Breast cancer w/ mets to spinal fluid

staplmieri2 Member Posts: 1
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
In July of 2003, I felt a lump in my right breast. I went immediately to my primary doc who sent me immediately to the breast diagnositic center. Everyone felt the lump, my husband, my primary doc, & the doc at the breast center. The mammogram showed NOTHING, so next she did an ultrasound since we all felt the lump. She said to me you are 35 yrs. old, w/ no family history so I see no reason to do anything. She says come back in 3-4 months. A couple of weeks later my breast felt very tender & went back to my primary doc who sent me directly to the surgeon for a biopsy. Of course the biopsy came back extremely suspicious and then the next few weeks it was the other screenings and finally a full radical mastectomy w/ 25 positive nodes removed. He said everything else looked clear. We had to hire full time live in help b/c I have a 5 yr. old, 7yr old and a 9yr old. I started the 16 wk chemo program 2 wks later. Then went thru radiation. I had about 2 wks w/out anything. Then 1 nite in March 2004 I got this headache that was so painful like nothing I'd ever had before. Then started vomitting. Went straight to the er and then was admitted. The doctors asked for a spinal tap and sure enough the cancer was now in my spinal fluid. Metastasis 2 weeks after I thought I was done for a little while. So now I'm being taken to get a resevoir in my head so when they need to put chemo in, that's where it would go. So I go home the next day and then the next day the resevoir becomes infected. Back in the hospital to have it removed. Doctors decided that I had to do radition of the brain & spine first now. I was in a wheel chair b/c of atrophy from the hospital. Anyhow the radiation everyday for weeks was definitely the worst part so far. I would vomit everyday. After the rounds of radiation then it was time to try another resivoir in my head again. Thank G-d this one didn't get infected. I have had scans and tests since all that and so far so good. I'm still getting chemo in my head if the tests show any signs of cancer. I had major emotionally issues in the beginning. I couldn't even look at my kids, but now I'm a good anti-anxiety med. So I mentally can deal day to day. Oh and I found out thru genetic testing I have BRCA1, so 3 wks ago I had my ovaries removed laparoscopically. Depending on how the next couple of months go I will get the other breast removed. The doctor says everything really depends on how well I respond to the treatment. I will fight everyday, as I have been. I have too much to live for-an amazing husband and 3 wonderful children.


  • jeancmici
    jeancmici Member Posts: 665 Member

    My heart goes out to you with what you have had to endure and I will pray for more success in treatments. I wouldn't blame the doctor after reading your story because cancr is so darn insidious and yours sounded so atypical.

    Keep up the fight - lots of us will be thinking of you in our prayers.

    Love, Jean
  • Ellison
    Ellison Member Posts: 68
    Your right you have so much to fight for. It sounds like you have a loving family. My prayers are with you and yours. You are one tough lady.

    You give me hope and remind me that I too need to not give up. Thank you for posting. Please let us know how you are doing.

  • wildangel
    wildangel Member Posts: 81
    What a fighter you are!!!
    You keep that fighting spirit and don't ever let this damn beast get the best of you. It may have attacked your body but your spirit is strong and you seem to be - finally after a ride to h*ll and back- on the right track to RECOVERY.
    I am so very sorry you had to go through all of this. I wish there was an island I could ship every doctor who told a woman she "was too young to have breast cancer" to and make them eat bugs for the rest of their lives and have hurricanes every day.
    Keep the faith- it will get hard sometimes but you ARE NOT ALONE in this. And come back here and let us know how you are ok???

    Hang in there and God's Blessings be with you.

  • wildangel said:

    What a fighter you are!!!
    You keep that fighting spirit and don't ever let this damn beast get the best of you. It may have attacked your body but your spirit is strong and you seem to be - finally after a ride to h*ll and back- on the right track to RECOVERY.
    I am so very sorry you had to go through all of this. I wish there was an island I could ship every doctor who told a woman she "was too young to have breast cancer" to and make them eat bugs for the rest of their lives and have hurricanes every day.
    Keep the faith- it will get hard sometimes but you ARE NOT ALONE in this. And come back here and let us know how you are ok???

    Hang in there and God's Blessings be with you.


    I know a couple doctors I'd like to send to that island too!
    Hang in there - I'm an 11 year survivor so there IS light at the end of the tunnel.
  • gdpawel
    gdpawel Member Posts: 523 Member
    Google or Yahoo "Carcinomatous Meningitis" or "Leptomeningeal Carcinomatous" for more information.