StacyGleaso Member Posts: 1,233 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Alright, the time has come...
Let's nail down some potential dates for Vegas. The following is a list of what is definite:
1.) Booking as early as possible offers better rates;
2.) We'd like to make it a "majority rules" regarding choosing dates to accommodate the greatest number of people;
3.) We all agree that we all deserve this!!!!!

So, with that stated, we need a virtual "show of hands" for the following potential dates:

Oct. 15-18
Oct. 25-28
Nov. 3-6
Nov. 12-15

This would be a great chance to actually MEET the people we all truly already KNOW!

Take care everyone!


  • kerry
    kerry Member Posts: 1,313 Member
    Oct. 25 - 28 is a good date for me, however what ever the majority says I will fit into my calendar.

    As you said Stacy, the earlier we book the better the rates. If we can get several commitments for rooms, we might get a better break, however deposits will have to be made.

    I'm ready - tell me when and I'll pack my bags.

  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,065 Member
    hey stace,

    I vote the october dates. Getting into november is too close to the start of the holiday season and craziness.

    Can't believe I am actually planning on going to VEGAS! (eeeew) but when Art said I should go I really thought about it. I REALLY REALLY REALLY would LOVE to meet y'all and I'll just try to ignore the glitz and glitter and neon overload! haha!

    so that's my vote.

    peace, emily who loves a party!
  • nanuk
    nanuk Member Posts: 1,358 Member
    We might do some experimental booking on the travel websites to see which date comes up with the best might depend upon what is going on on those dates..and, they might do a group discount(?)
    I say the earlier the better-all dates are OK for me..
  • Lisa Rose
    Lisa Rose Member Posts: 598 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    The October dates work the best for us. October 25-28 is a Tuesday- Friday. After an hour or so the other day checking room rates at many of the hotels on the strip the weekdays are much cheaper, but still higher then the summer rates. So let's narrow down a date... The sooner we can book our airline seats the better connections we can get coming from eastern Canada. I hate red eye flights.
  • kangatoo
    kangatoo Member Posts: 2,105 Member
    Lisa Rose said:

    Hi Everyone,

    The October dates work the best for us. October 25-28 is a Tuesday- Friday. After an hour or so the other day checking room rates at many of the hotels on the strip the weekdays are much cheaper, but still higher then the summer rates. So let's narrow down a date... The sooner we can book our airline seats the better connections we can get coming from eastern Canada. I hate red eye flights.

    Kanga's gunna start up a "save tha kanga from jealousy fund"----lol!
    When yu guys have stopped squabbling over a date just remember to let me n Jen know so I can treck over to the local Barossa Valley vino shop n order tha best wine goin.
    mmmmm----come to think of it I might book into the Novotel Motel so we can celebrate with yu our own little way..he! he!
  • Kanort
    Kanort Member Posts: 1,272 Member
    Any of the times I will make work. Thanks for getting the ball rolling.

  • andreae
    andreae Member Posts: 236
    Hmmm... Vegas and good people... Does it get any better??? I would LOVE to come and promise to behave myself! I vote for the October dates, November means almost December which means almost finals... Argh! Could I be already stressing?

  • StacyGleaso
    StacyGleaso Member Posts: 1,233 Member
    andreae said:

    Hmmm... Vegas and good people... Does it get any better??? I would LOVE to come and promise to behave myself! I vote for the October dates, November means almost December which means almost finals... Argh! Could I be already stressing?


    Sorry Andrea...NO BEHAVING ALLOWED!!!!!! I can guarantee this will be one trip nobody will want to miss!!!!!

  • scouty
    scouty Member Posts: 1,965 Member
    I bet with Kerry's knowledge of Vegas and a set date with several commitments, we could get discount rates at a hotel. I say stay away from Halloween and October 15th (Canadian holiday). How bout the weekend of Oct. 21st or October 7th? I will be willing to make a deposit if that helps with everyone's rates.

    Lisa P.

    PS. I found a local health food store/restaurant in Vegas, so BEWARE. You may all have to taste a sample of carrot juice.