I'm so very embarrassed!

mssue Member Posts: 242
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I haven't posted lately-I've tried to stay away from the computer so that I don't spend the whole day on it.I really am sorta not sure how to say this ....or sure if it's something to worry about on top of everything else.Okay--for about the last 2 1/2 weeks or so during an intimate moment I'll say(there's not as many as used to be)my husband was sucking on my remaining breast and all of the sudden sharp stabbing pains started going through my breast-he stopped I think I scared him.Since then the whole end of my breast is so painful,it's not just the nipple,it starts there and covers half of my breast -it doesn't look any different-I don't feel any lumps-Just pain sometimes sharp -always sore.I lost my job a month and a half ago-I'm still waiting for the cobra to start-don't want to go until it is in effect-already getting bills from hospital from ct scan and a visit with doc all around 5G and to top it off my regular physcian took a fall ended up with a blood clot in his brain -now I'm hearing he won't be back.
I don't know what to do -my husband says to get it checked out -but what am I supposed to tell them it's so embarrassing...maybe it'll just go away.
Has anyone else been here?By the way my gynecologist retired in December-I feel like I'm batting a thousand.Has anyone one else have this happen to them and did it just go away? I know that this sounds crazy but I don't know where else to turn.I don't mean to sound vulgar or anything - I would really appreciate some wisdom at this point.


  • dakotarunner
    dakotarunner Member Posts: 102 Member
    Hello mssue, You probably will think it weird to get a message from a gentleman, but we (cancer victims) all kind of are in the same boat. Problems that concern, or may concern cancer are never embarrising! We all must face the problem head on and kick its butt, or where ever you kick cancer. Your husband sounds like I would. Get checked out ASAP. the money end will work lut one way or another. I was lucky enough to have insurance when I got protrate cancer, but afterward lost my job and insurance. So it just takes a little longer to pay things off while working two lesser paying jobs. BUT, i am still alive and well, I have my wife and family. I do not function well at all in the bedroom, but my wife married me for the person I am, not what I could do sexually. and I married her for who she is and her spirit, not for her body. please do not let this wait to "just go away". get checked out -- PLEASE! Cancer survivors and their spouses stick together. There are whole lot of us out there that will tell you the same thing. Our Prayers are with you.
  • wimpy
    wimpy Member Posts: 58
    So sorry to hear about the horrible time that you are having, but I have to agree with dakota runner. You need to get this checked out. Even if it is nothing, your peace of mind will be restored! Good luck.
  • mc2001
    mc2001 Member Posts: 343
    Hi mssue... like dakota, I am also a man, and am concerned about your issue. I realize matters of intimacy can be rather difficult to discuss. Its normal to feel that way. And I think you are courageous for posting your concerns here on this board. However, I agree with your hubby. It is a good ide'r to have your doctor take a look at the problem. It MAY be nothing to worry about, but the peace of mind is worth it. Doctors are interested in your overall well being, including your sex life. They want to make sure you are enjoying it, and not anxious over an issue like breast pain. What you described here is a very loving gesture from your husband. It is not a dirty thing to be ashamed of. I dont think anyone here will think of it as dirty or out of the norm. You and your husband deserve to have this checked to help you both out. I will keep you in my prayers. Have this issue checked out. You will be glad you did. God bless.
    PS: You are a good person and have been through a lot. Please dont feel embarrassed or guilty.
  • mssue
    mssue Member Posts: 242
    You Guys are right -I almost fell off my chair when I saw the post from two gentleman,I'm not trying to be funny or anything-it's just a difficult situation to discuss for me -I do appreciate your input.
    I am going to have to get it checked out,the pain has not subsided.I will have to find a new doctor though.Hopefully my ins will be back in full force in the next 2 wks.It's hard not to think about the money end of it especially right now.But you're right Dakotarunner it will all fall into place.And Michael thanks to you intimacy is a part of everyones life,and yes it's important too!Wimpy maybe your my lucky charm taking me from bad luck to good.
    I really do appreciate all of your wisdom -not just on this post but also by email.Thank You all for your prayers,I'll post again to let You all know how it goes.Thanks again-God Bless You All!
  • dakotarunner
    dakotarunner Member Posts: 102 Member
    mssue said:

    You Guys are right -I almost fell off my chair when I saw the post from two gentleman,I'm not trying to be funny or anything-it's just a difficult situation to discuss for me -I do appreciate your input.
    I am going to have to get it checked out,the pain has not subsided.I will have to find a new doctor though.Hopefully my ins will be back in full force in the next 2 wks.It's hard not to think about the money end of it especially right now.But you're right Dakotarunner it will all fall into place.And Michael thanks to you intimacy is a part of everyones life,and yes it's important too!Wimpy maybe your my lucky charm taking me from bad luck to good.
    I really do appreciate all of your wisdom -not just on this post but also by email.Thank You all for your prayers,I'll post again to let You all know how it goes.Thanks again-God Bless You All!

    Hello again Ms Sue.
    Was so glad to see that you are going to get things checked out. Yes, money is a big concern, but if a person tips over, there won't be money anyway. Best of medical help to a fine young lady and her husband. I go back for my 1 yr. (actually 14 month check up)the day after Easter. It will turn out good, regardless. My thoughts and prayers are with you, and especdially all the children who are afflicted with cancer. It may sound foolish, but at Mass I have always offered to swap places with any youngster with cancer. And MsSue, I made that same offer to the big boy last Sun on behalf of you. I have been blessed for so long, but did not know it until I ran into cancer first hand. Thanks for going to the Dr., and thanks to your husband for wanting you to go. Will be waiting to hear from you. Dakotarunner