I know we will all hold him up in our prayers and thoughts and we wish for him a complete recovery......

    Speaking of young people, has anyone heard from our very own Andrea? She has been missing for way too long.

  • crazylady
    crazylady Member Posts: 543 Member
    I'm so sorry to hear this! Cancer sucks for anyone, but must be much worse for someone so young. I'll be thinking of him and sending positive energy his way.
  • oneagleswings
    oneagleswings Member Posts: 425 Member
    How very sad! You asked why? Christmas Eve when I was working as a nurse on paediatric's in intensive care isolation..I was ovewhelmed with the number of children whose lives that would be cut so short...and as I rocked a 2 year old- a very wise Doctor patted my shoulder and said "you know, sometimes God needs a special sort of innocent soul..." and there is literally nothing we can do to prevent it from happening.
    I have always taken that to heart when tragedy strikes..but you know, it doesn't change the fact that this disease is CRUEL and UNUSUAL PUNISHMENT and I wonder how much more time and money must be spent for this disease to be eradicated...
  • kangatoo
    kangatoo Member Posts: 2,105 Member

    How very sad! You asked why? Christmas Eve when I was working as a nurse on paediatric's in intensive care isolation..I was ovewhelmed with the number of children whose lives that would be cut so short...and as I rocked a 2 year old- a very wise Doctor patted my shoulder and said "you know, sometimes God needs a special sort of innocent soul..." and there is literally nothing we can do to prevent it from happening.
    I have always taken that to heart when tragedy strikes..but you know, it doesn't change the fact that this disease is CRUEL and UNUSUAL PUNISHMENT and I wonder how much more time and money must be spent for this disease to be eradicated...

    Thank you all for your good wishes. I have just spoken to his girlfriends mum(Jen's friend) and she told me that the doctors think it may be a form of Hodgekins disease but will not be sure until he has a CT this week and other tests. I will let you know more as I et updates Thank you for your concern. I have passed it on that he has people worldwide praying for him.
    Ross n Jen
  • steved
    steved Member Posts: 834 Member
    I gave up ealry on trying to ask any sort of 'why' questions about this illness as they lead no where but in to despair. Horrendous things happen to people in this world and trying to make a real sense of it's purpose is often not possible. I can understand how many find solace in their faith at such times as it can give meaning to what seems so meaningless. Being atheist myself I have simply come to accet that no one said things would be fair at the outset and we get dealt a hand of varying crapness. Out of this we try to make our lives, find happiness where we can and be grateful for what we have.

    Keep us up dated on this young man and perhaps suggest he explores this site- some of the young person forum is very useful, insightful and supportive. My thoughts will be with him.