high cholesterol after thyroid surgery

janelouise Member Posts: 10
edited March 2014 in Thyroid Cancer #1
I just got a phone call from the doctor saying that my cholesterol is high. (5.9) I have never had this problem before and wonder if it is related to my thyroid cancer/surgery. At the time of the blood test I had had 1/2 of my thyroid removed and was on no medication. (nor had I had any blood work to see if I needed meds) I have since had my other half out (Dec 7th) and am currently on .1mg of Levothyroxine until it is time to get ready for my radiation treatment. Has anyone else had this problem? I would appreciate hearing anybody's experiences.
Thanks for your imput. Jane


  • mcg1
    mcg1 Member Posts: 10
    I had low blood pressure, low cholesterol and good levels of good cholesterol- with excellent ratio between the two; until my papillary carcinoma was diagnosed and the thyroid was removed. Within 3 months I was on toprol XL and Zetia. My diet only changed while on the iodine free diet for the radioiodine treatment. I was always very conscious of eating healthy and doing some exercise. I DO think the blood problems are directly related to having the thyroid removed. It does take time for your system to return to some form of normal. Keep talking with your doctor to regulate your levels.