what were your symptoms??
I'm Ernie, a 2 1/2 year non small cell lung cancer survivor.
I had shortness of breath, which would bother me intermittently. I mentioned it to my doctor only as an afterthought at the end of a routine visit.
After chest x-ray, CAT scan and bronchoscopy, in rapid succession, I was diagnosed with stage 3a nsclc, inoperable and incurable. Apparently, the symptoms aren't always what we think they would be.I had a major problem and I was only vaguely aware.
I went on to treatment and surgery which, so far, has left me cancer free.
I don't know the basis of your question, but if you even remotely suspect cancer, or any problem for that matter, see a doctor immediately.
I'm here if you feel that I can be of any help.
enplym@adelphia.net0 -
thanks for your response, actually I've had progressively worse shorteness of breath & wheezing. up 1 flight of stairs & I have to stop to catch my breath. my doc was the one to 1st notice it during a routine checkup about 2 months ago...back then I didnt even really notice it but he heard it so he sent me for a chest xray which he said looked ok. but since then its gotten worse, very much worse. cancer runs big time in my family so I guess that's why I was curious about symptoms. I'm surprised though because I though the symptoms would be much more severe...coughing up blood, weight loss etc...so I came to this web site because I've got a lump in my breast & had some questions. anyway, I guess I'll have my doc check it out again. I really need to stop smoking. thanks again & I'm glad you are now cancer free & hope you stay that way! JuliePlymouthean said:Hi,
I'm Ernie, a 2 1/2 year non small cell lung cancer survivor.
I had shortness of breath, which would bother me intermittently. I mentioned it to my doctor only as an afterthought at the end of a routine visit.
After chest x-ray, CAT scan and bronchoscopy, in rapid succession, I was diagnosed with stage 3a nsclc, inoperable and incurable. Apparently, the symptoms aren't always what we think they would be.I had a major problem and I was only vaguely aware.
I went on to treatment and surgery which, so far, has left me cancer free.
I don't know the basis of your question, but if you even remotely suspect cancer, or any problem for that matter, see a doctor immediately.
I'm here if you feel that I can be of any help.
enplym@adelphia.net0 -
I'm a 43 year old stage 3b nsclc survivor. I was diagnosed in December 2002. My only symptoms were an annoying dry cough. Not real serious, just kind of an annoying tickle of a cough. I would wake my wife up coughing in the middle of the night. For 3 months the doctors all thought it was just pneumonia. After surgery, chemo and radiation they think I'm cured!! It's been a year and a half since surgery and I'm still cancer free. Whatever your symptoms, get it checked out. When I was finally referred to a lung doctor he immediately ordered a broncoscopy and sampled a tumor he found in my bronchial tube which was causing the coughing symptoms and pneumonia. Good luck to you.0
Hi I was dx'd in July 2002 with nsc Stage IIIA - I had a mediatinoscopy and found nodes were also involved - so I had 6 weeks of chemo (taxol & carbolplat) then I had my entire right lung and right chest nodes removed and that was followed up with 6 weeks of radiation. I was one beat pup. All was going fine until this past June 04, my CEA was rising and a CT scan showed nothing. Then in June of 2004 another PET showed a 5mm hot spot in my chest where lung was removed - oncologist said - wait and let's redo PET in Sept - in my heart I knew something was going on - I pushed for a CT guided needle biopsy and it came back malignant. I am now trying to figure out what to do next - seems chemo and IMRT (new rad machine) are what onco thinks - after reading many of your replies, I almost get the feeling I shouldn't go for the radiation -just the chemo - - ANYONE had recurrent lung cancer ? Looking for some guidance - not going to just trust a doctor this time! Beckyjalexander said:I'm a 43 year old stage 3b nsclc survivor. I was diagnosed in December 2002. My only symptoms were an annoying dry cough. Not real serious, just kind of an annoying tickle of a cough. I would wake my wife up coughing in the middle of the night. For 3 months the doctors all thought it was just pneumonia. After surgery, chemo and radiation they think I'm cured!! It's been a year and a half since surgery and I'm still cancer free. Whatever your symptoms, get it checked out. When I was finally referred to a lung doctor he immediately ordered a broncoscopy and sampled a tumor he found in my bronchial tube which was causing the coughing symptoms and pneumonia. Good luck to you.
