M&M's & Northern
It surprises me to no end that the Suasan G.Komen Foundation is encouraging anyone to eat refined sugar. First off all to many of us are on Tamoxifen and fight a weight problem plus estrogen is stored in fat so we don't need a extra pound. Cancer needs sugar to grow and we don't want that at any cost. What the candy cost give to the foundation, all of it! Go buy fresh unsalted peanuts. I'm sure the Komen foundation can raise money without doing harm to everyones health. Toilet paper sounds like a good plan! If God didn't make it don't eat it. Blessings to all. Linda0
Linda Tn, where did you get your info about cancer needing sugar? Aren't cancer cells just regular cells that have gone a little wacko? Don't they need the same nutrients that all cells do?lindatn said:It surprises me to no end that the Suasan G.Komen Foundation is encouraging anyone to eat refined sugar. First off all to many of us are on Tamoxifen and fight a weight problem plus estrogen is stored in fat so we don't need a extra pound. Cancer needs sugar to grow and we don't want that at any cost. What the candy cost give to the foundation, all of it! Go buy fresh unsalted peanuts. I'm sure the Komen foundation can raise money without doing harm to everyones health. Toilet paper sounds like a good plan! If God didn't make it don't eat it. Blessings to all. Linda
0 -
When I was first dx with cancer two and a half years ago my GP who is in his late fifties who had worked at a cancer center in Canada told me this. He also told me that cancer can't live in a body that is kept alkaline and grows when your body is acidic. He would not go into this any further so I started a in depth study on alternative care and cancer cures. All of these natural cures tell you to never eat any refined food, most say no meat or milk but for rice and soymilk of course. When you consult alternative DRs the diet is all fresh foods and orgainic of course. Did you know that ten years ago Israel banned all pesticides and their cancer rate has been cut in half, are we listening NO. Husband and I have both had cancer and we are listening but difficult to do in this country plus I am a long way from a large city to buy organic so I do a lot of washing fresh foods. Never drink water but distilled, you can keep very busy trying to sort it all out but refined sugar, which is in almost everything you look at if you check the labels, I don't think any of us need it, diabets is on the rise in this country to the point it is unbelieval etc etc. Food for thought and God Bless. Linda0
Never meaning to be rude or offend, I thank Mars for every bag of candy that they sell. I buy M and Ms and I think that we all have to follow our beliefs. I am not fat, I do not store fat and I eat any sugars in moderation. Just because a person eats candy does not mean that they will get cancer or make the cancer worse. M and Ms will be bought by countless millions of ppl forever. I thank Mars for their donations and their efforts.lindatn said:When I was first dx with cancer two and a half years ago my GP who is in his late fifties who had worked at a cancer center in Canada told me this. He also told me that cancer can't live in a body that is kept alkaline and grows when your body is acidic. He would not go into this any further so I started a in depth study on alternative care and cancer cures. All of these natural cures tell you to never eat any refined food, most say no meat or milk but for rice and soymilk of course. When you consult alternative DRs the diet is all fresh foods and orgainic of course. Did you know that ten years ago Israel banned all pesticides and their cancer rate has been cut in half, are we listening NO. Husband and I have both had cancer and we are listening but difficult to do in this country plus I am a long way from a large city to buy organic so I do a lot of washing fresh foods. Never drink water but distilled, you can keep very busy trying to sort it all out but refined sugar, which is in almost everything you look at if you check the labels, I don't think any of us need it, diabets is on the rise in this country to the point it is unbelieval etc etc. Food for thought and God Bless. Linda
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I have heard about sugar and cancer before but I heard it in the context of when you get a PET scan they inject you with a sugar isotope and if there is cancer present it will "go to it" or something like that.lindatn said:It surprises me to no end that the Suasan G.Komen Foundation is encouraging anyone to eat refined sugar. First off all to many of us are on Tamoxifen and fight a weight problem plus estrogen is stored in fat so we don't need a extra pound. Cancer needs sugar to grow and we don't want that at any cost. What the candy cost give to the foundation, all of it! Go buy fresh unsalted peanuts. I'm sure the Komen foundation can raise money without doing harm to everyones health. Toilet paper sounds like a good plan! If God didn't make it don't eat it. Blessings to all. Linda
I have always heard that all refined foods, white flour, sugar, proscessed breads, etc are very unhealthy. BUT here is where I am so confused...
