An FYI on what I have decided to do about my cancer

scouty Member Posts: 1,965 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Hi to all my friends,

Some history...stage IV colorectal with 2 maybe 3 mets to liver and 1 to my right lung. Dxed in March and went on folfox 6 w/ avastin since end of March.

Since then I have read tons and done lots of research on alternative plans to compliment my chemo. Until the chemo side effects really started building up. Chemo fatigue had me sleeping 12-14 hours a day. Chemo brain was impacted every minute of my day. I went on full disability from work mid August and since then have really been doing some soul searching.

I interviewed by phone 3 Naturapaths in my area and chose one to go see. After her analysis (my hair analysis come back early next week for more info), my new doctor advised a diet regime which included juicing twice a day and foods to help with my specific conditions.
The neurapathy has my hands and feet numbing so that buttoning blouses is almost imposible and feeling my feet hit the ground doesn't happen anymore. The Avastin has wrecked my blood pressure and we have had a hard time finding meds to control it. My kidneys have started to bother me, not to mention my heart "acting" weird.

I met with my onc. last week and was told surgery is still not an option for me (I have had no cancer surgery yet) and there is no end in sight for chemo.

I have decided to stop chemo for now and try the new diet/supplements my Naturapath recommends. I go back in for testing mid January and have my oncs. okay with it all. I am very fortunate to have an oncologist that has had a wide variety of patients that have had success with the "eastern" approaches over the years.

Questions are welcome and I am only 1 week into my new regime. The caffeine withdrawal headaches have gone now and my energy level is improving. It will take a while to get the chemo poisons out of my body and no one knows how long it will take to cleanse and heal my body.

I am scared, yes. But, aren't we all.

I will share my results in January for those of you that are interested.

Lisa P.

I don't mind if you call me Emily Jr. BUT, I have lots to learn to match her knowledge level. Special thanks to Em, SB, and Kanga for being there recently as I have struggled with this "big step".


  • spongebob
    spongebob Member Posts: 2,565 Member
    OK... Not "Em Jr."... How about "Mini M"?

    Congratulations on your bold new plan! Just remember what I told you about the difference between "juicing" and "getting juiced".

    Love ya, Mini M!

    - SB/Spanky/George/Speedo/yadda-yadda
  • scouty
    scouty Member Posts: 1,965 Member
    spongebob said:

    OK... Not "Em Jr."... How about "Mini M"?

    Congratulations on your bold new plan! Just remember what I told you about the difference between "juicing" and "getting juiced".

    Love ya, Mini M!

    - SB/Spanky/George/Speedo/yadda-yadda

    Thanks Speedo Boy!!!!!

    Mini M is okay too but I am taller then Em I think. We have tall genes in my family and even though I am the runt of the girls I am still 5'7.

    Vodka honey is not something I can stomach since my high school dumb days ions ago. Maybe a beer. I don't think it would mix with with beet juice and I would hate to ruin my Champion juicer. I tried to get Em a commission but no luck.

    Again, thanks Bob!!!!! I really appreciate it and you!!!!

    By the way, I ordered cds of the Trans Siberian Orchestra I liked their music so much. What a wonderful holiday treat for my ears.

    Hugs, Lisa P.
  • kerry
    kerry Member Posts: 1,313 Member

    Thought about you lots today. I'm going to invest in one of those juicers - I need a carrot tan during the winter months!

    I'm sitting here wearing my yellow "Live Strong" bracelet. Thanks Lisa for sending it. I wrote you a letter today and shared a pic of my Maggie Mae. She would like Scout.

    Take care. Let me know how your new diet regimine goes - maybe send me a recipe or two for some good therapeutic juices.

    Hey, SB I might try the vodka!

    I go to MD Anderson first thing Monday morning to begin my evaluation and then probably hit the chemotherapy the following week.

    I enjoyed Scouts letter and pics. Thanks again Lisa. Take care and let us know how this procedure goes.

    Best regards.