0 -
Hi Becky,Nuagecoco said:Hi I was dx'd in July 2002 with nsc Stage IIIA - I had a mediatinoscopy and found nodes were also involved - so I had 6 weeks of chemo (taxol & carbolplat) then I had my entire right lung and right chest nodes removed and that was followed up with 6 weeks of radiation. I was one beat pup. All was going fine until this past June 04, my CEA was rising and a CT scan showed nothing. Then in June of 2004 another PET showed a 5mm hot spot in my chest where lung was removed - oncologist said - wait and let's redo PET in Sept - in my heart I knew something was going on - I pushed for a CT guided needle biopsy and it came back malignant. I am now trying to figure out what to do next - seems chemo and IMRT (new rad machine) are what onco thinks - after reading many of your replies, I almost get the feeling I shouldn't go for the radiation -just the chemo - - ANYONE had recurrent lung cancer ? Looking for some guidance - not going to just trust a doctor this time! Becky
I'm Ernie, from the message board (symptoms?).
I have not had recurring lung cancer, but I thought that I'd put in my "two cents worth" about your feeling that you would skip radiation this time around.
When diagnosed, I was inoperable and incurable. The tumor in the upper right lung measured 4.5 x 5.8 x 7.7 cm. Radiation reduced the size of the tumor by 75%, making surgery possible. Again, I was inoperable before radiation.
I'm certainly no MD, but my advice would be to carefully consider your options, including radiation. We know that radiation isn't easy, but it is a potent weapon.
You will be in my thoughts and prayers.
ernplym@adelphia.net0 -
Hi Ernie - thank you for your input. I was Stage IIIA and they did operate on me taking the entire right lung out - when I went thru the 6 weeks of radiation, the rad onco said it was preventative - and it came back anyway. I ended up with pneumonitis and the one lung I had wasnt working. Over the past two years I have being doing well and this recurrence has really thrown me for a loop - I dont have option of surgery this time, surgeon said "no" - Onco said chemo and IMRT - have you heard of anyone who did the IMRT? It is suposed to be more cancer cell specific and not the healthy tissue - looking for answers, thanks Ernie for your input! BEckyPlymouthean said:Hi Becky,
I'm Ernie, from the message board (symptoms?).
I have not had recurring lung cancer, but I thought that I'd put in my "two cents worth" about your feeling that you would skip radiation this time around.
When diagnosed, I was inoperable and incurable. The tumor in the upper right lung measured 4.5 x 5.8 x 7.7 cm. Radiation reduced the size of the tumor by 75%, making surgery possible. Again, I was inoperable before radiation.
I'm certainly no MD, but my advice would be to carefully consider your options, including radiation. We know that radiation isn't easy, but it is a potent weapon.
You will be in my thoughts and prayers.
ernplym@adelphia.net0 -
Hi Becky,Nuagecoco said:Hi Ernie - thank you for your input. I was Stage IIIA and they did operate on me taking the entire right lung out - when I went thru the 6 weeks of radiation, the rad onco said it was preventative - and it came back anyway. I ended up with pneumonitis and the one lung I had wasnt working. Over the past two years I have being doing well and this recurrence has really thrown me for a loop - I dont have option of surgery this time, surgeon said "no" - Onco said chemo and IMRT - have you heard of anyone who did the IMRT? It is suposed to be more cancer cell specific and not the healthy tissue - looking for answers, thanks Ernie for your input! BEcky
Looking through my medical record, the "sophisticated" radiation that I received in Boston was IMRT. It is used to avoid areas of the body while treating another part(s). I guess that way, any damage is confined to the tumor. I suffered no side/after effects from my treatment. The original radiation raised Caine with my throat/esophaegus.
There are websites available, which may be of help to you. Use your web browser, and type in "IMRT".
