Andrea vs CRC - Round #3789

andreae Member Posts: 236
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Hello all,

Well, it is a good time for a post! How things can change in a week! Last Thursday I went in for my CT results and they were bad, bad, bad. It was to be expected because my CEA were rising for the past three months but it's hard to see in black and white... To quote exactly... "An increase in size of nodules and mediastinal lymphadenopathy which is all concerning for worsening metastatic disease". In English - tumors are growing and there is now evidence of lymphatic involvement (wasn't there before). So, needless to say I was pretty upset. I have been through all the available treatment in Canada because Avastin and Erbitux have not been approved yet (EVEN THOUGH THEY ARE APPROVED IN ALL OTHER G7 COUNTRIES!!!). So this is an obvious dilemma. Could I go to the US for treatment - yes. Could I afford to pay out of pocket 3000$ canadian dollars a month for one vial - NO! So, I went out with my friends that night (thankfully it was St Patty's day) did some shots and had a great time with the girls. Friday morning I woke up resolute. I did not come this far to go down over our stupid government or funding issues. SO, I wrote doctors in the US, put together a medical summary, contacted Genentech (Avastin is produced there), and talked to a bunch of people about fundraising (if I couldn't get the drug for free)... And so, after a week's worth of running around I have some great news. I will get my FOLFOX chemo up in Canada and work with a doctor down in the US to get the Avastin for FREE from the Genentech Access to Care program. HOW GREAT IS THAT! I think I will be starting in about 10 days. WHOO HOO! The good thing about keeping so busy is that I really haven't had time to worry or perseverate about the progression of the disease.

Anyways, I have to go pack (spending Easter week-end in New York! Double Whoo-Hoo!). I wish all of those celebrating Easter to have a wonderful holiday full of fun, love and memories. And today I'm feeling great whereas last week I was ready to go dig my grave. Where there is a will, there is a way AND, more importantly, THERE IS ALWAYS HOPE!!

Hugs and love,


  • kerry
    kerry Member Posts: 1,313 Member
    Dearest Andrea,

    What a champion fighter you are!! I am so proud of you. I know you will beat this disease yet - YOU GO GIRL..........

  • alihamilton
    alihamilton Member Posts: 347 Member
    Andrea, you are SO amazing! It just shows what can be done if you really make up your mind and go for it. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  • deneenb
    deneenb Member Posts: 130 Member

    I'm sorry to hear about the CT results but so happy for you that you will be able to get the Avastin. I have been doing research on it since my father was given Avastin as one of his treatments. His Dr. believes that the avastin actually may have taken care of the peritoneal spread that he had. We haven't seen any of it show up on scans to date. What Dr. are you seeing in NY? We are from NY too - the Albany area. My Dad has a great oncologist in Albany but we also see one down at Sloan Kettering in NYC.

    Best Wishes,
  • nanuk
    nanuk Member Posts: 1,358 Member
    You are determined girl..please keep us updated on wishes Nanuk
  • themis01
    themis01 Member Posts: 167
    You sound like a real fighter and I know you will beat this disease. My mom is just starting the fight with cancer and the HMO and we plan to kick both of their butts!
  • jana11
    jana11 Member Posts: 705
    YOU GO GIRL is right!!!!!!!! You are an inspiration to us all!!! ROCK ON, my friend. Have a blast in NY.

    The battle with the beast; take no prisoners!!!

    Be well... you are the official studette of the crc site. jana
  • jsabol
    jsabol Member Posts: 1,145 Member
    Andrea, You are ONE AMAZING person. Can't keep a good person down, my dad always said. What good news to have gotten the response you have to your search.
    Enjoy New York, continue to live life to the fullest. Isn't your motto "I may have cancer but cancer hasn't got me"? You are an inspiration.
    Regards, Judy
  • potsy
    potsy Member Posts: 24

    I too was sorry to hear about the CT results, but WOW....where there is a will, there is a way! Your ability to get up, brush yourself off, and take action is to be applauded! I wish you only the best!

    Enjoy your Easter in'll be in my prayers.

  • livin
    livin Member Posts: 318 Member
    Hi Andrea, sorry to hear about the ct scan results, Iam so very glad that you are a determined(sp) person. Keep the fight never give up hope cause that's all we have. You go girl GOD BLESS YOU. New York huh, not far from me Iam a New Jersey girl. Livin
  • spongebob
    spongebob Member Posts: 2,565 Member
    Studette (as Jana so eloquently put it) -

    I fully concur with the "you rock" analysis.

    If you need ANYTHING, you let me know, OK?

    - Bob
  • Moesimo
    Moesimo Member Posts: 1,072 Member

    I am sorry for your cat scan results. but glad that you will get the treatment you need. Keep up the fight and I hope the treatment gives you great results.

    You are an inspiration to us all. I admire your strength. Good luck.

