
nanuk Member Posts: 1,358 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Lisa's news should be a wake-up call to most semi-colons that some alternative approaches have merit, and you are your best advocate.It seems olbvious that diet and supplements have a role in cancer treatment, and we need a section within this site which addresses this issue. Regardless of our choices, we need information to make them.. Bud


  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,065 Member
    hey bud,

    it ain't gonna happen on here that's fer sher.

    read the email I'm sending you from The Moss Reports on this very issue about the ACS. Veddy interestink!

    peace, emily who will eat a twinkie the day there is an Alternative Medicine section on these boards!! (not)
  • CAMaura
    CAMaura Member Posts: 719 Member
    2bhealed said:

    hey bud,

    it ain't gonna happen on here that's fer sher.

    read the email I'm sending you from The Moss Reports on this very issue about the ACS. Veddy interestink!

    peace, emily who will eat a twinkie the day there is an Alternative Medicine section on these boards!! (not)

    Oh Emily, Don't you dare eat a Twinkie! How about the best naturally-made and healthy treat/pastry around?....And they are around!
    Bud....I don't think I see a specific section....but we do have the freedom here to post what we like and promote what we like......
    I know it isn't ASC-wide or CSN-wide....but it is a start.
    (Organics-recognition started slowly; now it is mainstream.)
    BTW- Happy Belated B-day!!
    Maura - who is going juicer shopping SOON and who has, in the meantime, found a fresh-juice-spot for daily doses of enzymes.
    This disease ain't gonna get me without a good nutritional fight!!!
  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,065 Member
    CAMaura said:

    Oh Emily, Don't you dare eat a Twinkie! How about the best naturally-made and healthy treat/pastry around?....And they are around!
    Bud....I don't think I see a specific section....but we do have the freedom here to post what we like and promote what we like......
    I know it isn't ASC-wide or CSN-wide....but it is a start.
    (Organics-recognition started slowly; now it is mainstream.)
    BTW- Happy Belated B-day!!
    Maura - who is going juicer shopping SOON and who has, in the meantime, found a fresh-juice-spot for daily doses of enzymes.
    This disease ain't gonna get me without a good nutritional fight!!!

    well that's my point! haha I NEVER will have to eat a Twinkie cuz an Alternative Medicine section will never happen here.

    The thing is that bud would like to see a section so that ALL cancer survivors have access to this exchange of info not just us edjumacated semi-colon radicals who promote healthy living and superior nutrition to that of the typical cancer dietician pamphlet.

    peace, emily who is quite attached to her Champion!