colon CA stage 3c-- encouraging stories?

neeliec Member Posts: 106
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
I just had a colectomy which revealed stage 3C-- 21 lymph nodes found with cancer! I want to keep a positive outlook but I admit being scared. My youngest is 17. I want to be around for her wedding and kids of her own. Any encouraging stories? I start chemo in about 3 weeks--- I suppose.


  • timlou
    timlou Member Posts: 60
    Neelie, My husband is 51 and stage 3c diagnosed last May after right hemicolectomy. He just finished chemo in February and except for some numbness and tingling in his hands and feet and a fatigue like I never saw before he's doing well. He's a machinist and except for chemo day #1 and 1/2 day # 2 he rarely missed work just twice because he was just to damn tired. My e-mail address is if you want to ask for details, these guys have heard it all. You definitely found the right group to talk to they are knowledgable, fun and the best friends you could ever want. Louise
  • neeliec
    neeliec Member Posts: 106
    timlou said:

    Neelie, My husband is 51 and stage 3c diagnosed last May after right hemicolectomy. He just finished chemo in February and except for some numbness and tingling in his hands and feet and a fatigue like I never saw before he's doing well. He's a machinist and except for chemo day #1 and 1/2 day # 2 he rarely missed work just twice because he was just to damn tired. My e-mail address is if you want to ask for details, these guys have heard it all. You definitely found the right group to talk to they are knowledgable, fun and the best friends you could ever want. Louise

    thanks so much for sharing! I know what you mean about the folks here-- I've read some postings and the group seems caring and supportive, Just what I need. I may e-mail you if you are really ok with it. I am encouraged to know he went to work because that is one of my fears. My insurance is dependent on my continuing to work. Thanks. I'll pray for your husband as I pray for my situation. Neelie
  • jeanl
    jeanl Member Posts: 7
    I was diagnosed stage 3C Dec. 31,2003 with five of 20 nodes positive. I finished chemo in Dec. I had a couple of rocky times when I first started chemo but didn't miss a days work after that first treatment. It wasn't fun but certainly doable and just had a Pet last week that showed NED. It's amazing how strong we can be when we know there is a light at the end of the tunnel that we call chemo. I am a nurse working with oncology patients so know it can be done. Jean
  • jana11
    jana11 Member Posts: 705
    Hi. Just read the post. I was stage 3 with 3 positive lymph nodes; then stage 4 with 1 lung met... BUT the good news is I am doing great. The only work I missed with post-op time the surgeon said I had to miss. My work was incredibly understanding, and every person handles chemo differently. I did feel very tired and would come home and go to sleep. I got my chemo on Sunday, and I worked. My work helped get my mind off my own problems. I enjoyed my time at work.

    After chemo and surgery, I got involved in yoga. It helped with my post-op healing. I really don't have any discomfort/pain. Keep in mind, my resection surgery was 2/03. My surgeon told me I was doing so well because my yoga kept me in such good shape. Walk often to keep the muscles working, when you're up for it - stretch.

    Good news: even at stage 4, my onc told me I have a 30-40% cure rate with my thoracotomy. NEVER GIVE UP!!!!!!! Fight the fight and try to stay strong.

    We are always here for you. Take care. jana
  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,065 Member
    hi neeliec,

    I'm a Stage 3 lymph pos zero mets sigmoid colon survivor or three years and 7 months! And I didn't do any chemo!! (so I can't share that part of it). But I can tell you that Stage 3 can be beat.

    Yes, you read right --I didn't do any chemo. But that' s not to say I didn't have "treatments". I opted to use Eastern Medicine to heal my cancer rather than Western Medicine. I use Western dignostics and Eastern healing. To me it completes and complements eachother. I prefer a holistic approach to healing and so far it is working great!!!

    If you are interested in what I did feel free to email me here at CSN...or you can read our personal stories on our webpages.

    At the time of my dx my littlest one was 20 months old!!! You can bet I want to be around for HER wedding!!

    Anyway, welcome the semi-colons!

    peace, emily the resident granola
  • My husband Bert was diagnosed two years ago stage IIIC, four nodes involved. While the road to his current NO EVIDENCE OF DISEASE status has not always been easy, it has been well worth the results. He is today, cancer free and doing just splendidly.

    Never, ever give up hope. The treatments today are much more sophisticated and new ones are on the horizon. There are many stage 3 cancer survivors on this well as several stage 4's who are alive and doing well. Half the battle is your willingness to fight and give it all you've got to not let the beast win...and statistically, stage III is still considered a curable stage with about 40%-50% being cured by surgery alone. The adjuvant treatments increase those numbers even more. Why shouldn't you be one of them? Always keep that thought in mind.

    Keep us posted and welcome to our "happy" family, although I am sorry that you needed to find us but glad that since you now walk this road that you did.

  • neeliec
    neeliec Member Posts: 106
    jeanl said:

    I was diagnosed stage 3C Dec. 31,2003 with five of 20 nodes positive. I finished chemo in Dec. I had a couple of rocky times when I first started chemo but didn't miss a days work after that first treatment. It wasn't fun but certainly doable and just had a Pet last week that showed NED. It's amazing how strong we can be when we know there is a light at the end of the tunnel that we call chemo. I am a nurse working with oncology patients so know it can be done. Jean

    Thanks to all for responding-- I am more encouraged now-- the number of nodes involved.... did worry me.... to hear that even stage 4 are beating this! Awesome! I will pray for the group here, I'm glad to have found you. Thanks!!! My PET is Monday the 28th. I'm praying for no met anywhere. Thanks again! Blessings to you all!
  • timlou
    timlou Member Posts: 60
    neeliec said:

    thanks so much for sharing! I know what you mean about the folks here-- I've read some postings and the group seems caring and supportive, Just what I need. I may e-mail you if you are really ok with it. I am encouraged to know he went to work because that is one of my fears. My insurance is dependent on my continuing to work. Thanks. I'll pray for your husband as I pray for my situation. Neelie

    Neelie, I was absolutely serious about your e-mailing me for help and encouragement. I am a nurse as well as a 13 year survivor of breast cancer and want to help where ever I can. I also could use someone to talk to myself as this is one of the most worrisome things I have had to go through, it is so different than when it was happening to me. I have been considered "cured" after 5 years. Tim and your husband are just begining the journey and the unknown is making me crazy. We are going into the first round of tests soon to see how the chemo did. I wish I had my own personal CAT Scan machine I would throw him in there every week just to see inside. Please write if you wish I would love to hear from you. Louise
  • madu
    madu Member Posts: 53

    I was diagnosed 8/98 at age 31 with stage IV rectal sigmoid cancer with a met to the liver - I did chemo and radiation and I've been NED since 1/99. It is possible to survive - I would say my quality of life was quite good during treatment (5FU and leucovorin -the old combo of drugs, though) - some tiredness, a few side effects but nowhere near as bad as I imagined. Keep your chin and just believe. I decided if my odds were 1 in 5 there was no reason I couldn't be the one.