When I was 15 I stopped eating meat. I ate all veggies and grains etc. I stayed away from liquor, I never smoked and in my entire family tree I am the ONLY PERSON who got cancer!
My brother used to tease me that what I really needed was a cheeseburger and beer.
Now I eat a mostly plant based, whole foods diet. I do have chicken from time to time and sometimes a lamb chop. I found the only way my hair grew back was to add some more protein. I don't do soy and technically I could because I am ER/PR - but I have heard that ER/PR + girls should steer clear of all soy products.
But I must admit- I have a weakness and sometimes I give in to that Peppermint Patty or that box of Goodnplenty. Today I bought a bag of mini chocolates shaped like pumpkins.
I don't do it all the time. And I know I shouldn't. I am not overweight so that is ok.
I also drink tap water. I better stop that because that is all I drink. But WHERE do you buy distilled water? And what does it taste like? I don't buy bottled water because that is usually tap water put in a fancy bottle.
I have no idea if I am acidic or alkaline.
Hey I will do anything to prevent this disease from coming back. But I really can't have a Skittle now and then?
Well any info about where one gets distilled water and how you know if you are alkaline would be appreciated.
Angela0 -
Angela to answer your questions, distilled water can be bought in gallons almost anywhere, Wal-mart is where I buy mine and I have a tiny store so sure all of them have it. Most grorcery stores likewise. Remember we used it in steam irons. The PH Balance testing tape can be bought in most any drug store or from vitamin catalogs. You test saliva and urine there is a chart on the package telling you how to read it. Any natural Health page on the internet will give you a list of foods that form ash or alkaline with recommended 10-20 percent intake daily be acid the balance alkaline. Will any of this keep us from getting cancer back or cure us I don't have the answer to that but I do wish they would spend equal amount of money researching why we get cancer and how to prevent it. Much reasearch needs to be done on herbs and vitamins in treating and preventing. Nearly all research money is spent now on how to nearly kill us off to cure it and they don't have all that great of track record. I had a fairly large tumor and two nodes so I am willing to try a different life style. Husband was given six to eight years if he took Lupron he refused but did have radiation. He did take Lupron for three months and said if that is how he was going to feel he would rather take a chance on dying. I wasn't ready to let him go that easy. One year out of treatment starting PSA was 60 still at .03 so we can hope and pray. Linda0
Wildangel, we can only do the best we can. Yes, most bottled waters start out as tap water, but they are processed to remove minerals and contamination. I personally have a pitcher filter that I use to refill washed water bottles so I have a little control over what I drink. Because I am er+, I have to avoid plant and animal estrogens, including all animal flesh, dairy products and soy beans. Guess what most vegetarian and low fat products are made from? Soybeans! Given the choice between two things that are bad for me, I'll take the one that tastes better! I also have to avoid foods I love like tomatoes, carrots, whole wheat, brown rice, sweet potatoes and oats. I use to be high fiber girl and now have to eat white flour and white rice because they inhibit estrogen. I have never smoked, gave up alcohol 15 years ago and am the thinnest member of my birth family and yes, THE ONLY ONE WHO GOT CANCER! It's not fair, but it's the hand we were dealt.wildangel said:I have heard about sugar and cancer before but I heard it in the context of when you get a PET scan they inject you with a sugar isotope and if there is cancer present it will "go to it" or something like that.
I have always heard that all refined foods, white flour, sugar, proscessed breads, etc are very unhealthy. BUT here is where I am so confused...
When I was 15 I stopped eating meat. I ate all veggies and grains etc. I stayed away from liquor, I never smoked and in my entire family tree I am the ONLY PERSON who got cancer!
My brother used to tease me that what I really needed was a cheeseburger and beer.
