Another Update

Btrcup Member Posts: 286
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Hi all, thanks for your support. Well Scott is in the hospital again. They opened him up last night and said his bowels were a mess. There were adhesions and perforations all throughout. They also found some white spots on his colon. Surgeon said this could be dead cancer cells from chemo, or it could be live cancer cells forming. They sent samples to pathology, so we need to wait a couple of days for results.

He was in surgery for almost 4 hours. Surgeon said he cleaned him out but they couldn't close him up due to distension (sp?) so they have a piece of mesh over the wound for now. This is so freaky!! We are both fans of the TLC show "Trauma..Life in the ER" and have actually seen this type of surgery done. Scott will probably be in the hospital for at least a week, maybe longer. He can't eat for 2-3 weeks (he is not happy about that!). I will keep you all posted.

Thank you all for your prayers and thoughts. I hope all is well for you and your families.

Linda (Baltimore)

PS. Spongebob...I don't use 295...I use 695, the Beltway, and it sucks!!


  • alihamilton
    alihamilton Member Posts: 347 Member
    I am so sorry to hear about Scott, Linda. It seems that many people on this board are going through really difficult times. You will just have to save all that Christmas food for Scott to eat later. I remember my Mike could not eat anything other than soup at Christmas last year, so I am making sure he gets it all this time around. All the best to you both.
  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,065 Member

    Will be keeping you and Scott in my prayers. I hope you can find some peace throughout all this. My heart goes out to you both.

    peace, emily
  • aspaysia
    aspaysia Member Posts: 250
    Surgery is always veryyy interesting. I have had that feeling of being on a TV show with my guts hanging out. Due to infected sutures I had a chasm below my bellybutton that was being packed and could see through several layers. Just like the diagrams in biology. They took polaroids and everything. Guess I am one for the books.
    It may take some time but all will heal. The body is an amazing machine. The freaky thing being that it regenerates from the inside out so it does not look like it is getting any better as the surface area is the last thing to close.
    Remember: DON'T PANIC
  • spongebob
    spongebob Member Posts: 2,565 Member
    Well, Linda, looks like you'll have to eat those crabcakes and she-crab soup from Phillips allll by yourself...

    didn't close him up - YUK

    can't eat for 2-3 week - double YUK

    695 and the Beltway - TRIPLE YUK!

    You guys take care and I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

    - Bob
  • kerry
    kerry Member Posts: 1,313 Member
    spongebob said:

    Well, Linda, looks like you'll have to eat those crabcakes and she-crab soup from Phillips allll by yourself...

    didn't close him up - YUK

    can't eat for 2-3 week - double YUK

    695 and the Beltway - TRIPLE YUK!

    You guys take care and I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

    - Bob


    You and Scott are in my prayers this holiday season. I spent my entire Christmas holiday in the hospital 2 years ago and unfortunately this year I will spend it on more chemo for my recurrance. I'm beginning to dread the holidays! Hang in there. At least Scott doesn't have to eat those horrible fruit cakes!

    Best wishes for Scott's speedy recovery.

  • Linda, I am sorry that both you and Scott are going through this difficult time, and especially at this time of the year. It's so hard to be happy and joyous when all you feel like doing is crying and you can't for the life of you think how everybody just keeps going on with business as usual. Last year around this time, my Bert got real sick too and it was one of the worst Christmas times ever...but I was grateful that he was here and we've made up for it ten fold as soon as he got better. So will you.

  • jsabol
    jsabol Member Posts: 1,145 Member
    Hi Linda,
    Sorry to hear about all that Scott is having to go through. He is lucky to have you at his side. Aspaysia is right; the body has an amazing capacity to heal.
    Hugs (very gentle hugs to Scott)and prayers to you both, Judy
  • steved
    steved Member Posts: 834 Member
    A rough time for both of you but often this is the only way to start moving forward again. I hope the healing process is happening (both physically and emotionally- it really takes it out of you to see people you care about go throgh so much) and we will be thinking of you-
  • nanuk
    nanuk Member Posts: 1,358 Member
    I am sending Scott virtual food to eat for the next week or so; plenty of greens, a big rib eye steak, and pumpkin pie, sprinkled with lots of prayers.
  • kangatoo
    kangatoo Member Posts: 2,105 Member
    nanuk said:

    I am sending Scott virtual food to eat for the next week or so; plenty of greens, a big rib eye steak, and pumpkin pie, sprinkled with lots of prayers.

    Sorry I couldn't post earlier Linda--Give Sott a big hugg for us both. Our prayers are with you both and pray that he will be fit enough to be home for xmas.
    luv kanga n Jen