2bhealed - question ?

tkd3g Member Posts: 767
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
In addition to your juicing and vitamin routine, what would be a typical days food menu for you?

I'm interested in starting a juicing program and want to know what else you eat. Thanks.



  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,068 Member
    Hi Barb,

    When I was first dx'ed and healing from surgery I was in a mode of..."I am going to obliterate any cancer cell buggers in my body." So I was heavy into detoxing and my diet refelcted that. My typical meals for the day would have been:

    Breakfast: carrot/apple/spinach/parsley.ginger juice with the green powders and protein powders.

    Lunch: Amy's California burger (veggie) or a big salad full of chopped veggies with some sqeezed lemon juice and flax oil dressing (now I make a concoction of 4 T flax oil--Udo's Choice--3 T of Apple Cider vinegar --Braggs--and a whole lemon--3 T). With my lunch I would have more carrot juice. Afternoon snack more carrot juice.

    Dinner: steamed veggies such as beets (excellent for your liver), brocoli, onions, garlic, kale, with drizzled flax oil instead of butter.

    When I was detoxing I emitted a veryu strong smell for awhile as my body sloughed off toxins. My hubby said I was a walking compost pile! haha! It means it;s working.

    Now that I am more in the "maintenance" mode I have added more variety and sometimes have baked chicken or fish or canned salmon on my salad. I have brown rice pasta with tomato sauce and I eat Ezekial bread since it is all sprouted whole grains.

    I also eat nuts and seeds and almond butter with fruit spread and such. i still juice every day but not 3 quarts worth...more like 16-32 oz/day. I have been in a smoothie groove too making blueberry smoothies every morning. I get my sweet fix this way. Blueberries are an EXCELLENT source of anti-oxidents and those, with live enzymes, are the name of the game! Any time you can get those plus, your Omega-3's do it! It is LETHAL for cancer.

    I keep forgetting to tell folks about maitake mushrooms too. those should be on my supplement list.

    I hope this helps. I give myself treats once in a while like anybody only mine are things like Rice Dream (ice cream made with brown rice and no sugar). On thanksgiving I allowed myself to indulge but again indulging for me is having organic turkey, organic mashed potatoes, gravy made with spelt or ww flour, stuffing made with ww bread and organic veggies, apple pie with no sugar and ww grain crust.

    I hope this helps. Keep asking the questions!

    peace, emily :-)
  • tkd3g
    tkd3g Member Posts: 767
    Thanks Emily. I have to be honest, I don't know if I can do your menu. Maybe over time I can work up to it. For starters I'll do the juicing, oust the sugar and red meat.

    Opt for more veggies. It's gonna be hard, because I am not a veggie lover. That's where I think the juicing will help.

    Question: Do you feel the natural sugar in fruits are ok? I'm guessing yes because of the fiber and other goodies you gain from fruits? Just trying to see how I could sweeten up the juices.

    Thanks so much for the info. You are truly an inspiration to us all.

    Peace right back at you. Barb
  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,068 Member
    tkd3g said:

    Thanks Emily. I have to be honest, I don't know if I can do your menu. Maybe over time I can work up to it. For starters I'll do the juicing, oust the sugar and red meat.

    Opt for more veggies. It's gonna be hard, because I am not a veggie lover. That's where I think the juicing will help.

    Question: Do you feel the natural sugar in fruits are ok? I'm guessing yes because of the fiber and other goodies you gain from fruits? Just trying to see how I could sweeten up the juices.

    Thanks so much for the info. You are truly an inspiration to us all.

    Peace right back at you. Barb

    The Granny Smith apple provides enough "sweetener" and carrots are naturally sweet. You'll see.....no problem on that. I juice one apple to about 5 organic carrots, a handful of parsley, handful of spinach, a little piece of ginger. I have juiced for years so I happen to love the taste but you can adjust the amounts to your preference. I think the protein powders give it some substance too (the whey I use has stevia so it is sweet). With the Perfect Food green powder I only use one spponful rather than 2 b'c for me the green taste becomes too over powering and I feel like throwing up honestly. It packs a punch.

    Again, just experiment and DON'T GIVE UP!

    peace, emily