Now I eat a mostly plant based, whole foods diet. I do have chicken from time to time and sometimes a lamb chop. I found the only way my hair grew back was to add some more protein. I don't do soy and technically I could because I am ER/PR - but I have heard that ER/PR + girls should steer clear of all soy products.
But I must admit- I have a weakness and sometimes I give in to that Peppermint Patty or that box of Goodnplenty. Today I bought a bag of mini chocolates shaped like pumpkins.
I don't do it all the time. And I know I shouldn't. I am not overweight so that is ok.
I also drink tap water. I better stop that because that is all I drink. But WHERE do you buy distilled water? And what does it taste like? I don't buy bottled water because that is usually tap water put in a fancy bottle.
I have no idea if I am acidic or alkaline.
Hey I will do anything to prevent this disease from coming back. But I really can't have a Skittle now and then?
Well any info about where one gets distilled water and how you know if you are alkaline would be appreciated.
Angela0 -
Idalia, Please explain why you have given up all those wonderful foods, what makes you think tomatoes,carrots, whole wheat,brown rice, sweet potatoes and oats are harmful to you? In turn you are eating refined foods, please explain I am confused. The soy issue is completely unproved, why do the women in Asia have so much less cancer until they move to our way of eating? The first generation in America does not get cancer the second starts to and by the third it is the same. I am er+ I eat soy not everyday but I do eat lentils and chickpeas etc. Having come from a farm background I leave meatand milk alone every calf is implanted with a growth hormone, every chick is put on antibotic in the water and feed the first day they are hatched, most milk cows have hormone implants to increase milk production almost all farms are sprayed with weed killers etc etc. We all go about living each day the best we can and pray to have many more. Linda0
Linda is absolutely right CANCER CELLS FEED OFF OF SUGAR. Eat all you like, but do so in an informed manner. Sugar feeds cancer, bottom line, and that is what burns me up....the docs don't inform their patients of this! Cruciferous veggies inhibit cancer cells growth, this includes cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, bok choy, etc...Docs don't tell you that either. I bet they also haven't told you these same veggies help tamoxifen work 30% better. Alternative medicine is grossly neglected in this country, at our expense, both financially and physically. Only 1% of our tax dollars goes to alt med research. The majority of research is dictated by the drug companies, they tell the research institutions which drugs they can research.lindatn said:Idalia, Please explain why you have given up all those wonderful foods, what makes you think tomatoes,carrots, whole wheat,brown rice, sweet potatoes and oats are harmful to you? In turn you are eating refined foods, please explain I am confused. The soy issue is completely unproved, why do the women in Asia have so much less cancer until they move to our way of eating? The first generation in America does not get cancer the second starts to and by the third it is the same. I am er+ I eat soy not everyday but I do eat lentils and chickpeas etc. Having come from a farm background I leave meatand milk alone every calf is implanted with a growth hormone, every chick is put on antibotic in the water and feed the first day they are hatched, most milk cows have hormone implants to increase milk production almost all farms are sprayed with weed killers etc etc. We all go about living each day the best we can and pray to have many more. Linda
Doesn't it strike you odd that almost ALL trials include chemotherapy, that almost ALL studies end with "5-10 more years of research is needed before marketing will be available".
We've had "race for the cure", "hope for the cure", "run for the cure" this year, and I kid you not it is "unmask the cure". All I can say is "about dang time". I just hope 'they' mean it!
Conquering Cancer Through Christ
Demand Equal Funds Exploring Alternative Therapy0 -
Ok- I think I need help. Can you tell me what I am doing wrong or right?hummingbyrd said:Linda is absolutely right CANCER CELLS FEED OFF OF SUGAR. Eat all you like, but do so in an informed manner. Sugar feeds cancer, bottom line, and that is what burns me up....the docs don't inform their patients of this! Cruciferous veggies inhibit cancer cells growth, this includes cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, bok choy, etc...Docs don't tell you that either. I bet they also haven't told you these same veggies help tamoxifen work 30% better. Alternative medicine is grossly neglected in this country, at our expense, both financially and physically. Only 1% of our tax dollars goes to alt med research. The majority of research is dictated by the drug companies, they tell the research institutions which drugs they can research.
