Tamoxifen after DCIS & Mastectomy

jerlice Member Posts: 6
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Has anyone turned this drug down after a mastectomy and not developed cancer in the other breast after a 5 year period?


  • ktinkey
    ktinkey Member Posts: 170 Member
    Hi Jerlice,

    I had my mastectomy 15 years ago at age 35 and at that time did not receive any treatment post mastectomy since I had no lymph node involvement and they were using tamoxifen post menopausal. I did have a recurrence 9 years later, but not in the other breast, so they did not catch it in time and I am now a Stage IV survivor. But I am doing great and the cancer is completely under control. At the diagnosis of Stage IV, I went on tamoxifen with no side effects; however, it did fail after three years and now I am on Femara after having my ovaries removed, so I could go on the drug. I am telling you all this, because cancer treatment like all medicine, is not an exact science. There really is no magic pill. Everyone reacts differently. Ask your doctor lots of questions and then decide what you feel best for you. And remember even if the cancer does return, it doesn't mean an automatic death sentence. I firmly believe that your state of mind and quality of life is the most important thing. If you are happy, then you have made the best decision for you. I have opted not to have chemo (which most people can not believe) and 6 years after being told I had a few months to live, here I am healthy and full of energy. I am very happy with the decision I made, but I will tell you I did not make it lightly 6 years ago. I prayed about it and got all the information I could and discussed it with my oncologist and family. In the end, it had to be my decision and one I was fully happy with. For me, it was the right decision, but it is not a decision for everyone and I would never suggest it is. I take lots of vitamins and keep my immune system in top shape.

    In closing, due your research and get as many answers as you can and then decide for yourself. And after your decision, don't second guess yourself. That will only lead to doubt and fear and you don't need them in your life.

    God Bless,
  • SweetSue
    SweetSue Member Posts: 217
    I am taking Arimidex. I feel that I will do everything I can.... not to have a recurrence. If I do everything and there is a recurrence, I will not blame myself. Everybody's case is different, and I feel it is difficult to compare myself with anyone else.
  • 1tan
    1tan Member Posts: 4
    I am new to chatting about this. Please tell me what DCIS means.
  • cruf
    cruf Member Posts: 908
    1tan said:

    I am new to chatting about this. Please tell me what DCIS means.

    DCIS means Ductal Carcinoma in Situ meaning that the cancer cells are in the ducts of the breast. They are noninvasive. It's usually a Stage 0 cancer meaning it is caught very early. It's usually found on Mammo as microcalcifications. Not a palpable mass.Treatment is either lumpectomy and radiation following or mastectomy and reconstruction(if you want it) and not usually a need for radiation. Hope this helps you. HUGS!! Cathy