  • taraHK
    taraHK Member Posts: 1,952 Member
    You Dragon-Slayer! You are my hero. I love your pro-active approach. So glad the treatment is falling into place. Best wishes,
  • kangatoo
    kangatoo Member Posts: 2,105 Member
    taraHK said:

    You Dragon-Slayer! You are my hero. I love your pro-active approach. So glad the treatment is falling into place. Best wishes,

    Sweet Andrea-----it just pisses me off knowing they can send man to the moon and find the funding for billions, yet human life in a lot of cases gets the back stage!
    GO SWEETIE, GO!!!!
    Lance Armstrong might be an inpiration to us all,
    BUT, you are showing us that gals have got the fight and spirit in them too!!!
    luv n huggs....kanga n Jen
  • bsrules
    bsrules Member Posts: 296

    What a GREAT person you are!!!!! I am sitting here constantly thinking about my delemmas and then I read your post and thought if you can feel the way you do and facing everything by grobbing the bull by the horns then I can do it somehow.

    Have a WONDERFUL time in NY and a VERY HEPPY EASTER!!!!!!

    If anyone there even tries to give you any lip just knock them out!!!!! You are such a fighter and if anyone can beat the goverment you can!!!!!

    You Go Girl!!!!!

    Best Wishes!!

  • juliababy
    juliababy Member Posts: 130
    You are truly my hero. What an AMAZING girl you are!! Keep the faith and keep on kicking this monster's in it's a**!!!!

    Enjoy your Easter weekend in New York, you definitely deserve it!

  • scouty
    scouty Member Posts: 1,965 Member
    Hi Sweet Baby Girl!!!!

    You are something else. I am proud to know you and can not wait to hug you breathless in Vegas!!!!!

    Have a great Easter and keep us posted!!!!!

    Lisa P.
  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,065 Member
    Hey sweet baby girl!!

    That's so like you to keep up the fight!

    So I have a question:

    Is Avastin considered an anti-angiogenesis agent? That is what I am thinking it is right?

    If that is what you are looking for mataike mushrooms do the same thing--they cut off the blood supply to the tumor. That is what I took (I did not have any tumors at the time) but that was the idea that if any ones decided to get growing that they wouldn't be allowed to grow their own blood lines (like tumors do). Those you can get from your natural food stores!

    Just a thought for anyone looking for the same idea but not having to pay through the nose for it!

    I pray for you daily. :-)

    peace, emily who loves all kinds of shrooms!
  • kangatoo
    kangatoo Member Posts: 2,105 Member
    2bhealed said:

    Hey sweet baby girl!!

    That's so like you to keep up the fight!

    So I have a question:

    Is Avastin considered an anti-angiogenesis agent? That is what I am thinking it is right?

    If that is what you are looking for mataike mushrooms do the same thing--they cut off the blood supply to the tumor. That is what I took (I did not have any tumors at the time) but that was the idea that if any ones decided to get growing that they wouldn't be allowed to grow their own blood lines (like tumors do). Those you can get from your natural food stores!

    Just a thought for anyone looking for the same idea but not having to pay through the nose for it!

    I pray for you daily. :-)

    peace, emily who loves all kinds of shrooms!

    Hey Em....kanga's goin' out to buy a coupla truck loads of mushrooms--ah luvs mushrooms!!!!
  • spongebob
    spongebob Member Posts: 2,565 Member
    2bhealed said:

    Hey sweet baby girl!!

    That's so like you to keep up the fight!

    So I have a question:

    Is Avastin considered an anti-angiogenesis agent? That is what I am thinking it is right?

    If that is what you are looking for mataike mushrooms do the same thing--they cut off the blood supply to the tumor. That is what I took (I did not have any tumors at the time) but that was the idea that if any ones decided to get growing that they wouldn't be allowed to grow their own blood lines (like tumors do). Those you can get from your natural food stores!

    Just a thought for anyone looking for the same idea but not having to pay through the nose for it!

    I pray for you daily. :-)

    peace, emily who loves all kinds of shrooms!

    "peace, emily who loves all kinds of shrooms!"

    Emily -

    Once again, as a Federal drug enforcement officer, I must warn you against admitting your affinity for such mind-altering substances as "shrooms" in a public forum!

    (by the way... my favorite kind is the one with the little purple top that grows under cow pies. Boil those up and... well, never mind...)

    - SB (as in "'Shroom Boy")
  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,065 Member
    spongebob said:

    "peace, emily who loves all kinds of shrooms!"

    Emily -

    Once again, as a Federal drug enforcement officer, I must warn you against admitting your affinity for such mind-altering substances as "shrooms" in a public forum!

    (by the way... my favorite kind is the one with the little purple top that grows under cow pies. Boil those up and... well, never mind...)

    - SB (as in "'Shroom Boy")

    But SB dahling.....I don't WHAT you're talking about??? I was talking MEDICINAL mushrooms....... (heehee)

    Dude! Gotta go! they're playing "Uncle John's Band" gotta "fly" see ya!.........

    peace, rainbow oops I mean emily who gets juiced regularly! CARROTS!! sheesh! get your mind outta the clouds!