Brain Mets? - PET Scan

markatger Member Posts: 314
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1

I was speaking to a nurse during chemo, she mentioned that the brain is also a destination for colo-rectal mets. I hadn't really heard that. I have two small liver mets that were seen by C-T and PET scan, but these did not scan my brain. Are brain mets really a common site for mets and has anyone else had their brain checked. Can this be done by simply extending the PET and C-T scans to include one's head? Or is it a different test.

I'm due for scans in May following 4 rounds of chemo and would like to include checking my brain if necessary.



  • kerry
    kerry Member Posts: 1,313 Member

    Brain mets? - I was not told that was a probably place for metastisis of colon ca. I guess it could go just about anywhere, but more commonly the liver and lungs. Sometimes the ovaries for women, and of course the lymph nodes. Maybe someone else has heard...........I wouldn't worry too much about it and if you are worried, ask the doctor!!

  • jana11
    jana11 Member Posts: 705
    Just a medical tip... CRC doesn't NOT typically go to the brain, but cancer can easily defy all rules. CT/PET scan aren't good one's for the brain. MRI is the test to eval brain mets - but isn't typically necessary if the patient doesn't have symptoms. PET scans don't even pick up mets if they are small.

    I had a lung met (I think it was about 3cm) and the PET scan was negative. But I had terrible headaches, got an MRI; ended up having a clot in a blood vessel and had a very small stroke - no symptoms of stroke fortunately.

    So... if you don't have any symptoms: headache, changes in vision, dizziness, seizures, etc brain mets are unlikely and don't need routine imaging. Talk to your doctors about your questions.

    take care, jana
  • MJay
    MJay Member Posts: 132
    I was told by my docs in the early days of diagnosis that colorectal cancer usually follows liver, lungs and then brain.

    Of course... you all remember those first days after diagnosis. The memory and brain works were not that reliable back then.

  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,065 Member
    hi maria,

    I, too, was told that CRC usually takes the liver,lung, thyroid, brain route and for women can hop on over to the ovaries. Of all the people I know of who have had CRC, I only have heard of one brain mets. And because I did not know him personally I do not know his situation.

    My onc always checks my thyroid by hand and scans on all the other obvious areas.

    peace, emily
  • markatger
    markatger Member Posts: 314
    Thanks for all the info. I didn't think that the brain was a site for mets. That nurse got me a little concerned. I'll probably still check with my dr. But definitely a little more at ease.
