kangatoo Member Posts: 2,105 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Being upside down and a little further into the future than most of you guys I am going to wish you all a very HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!
By the time you guys are "thinking" about celebrating the coming of midnight this little black duck will already be hugging/kissing and partaking in all manner of celebrations.
Unfortunately my medical condition will prevent me from imbibing in the traditional way, however I think one wee drop of a nice red wine will not be seen as an unstable constitution--lol!
On the stroke of midnight that wee drop will have me toasting to your health and the knowledge that we are all together in our hearts as one.Jen and I wish you all the very best to come in 2005!
Friends--our sincerest love to you all, Ross and Jen


  • spongebob
    spongebob Member Posts: 2,565 Member
    Ross & Jen -

    Wishing you both a happy, healthy and prosperous 2005 filled with much motorcycle mayhem!

    Love you guys

    - SpongeBob
  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,065 Member
    HAPPY NEW YEAR to you both too!!

    God bless us all!

    Here's to Health for 2005!!

    peace, emily who will be quietly tucked in her cozy cabin or hiking by moonlight in the woods to ring in the new year....
  • johnom
    johnom Member Posts: 86 Member
    I promise to raise a "ginger beer" to you two and all the semi colons on this board.

    May God bless us all with health this year.
  • fedester
    fedester Member Posts: 753 Member
    hey kanga and jen,
    happy new year to you both, it was a rough year for all of us. here's to a happy NED year to all semi-colons
    all the best
  • ron50
    ron50 Member Posts: 1,723 Member
    Hi Kanga and Jen, Wishing you a happy and healthy new year. I won't be imbibing either I'm getting up at 2.30 and heading 30 miles off shore fishing ,,makes more sense than waking up with a hangover. See you in the new year Ron and Susan.
  • littlejulie
    littlejulie Member Posts: 311
    ron50 said:

    Hi Kanga and Jen, Wishing you a happy and healthy new year. I won't be imbibing either I'm getting up at 2.30 and heading 30 miles off shore fishing ,,makes more sense than waking up with a hangover. See you in the new year Ron and Susan.

  • Fitlisa
    Fitlisa Member Posts: 99
    Ross & Jen,

    All the very very best in 2005 to you from me here in Cincinnati. Let's hope that this upcoming year will be kind to all of us, survivors and caregivers alike.

    All my best,

  • aspaysia
    aspaysia Member Posts: 250
    Kanga, what is black duck? Sounds like cheap Aussie rotgut wine. Hope u are drinking something more worthy of your status on this board as head cheerleader.
    Happy New Year and many more.
  • This comment has been removed by the Moderator
  • kangatoo
    kangatoo Member Posts: 2,105 Member
    unknown said:

    This comment has been removed by the Moderator

    For Aspaysia; The term "little black duck" is an ozzie saying (slang) some people(mostly males) use here to describe their personal involvement in an event.
    Here are some examples;
    1/ A mate asks me if I will go to the pub(hotel) tonight for a drink. I reply; "not this little black duck!!!"
    meaning--if I went out without Jen and got drunk she would frown on me.
    2/ A mate asks me to go fishing in his boat(even tho a storm is forecast)
    I reply; " n--t--l---b--duck"
    Meaning--my mate has got a screw loose, lost tha plot---I bottle short of a dozen!!!
    3/ A mate asks me if I want to join him for a "fang" on our motorcycles(It is rainin cats n dorgs outside)
    I reply; "n---t---l--b---duck"
    meaning--he also has lost the plot, got a bolt loose, is 9 parts on his way to the looney bin!!
    Why would I want to ride then have to spend all day cleaning my bike?
    Like my statement of; "by the time you guys are thinking about the coming of midnight this little black duck(me) will already.................celebrations."
    -----in other words I will be the odd man out--
    errrrrrr--hope that cleared things up for you Asp????--he he !!!!you confused now???
    huggs Kanga
  • timlou
    timlou Member Posts: 60
    kangatoo, 2004 really gave us a shock, I 50 had a stroke (January), daughter Jen 31 has breast cancer (February), husband Tim 52 has colon cancer (May). 2005 WILL be better! My resolution: To share all knowledge attained through this ordeal to help whoever I can. Blessings: Jennepher has been given a cancer free status for the moment. We live one blessing at a time. May your higher power see you through. Louise
  • kangatoo
    kangatoo Member Posts: 2,105 Member
    kangatoo said:

    For Aspaysia; The term "little black duck" is an ozzie saying (slang) some people(mostly males) use here to describe their personal involvement in an event.
    Here are some examples;
    1/ A mate asks me if I will go to the pub(hotel) tonight for a drink. I reply; "not this little black duck!!!"
    meaning--if I went out without Jen and got drunk she would frown on me.
    2/ A mate asks me to go fishing in his boat(even tho a storm is forecast)
    I reply; " n--t--l---b--duck"
    Meaning--my mate has got a screw loose, lost tha plot---I bottle short of a dozen!!!
    3/ A mate asks me if I want to join him for a "fang" on our motorcycles(It is rainin cats n dorgs outside)
    I reply; "n---t---l--b---duck"
    meaning--he also has lost the plot, got a bolt loose, is 9 parts on his way to the looney bin!!
    Why would I want to ride then have to spend all day cleaning my bike?
    Like my statement of; "by the time you guys are thinking about the coming of midnight this little black duck(me) will already.................celebrations."
    -----in other words I will be the odd man out--
    errrrrrr--hope that cleared things up for you Asp????--he he !!!!you confused now???
    huggs Kanga

    HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!it is now new years day!!!!!!
    Here's a bit more humour---some ozzie slang!When guys here need to go to the bathroom(toilet here in oz--bathrooms are for showering here!) You will hear guys here say;
    "I'm going to shake the snake", "squeeze the lizard", "point Percy at tha porcelain", "check out me equipment", and many more. Ladies are more sofisticated. The say; "powder my face"--lol!
    Ozzie males use terms of endearment to their mates--how this is received is determined by how it is said and in what manner of voice. In other words if a mate is seen to be doing something crazy he is said to have;
    "lost tha plot", "5 cents short of a dollar", "got a screw loose","a bottle short of a dozen", "lost the other side of tha black stump", "1/2 a dozen short of a slab(a slab is 24 bottles of beer)"
    In oz we compare a bad restaurant meal by the following saying which describes a better meal(tucker);
    Catch a Galah(native ozzie bird), put in billie of boiling water, throw in a boot, salt to taste, boil over hot coals for 30 mins. Remove billie from tha fire, chuck out tha Galah n eat tha boot!!! lol!!!!!
    aw, c'mon guys, yah gotta laugh!!!!
  • Lisa Rose
    Lisa Rose Member Posts: 598 Member
    Hi Ross & Jen,

    Wishing you both a " Wonderful New Year " lot's of love from your Canadian Friends....

    Happy New Year 2005,
    Lisa & Andy
  • kangatoo
    kangatoo Member Posts: 2,105 Member
    Lisa Rose said:

    Hi Ross & Jen,

    Wishing you both a " Wonderful New Year " lot's of love from your Canadian Friends....

    Happy New Year 2005,
    Lisa & Andy

    Hullo to new friends Johnom, Babs211 and Timlou. I don't think we have met yet but welcome to our family. Our new year blessings go out to all of you. And yes Timlou, I am certain many of us would like to see 2005 being a better year.
    We can all help build the bridge so that we can cross it.
    luv to you all, kanga n Jen
  • aspaysia
    aspaysia Member Posts: 250
    kangatoo said:

    HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!it is now new years day!!!!!!
    Here's a bit more humour---some ozzie slang!When guys here need to go to the bathroom(toilet here in oz--bathrooms are for showering here!) You will hear guys here say;
    "I'm going to shake the snake", "squeeze the lizard", "point Percy at tha porcelain", "check out me equipment", and many more. Ladies are more sofisticated. The say; "powder my face"--lol!
    Ozzie males use terms of endearment to their mates--how this is received is determined by how it is said and in what manner of voice. In other words if a mate is seen to be doing something crazy he is said to have;
    "lost tha plot", "5 cents short of a dollar", "got a screw loose","a bottle short of a dozen", "lost the other side of tha black stump", "1/2 a dozen short of a slab(a slab is 24 bottles of beer)"
    In oz we compare a bad restaurant meal by the following saying which describes a better meal(tucker);
    Catch a Galah(native ozzie bird), put in billie of boiling water, throw in a boot, salt to taste, boil over hot coals for 30 mins. Remove billie from tha fire, chuck out tha Galah n eat tha boot!!! lol!!!!!
    aw, c'mon guys, yah gotta laugh!!!!

    Kanga, when you get on a roll no body can touch you. Not even that naughty SpongeBob. No, I don't mean that kind of touching. Sheesh.
    I am sending your post to my sister in Canada. She enjoys a good joke especially if it is in another language.
    Allow me to make a contribution to your dictionary of slang. In the Great White North when the guys polish off a two-four of good ole 5.2 they excuse themselves to go outside and "blast the bushes" Some of them don't even bother to open the screen door in summer.
    How's that for rude male behavior?
  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,065 Member
    aspaysia said:

    Kanga, when you get on a roll no body can touch you. Not even that naughty SpongeBob. No, I don't mean that kind of touching. Sheesh.
    I am sending your post to my sister in Canada. She enjoys a good joke especially if it is in another language.
    Allow me to make a contribution to your dictionary of slang. In the Great White North when the guys polish off a two-four of good ole 5.2 they excuse themselves to go outside and "blast the bushes" Some of them don't even bother to open the screen door in summer.
    How's that for rude male behavior?

    On a roll??? Are you sure he's not three sheets to the wind?? haha!

    HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone!!


    peace, emily who never has to worry about hangovers
  • taunya
    taunya Member Posts: 390 Member
    Thank you. Know you are always in my thoughts and prayers. Here's to a great healthy new Year!
    Love and Hugs to you both,
  • nanuk
    nanuk Member Posts: 1,358 Member
    Emily raises her juice, and I my cognac..I wish everyone a new day..each is a gift. Bud
  • timlou
    timlou Member Posts: 60
    kangatoo said:

    Hullo to new friends Johnom, Babs211 and Timlou. I don't think we have met yet but welcome to our family. Our new year blessings go out to all of you. And yes Timlou, I am certain many of us would like to see 2005 being a better year.
    We can all help build the bridge so that we can cross it.
    luv to you all, kanga n Jen

    Dear Kanga and Jen, Thanks to all for the welcome, I believe I have found a goldmine in your group. Well, it is Jan. 2 let the new year begin. For us it will be a little football this afternoon (american that is) Go Bills that's our old team from Buffalo. We are in Tampa. God bless everyone. I just know I am going to love it here. By the way I am the Lou part of the timlou equation the Tim part is sleeping. To everyone have a great day. Louise