Doesn't it strike you odd that almost ALL trials include chemotherapy, that almost ALL studies end with "5-10 more years of research is needed before marketing will be available".
We've had "race for the cure", "hope for the cure", "run for the cure" this year, and I kid you not it is "unmask the cure". All I can say is "about dang time". I just hope 'they' mean it!
Conquering Cancer Through Christ
Demand Equal Funds Exploring Alternative Therapy
My normal day I will have one cup of coffee, a bowl of high fiber cereal (8-10 grams) with fat free Lactaid milk.
I don't eat lunch.
For dinner I will have whole wheat pasta with tomatoes from my garden mixed in with olive oil and herbs around 4 times a week, sometimes a bowl of new potatoes or sweet potatoes with carrots or brocolli, and then maybe twice a week some roasted chicken or some shrimp.
I only drink tap water.
Today I had a little accident and had 5 oatmeal raisin cookies.
I use Splenda sweetener.
I am ER-.
I know that cancer is started by a gene mutation but something has to get that started (sugar? fats?) and that is why I am trying everything I can to stop that process from repeating itself!
I had a very aggressive tumor and the docs all scared me about that fact combined with the ER- factor.
You all seem to know a whole lot more about nutrition than me. I do CHEAT. I never met a candy bar I didn't like. And don't even get me started on ice cream. But I don't keep anything in my house. I rarely eat ice cream but candy and the occasional cookie will come home with me.
I used to eat almonds every day because someone told me that they fight cancer and then my doc told me to stop. Believe it or not- WITH THIS DIET- my cholesterol is 257! Before chemo it was 145!
I went to the pharmacy today and the pharmacist told me that distilled water would be bad for me to drink all the time! How can that be?
Thanks for any opinions!
Angela0 -
I am alarmed that this discussion has gone so strongly into a diet discussion that recommends eating in a totally unbalanced way. I think this could be scary to people who are afraid their eating behaviour will cause them to have a reoccurrence of cancer. I just want to point out that if you are suggesting that the goal should be to totally remove sugar from the diet because you believe it to be some sort of "killer" than that goal is nigh onto impossible to attain. If you read any of the labels on your food in the supermarket you will discover that virtually all foods have sugar added to make foods taste better. Again, the sugars in the fruits and vegetables that you eat are eventually broken done into smaller bits in your body and sucrose is one of the components that appears in the breakdown chain.
Everything that I have read indicates that the medical establishment is not certain about contributing factors for cancer development. For each study that says don't drink alcohol there is a study that says alcohol in moderation is OK and red wine may discourage the development of certain cancers. For each food study that says don't eat something there is a study that contradicts it. The only recommendations that are widely accepted are the studies suggesting that ER+ tumor people should lower fat intake and eat fewer foods that can contribute to estrogen mimicking or estrogen production in their bodies. What I am suggesting here is that maybe you should just eat healthfully and eat in moderation. People who are already terrified should not be led to be totally terrified of what they are eating. Some risk factors can not be avoided. After all, lots of us live in a city and drive in traffic where we breathe polluted air every day. Lets try to be calm and enjoy life and not analyze every single thing.0 -
Hiwimpy said:Hi
I am alarmed that this discussion has gone so strongly into a diet discussion that recommends eating in a totally unbalanced way. I think this could be scary to people who are afraid their eating behaviour will cause them to have a reoccurrence of cancer. I just want to point out that if you are suggesting that the goal should be to totally remove sugar from the diet because you believe it to be some sort of "killer" than that goal is nigh onto impossible to attain. If you read any of the labels on your food in the supermarket you will discover that virtually all foods have sugar added to make foods taste better. Again, the sugars in the fruits and vegetables that you eat are eventually broken done into smaller bits in your body and sucrose is one of the components that appears in the breakdown chain.