  • grandma047
    grandma047 Member Posts: 381
    Hi Lisa, I wish you luck in whatever way you decide to go. I think we each have to choose our own way. I pray that God will direct me in the right way to go. I think about you often, especially when I wear my Lance Armstrong bracelet. I thank you for all the ones you sent me. I will be praying that things will work out good for you.
    Love and prayers, Judy(grandma047)
  • spongebob
    spongebob Member Posts: 2,565 Member
    scouty said:

    Thanks Speedo Boy!!!!!

    Mini M is okay too but I am taller then Em I think. We have tall genes in my family and even though I am the runt of the girls I am still 5'7.

    Vodka honey is not something I can stomach since my high school dumb days ions ago. Maybe a beer. I don't think it would mix with with beet juice and I would hate to ruin my Champion juicer. I tried to get Em a commission but no luck.

    Again, thanks Bob!!!!! I really appreciate it and you!!!!

    By the way, I ordered cds of the Trans Siberian Orchestra I liked their music so much. What a wonderful holiday treat for my ears.

    Hugs, Lisa P.

    MM -

    Glad you liked TSO - pretty cool stuff... Sorta like Manheim Steamroller - but kicked up a notch - BAM!

    BTW, did you ever hear back from LitWest?

    - Spanky
  • spongebob
    spongebob Member Posts: 2,565 Member
    kerry said:


    Thought about you lots today. I'm going to invest in one of those juicers - I need a carrot tan during the winter months!

    I'm sitting here wearing my yellow "Live Strong" bracelet. Thanks Lisa for sending it. I wrote you a letter today and shared a pic of my Maggie Mae. She would like Scout.

    Take care. Let me know how your new diet regimine goes - maybe send me a recipe or two for some good therapeutic juices.

    Hey, SB I might try the vodka!

    I go to MD Anderson first thing Monday morning to begin my evaluation and then probably hit the chemotherapy the following week.

    I enjoyed Scouts letter and pics. Thanks again Lisa. Take care and let us know how this procedure goes.

    Best regards.


    Come on over, Kerry - I have my bottle of Finlandia in the freezer!

    Cheers - and know that I'll be thinking of yu come Monday.

    - SB
  • taraHK
    taraHK Member Posts: 1,952 Member
    Hi Lisa,

    I, too, am sitting here wearing the "Live Strong" bracelet which you sent me. I still feel so touched by that -- it brings me strength and joy every day. You have a strong circle of friends surrounding you as you make this move into 'alternative approaches'. I will be thinking of you every day -- please give us updates whenever you wish.

    Tara -- living strong!!
  • fedester
    fedester Member Posts: 753 Member
    hi lisa,
    sounds like a great plan. much luck with it. i hope it does the trick for you. you are a great inspirition to all of us here. how is scout, writing more letters.
    let us know how everything goes.
    stay the course
    stay positive
    keep the faith
    all the best
    ps, thanks for the bracelets
  • steved
    steved Member Posts: 834 Member
    Great to take control of your own destiny in this way- the frustrating feelings of being unable to know what is out there for each of us despite all the treatments we put ourselves through at the doc's recommendation is so hard to deal with that doing something yourself can be very empowering. Good on you.

    My only advise regarding this is to not let it rule your life. I have known patients who have in particular gone the whole hog onthe juicing/ coffee enema route so that it has taken over their lives. Remember to live your life to its greatest potential between juicers andd don't let that machine our any regime take over. Not sure if you are doing the full routine or just parts of it as many do (I'm referring to the Gerson regime that I'm sure you know about)

    What ever you decide to do we wil be here to support you and would love to hear how it goes- we can all learn from each other's experiences. Best of luck,
  • steved
    steved Member Posts: 834 Member
    Great to take control of your own destiny in this way- the frustrating feelings of being unable to know what is out there for each of us despite all the treatments we put ourselves through at the doc's recommendation is so hard to deal with that doing something yourself can be very empowering. Good on you.

