thansk for support on whooper and cupcake

lhsteer Member Posts: 28
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Hi, all thanks for the support I was feeling so guilty thinking I had ruined everything I was working so hard on doing and maybe doing some damage the process. I try to eat all the good things all the time and juice but this all of a sudden hit me so strong I didn't have the willpower or courage to just so "NO". So thank you for your support I am so glas and lucky to have you people in my life at a time like this. I also find myself being more irritable when I am doing chemo everything bothers me. Like people could say something that would never bother then when I am doing chemo I tend to be irritated with them and snap at them especially my 24 yr that lives with me. She understands and ususally just walks away. But I don't want to be hard on her for this she is having a hard time dealing with this herself, she is scared, and does take really good care of me and tries to understand that it is just a moment. The doc did give me some sleeping pills/ that are combined with anxiety pills so hopefully that will help. Usually I am pretty laid back and have been taking this well til this time of chemo and I seem to be more irritated with it more. Any ideas. Thank you for your support. I am trying to stay away from chocolate and fast food hopefully it was just a binge thing.:) lol luv ya guys


  • spongebob
    spongebob Member Posts: 2,565 Member
    Ever hear tat old Ray Stevens song "Junk Food Junkie"?

    You should see if you can't get a copy... it's perfect.

    (Personally I believe Emily is a closet Junk Food Junkie:

    But lately I have been spotted/
    With a Big Mac on my breath/
    Stumblin' into a Colonel Sander's with a face as white as death/
    I'm afraid some day they'll find me/
    All stretched out on my bed/
    With a bag full of Lay's Potato Chips and a Ding-Dong by my head...

    At night I'm a junk food junkie/
    Good LORD have pity on me!


    - Sponge
  • bsrules
    bsrules Member Posts: 296
    Hello!!! I know how that feels. My husband Bob was the same way. Don't beat yourself up as it is all part of this monster. Bob was given the same meds. and it helped him. We also talked about it. He knew how bad it hurt me when he would snap and I too would walk away until the dust settled and then we would talk.

    You are ging through the roughest part. Remember that poison is being put into your system and everyone reacts differently. You deal with it the way you have to. Just remember that you are not going through this alone!!!! You have us and esp. your better half!!!!! I always said that to Bob and he would laugh. She does underdstand and yes she is scared so when you can just give her a hug every now and then it does help!!!!!

    If I can help at all with you or if your better half just wants to talk Please just email me!!

    Love and Prayers and extra hugs to share!!!!

  • mlls59
    mlls59 Member Posts: 5
    Though I tried to eat healthy during my treatment-I found that I had cravings for certain foods. I never beat myself up because I knew how important it was to get some nourishment in my body when I felt well enough to eat. As far as mood swings I had them before I went through surgery and chemo, so I did not expect them to disappear after being diagnosed. I do know that when I am tired or hungry I am cranky.
  • Kanort
    Kanort Member Posts: 1,272 Member

    I'm sorry I missed your original post, but I agree with the others. Most importantly, be kind to yourself. Your body is having a host of new chemicals introduced to it, so changes physically as well as emotionally might occur.

    I hope that the new medication will help you sleep and feel more relaxed. This is a trying time for you, so being irritable is to be expected.

    Pat yourself on the back for eating healthy...most of the time!


  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,065 Member
    spongebob said:

    Ever hear tat old Ray Stevens song "Junk Food Junkie"?

    You should see if you can't get a copy... it's perfect.

    (Personally I believe Emily is a closet Junk Food Junkie:

    But lately I have been spotted/
    With a Big Mac on my breath/
    Stumblin' into a Colonel Sander's with a face as white as death/
    I'm afraid some day they'll find me/
    All stretched out on my bed/
    With a bag full of Lay's Potato Chips and a Ding-Dong by my head...

    At night I'm a junk food junkie/
    Good LORD have pity on me!


    - Sponge

    hey SB

    I am totally Out of the a REFORMED junk food junkie! Why do you think I am so passionate about it, eh? haha

    Ever met a reformed smoker?

    well of course that was 22 years ago...

    peace, emily who started her saturday mornings with a bottle of Coke to off-set the hangover from Friday night.....glad those days are long gone!