Good luck,
Ernie0 -
hi Becky: The Cancer Therapy & Research Center-(http://www.ctrc.cc/index.asp) does IMRT,Nuagecoco said:Hi I was dx'd in July 2002 with nsc Stage IIIA - I had a mediatinoscopy and found nodes were also involved - so I had 6 weeks of chemo (taxol & carbolplat) then I had my entire right lung and right chest nodes removed and that was followed up with 6 weeks of radiation. I was one beat pup. All was going fine until this past June 04, my CEA was rising and a CT scan showed nothing. Then in June of 2004 another PET showed a 5mm hot spot in my chest where lung was removed - oncologist said - wait and let's redo PET in Sept - in my heart I knew something was going on - I pushed for a CT guided needle biopsy and it came back malignant. I am now trying to figure out what to do next - seems chemo and IMRT (new rad machine) are what onco thinks - after reading many of your replies, I almost get the feeling I shouldn't go for the radiation -just the chemo - - ANYONE had recurrent lung cancer ? Looking for some guidance - not going to just trust a doctor this time! Becky
also Indiana University. You can also find information on this procedure on The Colon Cancer
Project-(word search in your Browser)-this a comprehensive site dealing with conventional,
experimental and alternative therapies. Bud0 -
Have you thought of trying Iressa? I had non-small cell lung cancer in both lungs, Stage IIIB, inoperable, and mets to all media stynum lymphs and bronchials. I was given 4-6 mo. in July 2002 with no treatment planned. I finally found a doc that would take a chance, had 6 massive treatments of Taxol & carboplatin, which only shrunk the major tumor 10%--so had 70 radiation treatments. That got it! Even the tumor pressing on my heart and two lymphs that was said they would never get. I am on Iressa as a maintenance program. It cuts off the blood supply to cancer cells so that they cannot form tumors. I have been on it 17 mo. and so far so good--By the grace of God!Nuagecoco said:Hi Ernie - thank you for your input. I was Stage IIIA and they did operate on me taking the entire right lung out - when I went thru the 6 weeks of radiation, the rad onco said it was preventative - and it came back anyway. I ended up with pneumonitis and the one lung I had wasnt working. Over the past two years I have being doing well and this recurrence has really thrown me for a loop - I dont have option of surgery this time, surgeon said "no" - Onco said chemo and IMRT - have you heard of anyone who did the IMRT? It is suposed to be more cancer cell specific and not the healthy tissue - looking for answers, thanks Ernie for your input! BEcky
Good Luck!
Story at Ceezhar's Corner on Personal Web Pages0 -
Hi. My name is Barbara. My symptoms started back last Sept., which I took for regular back and neck problems. The chiropractor and orthopedic doctor, sent me for a MRI which at the time showed nothing. All winter I was freezing, not knowing that I was anemic,(3 blood transfusings later) finally in May I went to my MD, he sent me for a ct and MRI, which showed, Lung Cancer and I was admitted. The pain in my neck was terrible. They first got that under control. I was transferred to New York Medical Center where I then started Chemo and lots of meds. The tumor from the lung did spread to the left leg, where I have to have a medal rod placed in the bone. I still have some trouble walking. The bone was fracturing. Then the radation started for 4 weeks, which at this point seems to be doing what it intended. Then while still doing chemo, 3 on and 1 off, I started radation on the lung. Still have about 7 days to go. Then that will stop and I will start a Gammer Knife treatment on my brain for the three tumors that are there now. That was a shock, as I really, thought that it wasnot spreading. There seems to be alot of alternatives, with many good results. We must just pray that we can handle what comes our way. I am afraid, I have wonderful family and friends around me, and I am grateful for that. Hope this helped too. If you need to talk as I do, barbarad101@yahoo.com0
Hi i have non small cell lung cancer diagnosed in Aug '99. had right upper lobectomy in Sep '99 and then carbo and taxol for 12 weeks. came back in media stienum Apr '02, then had more taxol and carbo switched to taxotere and another chemo can't remember name and lot's of rads that burned me up inside and out. none of these worked, effused to chest fluids Feb to Apr '03 and had thoracentesis and pericardiol window put in for drainage. onc said i had 3 months maybe and put me on Iressa May '03 and i can still get around some with oxygen. need lots of help around house though. onc says he hasn't a clue-not enough Iressa survivors for a model, might be my own immune system but he doesn't really think so. i think it's worth trying anything oncs offer! good luckNuagecoco said:Hi I was dx'd in July 2002 with nsc Stage IIIA - I had a mediatinoscopy and found nodes were also involved - so I had 6 weeks of chemo (taxol & carbolplat) then I had my entire right lung and right chest nodes removed and that was followed up with 6 weeks of radiation. I was one beat pup. All was going fine until this past June 04, my CEA was rising and a CT scan showed nothing. Then in June of 2004 another PET showed a 5mm hot spot in my chest where lung was removed - oncologist said - wait and let's redo PET in Sept - in my heart I knew something was going on - I pushed for a CT guided needle biopsy and it came back malignant. I am now trying to figure out what to do next - seems chemo and IMRT (new rad machine) are what onco thinks - after reading many of your replies, I almost get the feeling I shouldn't go for the radiation -just the chemo - - ANYONE had recurrent lung cancer ? Looking for some guidance - not going to just trust a doctor this time! Becky
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