Everything that I have read indicates that the medical establishment is not certain about contributing factors for cancer development. For each study that says don't drink alcohol there is a study that says alcohol in moderation is OK and red wine may discourage the development of certain cancers. For each food study that says don't eat something there is a study that contradicts it. The only recommendations that are widely accepted are the studies suggesting that ER+ tumor people should lower fat intake and eat fewer foods that can contribute to estrogen mimicking or estrogen production in their bodies. What I am suggesting here is that maybe you should just eat healthfully and eat in moderation. People who are already terrified should not be led to be totally terrified of what they are eating. Some risk factors can not be avoided. After all, lots of us live in a city and drive in traffic where we breathe polluted air every day. Lets try to be calm and enjoy life and not analyze every single thing.
I forgot to mention that I believe that the concern about always drinking distilled water is that it does not contain the minerals necessary to contribute to a healthy mineral balance in the blood. When we sweat we lose sodium from the body in the sweat and the sodium naturally present in water we drink replaces the sodium lost. Since distilled water is greatly mineral reduced we will not be getting the minerals from this water to keep the blood properly balnced between Na+ and K+.0 -
Wildangel, You are doing a whole lot more right then worng dear. We go with green tea over coffe, four cups a day, don't skip lunch have a big green salad with all those good foods and a vinegar, olive oil dressing with a little Stevia sweetner, Stevia is natural, Spenda is a man made product. When did you finish chemo it affects cholesterol for some months, mine was 242 after chemo which was surprising to me but once again GP answered the questions I had on that and assured me it would go back down. I asked the cancer Dr and she said I don't know! Two years later it is below 150. I don't like the fact that the goverment has raised the safety level twice in my life time on how much lead and arsenic is safe in our water supply I will get my minerals elsewhere as for sodium we all get more then we need. Can't find food without sugars just go to fresh fruits and vegetables, oatmeal, and other grains and bake your own bread. The word cancer scares me far more then talking about food ever could. Since I am worrying some of you I won't post on this subject again if anyone wants to write to me my email address is:elton@twlakes.net. God Bless Linda0
Normally, a woman going thru menopause would be encouraged to eat foods containing natural estrogens to help replace her own hormones, but since my original tumor had estrogen receptors, even plant estrogen would help my cancer grow. I am taking femara to keep my body from making estrogen and trying to eat more estrogen inhibiting foods, like berries, citrus fruit, squash and broccoli. The white flour and white rice are really the only refined foods that inhibit estrogen production. What I really miss is cooking with olive oil and garlic! Check www.holisticonline.com for info on alternative medicine and nutrition. I fall off the wagon daily, but am doing my best.lindatn said:Idalia, Please explain why you have given up all those wonderful foods, what makes you think tomatoes,carrots, whole wheat,brown rice, sweet potatoes and oats are harmful to you? In turn you are eating refined foods, please explain I am confused. The soy issue is completely unproved, why do the women in Asia have so much less cancer until they move to our way of eating? The first generation in America does not get cancer the second starts to and by the third it is the same. I am er+ I eat soy not everyday but I do eat lentils and chickpeas etc. Having come from a farm background I leave meatand milk alone every calf is implanted with a growth hormone, every chick is put on antibotic in the water and feed the first day they are hatched, most milk cows have hormone implants to increase milk production almost all farms are sprayed with weed killers etc etc. We all go about living each day the best we can and pray to have many more. Linda
0 -
Sorry if I have alarmed anybody re: diet. Let me clarify something, I still eat sweets! I'm a bad girl, it's not good for me, but it's my weakness.lindatn said:Wildangel, You are doing a whole lot more right then worng dear. We go with green tea over coffe, four cups a day, don't skip lunch have a big green salad with all those good foods and a vinegar, olive oil dressing with a little Stevia sweetner, Stevia is natural, Spenda is a man made product. When did you finish chemo it affects cholesterol for some months, mine was 242 after chemo which was surprising to me but once again GP answered the questions I had on that and assured me it would go back down. I asked the cancer Dr and she said I don't know! Two years later it is below 150. I don't like the fact that the goverment has raised the safety level twice in my life time on how much lead and arsenic is safe in our water supply I will get my minerals elsewhere as for sodium we all get more then we need. Can't find food without sugars just go to fresh fruits and vegetables, oatmeal, and other grains and bake your own bread. The word cancer scares me far more then talking about food ever could. Since I am worrying some of you I won't post on this subject again if anyone wants to write to me my email address is:elton@twlakes.net. God Bless Linda
My position is we should be informed, and more often than not we are not informed.