    My only advise regarding this is to not let it rule your life. I have known patients who have in particular gone the whole hog onthe juicing/ coffee enema route so that it has taken over their lives. Remember to live your life to its greatest potential between juicers andd don't let that machine our any regime take over. Not sure if you are doing the full routine or just parts of it as many do (I'm referring to the Gerson regime that I'm sure you know about)

    What ever you decide to do we wil be here to support you and would love to hear how it goes- we can all learn from each other's experiences. Best of luck,
  • kangatoo
    kangatoo Member Posts: 2,105 Member
    steved said:

    Great to take control of your own destiny in this way- the frustrating feelings of being unable to know what is out there for each of us despite all the treatments we put ourselves through at the doc's recommendation is so hard to deal with that doing something yourself can be very empowering. Good on you.

    My only advise regarding this is to not let it rule your life. I have known patients who have in particular gone the whole hog onthe juicing/ coffee enema route so that it has taken over their lives. Remember to live your life to its greatest potential between juicers andd don't let that machine our any regime take over. Not sure if you are doing the full routine or just parts of it as many do (I'm referring to the Gerson regime that I'm sure you know about)

    What ever you decide to do we wil be here to support you and would love to hear how it goes- we can all learn from each other's experiences. Best of luck,

    Sweet Lisa--with all the "unatural" stuff the general public gets fed these days I have no doubt that alternative remedies have a lot going for them. In the old days in Australia we used to get the milk straight from the cow--cream skinned off, us kids used to fight for. My dad used to grow veggies and fruit--now we have water restrictions and they add chlorine to it. When we were babes we sat and played in the dirt--mum just cleaned us off after. Today, even I wouldn't let youngsters play in the dirt--why?--because our immune system is so stuffed up with the chemicals we have been eating that the immune system just can't cope. We have been pumped sp full of artificial stuff all our lives we have no real knowledge of what natural "was" or "should" be today! Medically speaking we have a lot to be thankfull for but techknowledgy I think has also had some disastrous effects on the human race. I guess it is all "catch 22".
    Wishing you all the best Lisa--email me anytime babe--always got a shoulder for you.
    luv n huggs Kanga n Jen
  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,065 Member
    spongebob said:

    MM -

    Glad you liked TSO - pretty cool stuff... Sorta like Manheim Steamroller - but kicked up a notch - BAM!

    BTW, did you ever hear back from LitWest?

    - Spanky

    spanky? or is it kinky?

    I'm 5'3 anyway. scouty will probably blow right by me in the juicing department!! SHE juices beets everyday. Even *I* don't do that!!!

    YOU GO GIRL!!! for anyone who is interested. Champion Juicer is the juicer of choice.

    peace, emily who doesn't care to make a buck on others cancer healing--ever!!
  • Kanort
    Kanort Member Posts: 1,272 Member
    Hi Lisa,

    Thank you for sharing with us what I know was a difficult decision. Having your oncologist support you must make the transition a little easier.

    Please, please know that I will be praying that your body will accept the more natural approach and will begin healing itself.

    Keep us informed on your progress and I hope that the side effects you mentioned will quickly go away.

    Thinking of you,

  • jana11
    jana11 Member Posts: 705
    best of luck to you!! I too wear the livestrong bracelet - and treasure the motto!

    I am going to give one to a nurse at my clinic who was just diagnosed with lung cancer. I think the gift of the livestrong bracelets is a strong one, thanks for sharing it with so many of us.

    Keep us posted - and let us know if you need anything.... lots of positive feelings are coming your way.

    Thinking of you often, jana
  • nanuk
    nanuk Member Posts: 1,358 Member
    Hi Lisa: Keep us posted on your routine; we all have a lot to learn to catch up w/ Emily..
    You may have another alternative..see"IMRT"&OVKEY=imrt&OVMTC=standard

  • juliebeth
    juliebeth Member Posts: 21
    Please let me what you did in 2004-who was your naturopath?

    I have stage 4 appendiceal cancer. I am on my second round of chemo. I would like to naturally prevent my cancer from coming back. Can you please let me know what you did?