Great News !!!!!!!

vanser Member Posts: 100 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Hello everyone,

Just thought I would post the latest update on my Mom (for those of you who are new, she was diagnosed January 2003 with Stage 3, and has two subsequent local recurrences)
Her CAT scan last week showed NED !! We are thrilled (to say the least) and feel very fortunate..

The doctor has now recommended that she should have scans every 6 months, instead of every 3 months, which was what her protocal has been for the last two years. Do you think we should insist on every three months??



  • littlejulie
    littlejulie Member Posts: 311
    Hi Vanessa,

    I was so happy when I got your msg - I was thinking of you the whole day! The 3 or 6 months is a good question and one I going to post. My mother was told she would be going for tests every 6 months. I was under the same impression that it would be every 3 months for the first 2 years. I am curious to see what others here do.

  • deneenb
    deneenb Member Posts: 130 Member
    Hi Vanessa,

    Great News!!! Congratulations. My Dad was diagnosed with stage IV colon cancer with metastases to the peritoneal. He finished 6 months of chemo and just last week received the results of his scans showing NED (I Love those letters). The oncologist said that he is in full clinical remission and we will be doing subsequent scans every 3 months.

    Best Wishes,
  • wildcat
    wildcat Member Posts: 40
    Great, great news. I am assuming that mom will still be checked every three months and have the blood work done up. I had pretty much all the same stuff but was not scanned every visit. 4 years latter still all clear (Stage 3, 12 of 14 positive).
  • wildcat
    wildcat Member Posts: 40
    Great, great news. I am assuming that mom will still be checked every three months and have the blood work done up. I had pretty much all the same stuff but was not scanned every visit. 4 years later still all clear (Stage 3, 12 of 14 positive).
  • rejoyous
    rejoyous Member Posts: 259
    So glad to celebrate with you and your mother. Thanks for letting us share the good news. We all need to hear these stories!!!

    I don't know about the 3 vs. 6. I'm just really, really happy for you both!
  • HisJoy
    HisJoy Member Posts: 113
    Yea! I love hearing the good stories! I'm just starting on my journey with cancer and love to hear from survivors. I suppose whether you get scans every 3 or 6 months would depend on the type of cancer cell, wouldn't it? If it's something slow-moving and highly differentiated, then perhaps 6 months is ok? If there are signet ring cell features and it's poorly differntiated, fast-moving stuff, then every 3 months should be a must. That would be my guess.