Now, I will say this, I have changed my dietary habits...no more 1-2 soft drinks a day, less junk food and more veggies. I even bought a juicer YUCK! still in the box, but I'm going to get it out.
Nothing will gaurantee you will not get cancer again. Diet is a contributing factor; proper diet can decrease your risk for cancer and inhibit the growth OR a poor diet can provide cancer cells with a preferred medium for growth. The risk factors for cancer include family history, smoking, high fat diet, and exposure to certain environmental agents, just to name a few. My point is...if asbestos causes cancer, I think we should know so we can take precautions when working with it. Same with diet, sugar is known to feed cancer cells, they have to eat something and they happen to prefer sugar. Shouldn't we be told that? Isn't it our right to be informed? I don't know of any studies that show it causes cancer, personally don't think it does, although the by product from the process of refining sugar is pretty questionable, but that's a different can of worms. Cancer is such an overwhelming diagnosis. Most people express a feeling of such helplessness in fighting cancer. Isn't it nice to know there are some things we can do to fight cancer? I know this knowledge has given me a sense of power over my cancer, it gives me something to work on, and it gives me hope. I pray this information has helped, not hurt, others. God bless.
hummingbyrd0 -
I am sorry if I went off the subject with my questions. But I would like to thank EVERYONE for all your answers and advice!hummingbyrd said:Sorry if I have alarmed anybody re: diet. Let me clarify something, I still eat sweets! I'm a bad girl, it's not good for me, but it's my weakness.
My position is we should be informed, and more often than not we are not informed.
Now, I will say this, I have changed my dietary habits...no more 1-2 soft drinks a day, less junk food and more veggies. I even bought a juicer YUCK! still in the box, but I'm going to get it out.
Nothing will gaurantee you will not get cancer again. Diet is a contributing factor; proper diet can decrease your risk for cancer and inhibit the growth OR a poor diet can provide cancer cells with a preferred medium for growth. The risk factors for cancer include family history, smoking, high fat diet, and exposure to certain environmental agents, just to name a few. My point is...if asbestos causes cancer, I think we should know so we can take precautions when working with it. Same with diet, sugar is known to feed cancer cells, they have to eat something and they happen to prefer sugar. Shouldn't we be told that? Isn't it our right to be informed? I don't know of any studies that show it causes cancer, personally don't think it does, although the by product from the process of refining sugar is pretty questionable, but that's a different can of worms. Cancer is such an overwhelming diagnosis. Most people express a feeling of such helplessness in fighting cancer. Isn't it nice to know there are some things we can do to fight cancer? I know this knowledge has given me a sense of power over my cancer, it gives me something to work on, and it gives me hope. I pray this information has helped, not hurt, others. God bless.
To get BACK to the topic I live in the NY area and the M&Ms are not available yet here. Believe me I looked!
And on a personal note...I had another accident this time it was with Rum Raisin Ice cream. But it was WORTH it!
Blessings to all of you wonderful women!
Angela0 -
I agree Wimpy. You have to eat anything in moderation. Or drink and the whole message has gotten lost in debates over lifestyle. There are companies out there who are helping. End of story. If someone doesn't want to buy them, would rather send .50 to Komen, that is good too, but, you got to know, tons of ppl are going to buy M&Ms now and forever. I love them. I will most certainly buy them. My cancer was est/prog negative. And, again, I thank any company who is trying to help find a cure.wimpy said:Hi
I forgot to mention that I believe that the concern about always drinking distilled water is that it does not contain the minerals necessary to contribute to a healthy mineral balance in the blood. When we sweat we lose sodium from the body in the sweat and the sodium naturally present in water we drink replaces the sodium lost. Since distilled water is greatly mineral reduced we will not be getting the minerals from this water to keep the blood properly balnced between Na+ and K+.0
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