Need support

grandma047 Member Posts: 381
edited March 2014 in Emotional Support #1
This is my first time here. I usually post in the colorectal cancer group. Let me tell you a little about myself. I am a 50 yr old female. I have been married to my wonderful husband for almost 33 years. I have two wonderful grown children, daughter almost 28, married and has three wonderful children and a son, almost 24 who is single and lives next door. I am so blessed with a wonderful family. Now about my cancer. I was diagnosed in July, 2003 and had colon resection, no lymph nodes, no spread, good margins, no further treatments. Then in January, 2004, it came back, same place. I started chemo and radiation in March. I had six wkds continuous 5FU chemo by port and 6 weeks radiation. Now, I will have surgery again on May 20th. I am so scared!!!! I am to have a permanent colostomy. I know it's not the end of the world, but I feel like it is!! I will need more chemo after surgery, don't know how much yet. Will life ever get back to normal???? I am putting together a book of encouraging stories, poems, letters, prayers to take to the hospital. I know you don't know me,but if there is something that you have read that has helped you in your journey, or something that someone has told you that has helped, please share this with me. I will copy them and take them to the hospital with me. I really appreciate it and I need your prayers.
Judy H(West Virginia)


  • rob6
    rob6 Member Posts: 17
    Hi Judy,
    I have Breast cancer and the end of my treatment
    I had an infection settle in my spine. then i had perferated bowels, and had a colostmy bag for a year and the spine infection put me in a wheelchair.
    I will tell you what keeps me going, this is the saying i use "you have to consintrate on what you have and not what you don't have" i battle infection all the time because of the chemo. I just read an article on chemo and immune system depressed, it nsaid to take malatonin during chemo to stop this.
    One thing to try to make you laugh. with the colostomy bag you can clear a room of unwanted company in 5 sec. all you have to do is burp the bag. It stinks so bad they run.
  • retiretofish
    retiretofish Member Posts: 5
    Judy, I was dx in Aug. 2002 with stage 2 colorectal cancer. Since then I have had the 5fu through my port for five weeks, 25 rads and then six surgies. After all this, I then had 14 weeks of 5fu once a week. I am back at work and have learned to take one day at a time.

    I would suggest to you first, that you are not alone, and that life should be judged by the things that take your breath away and not by the breaths that we take.

    The chat rooms here will provide lots of support, love and understandings.

    I will add you to my pray list.

    Van (aka as retiretofish)
  • calm
    calm Member Posts: 2
    I read your story. I am in awe of your strength. I will cheer you on and send you every good wish to help you in this battle. Love and strength to you. Jilmamck@aol,com