TRAM Reconstruction

SDM1984 Member Posts: 7
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hello Everyone:
I just wanted to thank all that responded to my posting on TRAM Reconstruction. I haven't made a decision, but when I do, you ladies will be among the first to know.
Thanks again,


  • KarenKL
    KarenKL Member Posts: 42
    Hi. I just had a delayed tram flap. Now my plastic surgeon after cutting my right blood vessel said I wasn't right for the tram flap because I was only 32 decided I should consider implants. My husband told him I was having both breasts removed, which I understood the plastic surgeon knew this now he is changing his story because my husband changed his story and didn't feel I should go through it. I see my plastic surgeon Wed. and I am very upset. Everyone knew I refused implants. I don't consider that an option. So make sure you, your husband (if married) and surgeon know exactly what you feel before you have your surgery. Now I have to cuts, one on the left and right of my stomach and supposedly with my right vessel cut for nothing.
    Good luck. Karen