
cmfarr Member Posts: 3
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
I've completed 10 cycles of folfox. a very anoying symptom I've had is neuropathy in my fingers & feet. has anyone had that and found a way to ease the symptoms? also how long does it last? my dr. was a little vauge so i'm curiose about anyones experience.




  • tkd3g
    tkd3g Member Posts: 767
    Hi Cathleen. I only had 3 treatments of the FOLFOX, but definately got the neuropathy. I just learned a couple of tricks, that you may or may not know.

    Gloves for the fridge and freezer. Wash fruits and veggies in warm water. No bare feet on the tile floor. I carried gloves in my pocketbook for the supermarket and such.

    I don't know how long it lasts. I've heard that it goes away after treatment ends, but I'm not sure how long it takes. I believe it may be a very individual thing.

    Best of luck. I'm sure you will get more responses, many have the neuropathy.

  • Btrcup
    Btrcup Member Posts: 286
    Hi Cathleen, sorry to hear about your neuropathy. My hubby was been doing the Folfox since April. His onc took him off Oxiliaplatin in August due to severe neuropathy. He has no feeling in most of his feet and fingers are constantly tingling and stinging. His onc told us it may be permanent and/or can last up til a year. He has been taking B6, which is supposed to help, but it hasn't really done much for him.

    Well hope this helps you.

    Linda (Baltimore)
  • lhsteer
    lhsteer Member Posts: 28
    Hi Cathleen
    I have been doing the folfox/oxyplatin/and avastin since June. Tomorrow will be 8th treatment when I started the tingling in fingers and toes and thru body my onc took me off oxyplatin on the last treatment but tomorrow he is suppose to put me back on I have 2 more after this one I do the 2 1/2 in hospital and 46 at home the 1/2 hour is the avastin. Anyhow, to get back to tingling after the doc took me off I stil get the tingling and numbness, my daughter is going to school to be massage therapist she massages my toes and fingers every night that does help plus keep warm I found heat helps a lot even a little bit of wind will make my fingers tingle and my toes are always cold so I rub them all the time but warmth does help. I am going to find out tomrrow about the damage and why if he took me off oxyplattim on last session 2 weeks ago why now am I still feeling the tingling and numbess. I will let you know tomorrow night what he said. One thing I know is buy the book Beating Cancer with Nurtion by Dr.David Quillin it is the best and I just bought it is real usefull things you are not aware that we are doing to sabotage our health. anyhow to me it is changing a lot of things in my life, especially nutritio.
  • Bert finished his chemo with oxi back only July 8 and while he never experienced severe neuropathy, for which are very grateful, most of what he did experience has gone away but we too were told that it could last up to a year.

    My mom, on the other hand, has had it quite bad and in addition to Vitamin B6, she also takes Glutamine Powder, which has helped quite a bit.

  • Kanort
    Kanort Member Posts: 1,272 Member

    It sounds like you have already gotten your questions answered.

    I'll just add that I finished Folfox in July and I had the tingling of my hands during the first few days of each treatment.

    However, now that I'm off of it, I have neuropathy in my feet. It increases in intensity if I stand on my feet for long periods of time or walk a lot. I, like Monika, understand that it can last as long as a year after treatment ends.

    Hope it it not too annoying or bothersome.

  • micheleamw
    micheleamw Member Posts: 62
    My Dad completed his 12th and final (crossing fingers) session of FOLFOX about eight weeks ago. He is still having tremendous problems with the neuropathy in his hands and feet. He has good days, and bad days with it, but it's still very prominent.

    Hugs and Prayers for all~
  • nanuk
    nanuk Member Posts: 1,358 Member
    Cathleen: I have the numbness in both feet 4 months post Folfox,and it doesn't seem to get better..I get temporary relief from a chinese foot is a lathe-turned cylindrical piece
    of wood with ridges and little rubber tires to allow you to do a rolling massage on your feet. Can't remember where I got it, but a massage therapist would probably be able to find one..Bud
  • jkook717
    jkook717 Member Posts: 2
    Hi Cathleen,
    I went through 6 months of folfox myself, and yes, the neuropathy is my biggest complaint. I have been out of chemo for 6 months now, and I don't know if it is improving, or if I am just getting used to it! I have been told that it can be permanent, or last up to a year. I'm hoping it goes away for good. My toes get cold easier now, so I try to keep them warm, but it still feels like my socks are bunched up under my toes! Sometimes I wish I would have lost my hair instead, but thankful I never had to deal with nausea!
  • Stan49
    Stan49 Member Posts: 2
    I had 26 weeks of chemo in 2001 last one Oct 5 2001 Still have the neuropathy.You never get used to it you just deal with any way that seems to help, staying warm helps me the most,and pizza,in the belly not on feet.
    good luck