Bert & Mom

edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Hi everyone. We've been holding our own out here in unbelievably hot, sunny Southern California. Just thought I'd let you all know what's been going on.

Bert continues to do well :o). Two PETs, three CATs, and a recent colonoscopy have all shown no evidence of disease :o)....thank you God! He has now completed four months of 5fu/leuc, switched oncologist in January to Dr. Heinz Joseph Lenz and was put right back on chemo adding oxaliplatin. He will have another treatment on April 29, which will make a total of another four months for this new combo....much longer than the original anticipated 2 to 3 additional months. This is in part because he is tolerating it so well and it is my belief that Dr. Lenz wants to give him the full advantage of having oxal for 6 months which he felt Bert should have had right from the beginning, being high risk for recurrence with stage III, four nodes involved diagnosis back in July 2003. Fatigue is becoming a bit more of a problem but all in all, continues to do quite well. Hasn't missed a day from fact, he was in San Francisco all last week for business and while I hate to see him go, I am just so happy that he is doing well enough and feeling well enough that he can go. He will be taking the entire month of May off chemo as we are going to Europe to see his family May 8 (hurray!!!!) and won't be back until June 2! He is going with Dr. Lenz's blessings but as soon as we return, as a matter of fact on June 7, he is scheduled for new scans, blood work, a visit with Dr. Lenz, and right back on chemo.

My mom got her first treatment of chemo last Friday at USC/Norris with the new drug called MAC-321. It is a phase II clinical trial with this drug aimed at making tumors retain the platinum agent rather than rejecting it, which they have found is often the case in lung cancer. While the treatment itself takes 6 1/2 hours (a long time) it is administered very slowly and the patient is constantly monitored for vitals. Additionally, it is Lipid based thus making it very thick and needs to be administered slowly to avoid blockage in the vein, which can be very painful. Everything went fact, her oncologist at USC upon receiving all the results of her blood work, liver function, EKG, etc. said that if she didn't know my mom had cancer she would say that there isn't a thing wrong with her...the picture of perfect health...ironic, isn't it! Anyway, as of this morning, my mom is doing fine. No major problems. She will get a second treatment in three weeks, after which scans will be done to determine if the drug is helping or not. If there is no significant change in her lung tumor(s), she will be taken off and other alternatives explored.

Have I bored you? Sorry if I have. Thanks everyone for your ongoing support. You all remain in my prayers and I hope we remain in yours.

Monika and of course, Bert :o)


  • shmurciakova
    shmurciakova Member Posts: 906 Member
    Of course you are not boring us. It is good to hear that your loved ones are doing well! It sounds like they are both getting the best possible care. I hope you have a wonderful vacation and a little time to forget about your troubles and have a good time together. Take care, Susan
  • jsabol
    jsabol Member Posts: 1,145 Member
    Gosh, Monika, you sure do keep busy. Isn't it amazing how we all just have to change focus and do battle. I admire your energy, dealing with both hubby and mom's disease simultaneously.
    Hope the trip is a great one for both of you. Hubby and I are planning to celebrate by going away after treatment, but this fatigue is really laying me low some days (I was fooled by my initial "no problems" with chemo; I'm a little more than halfway through now). Our first vacation will be ten days on a lake in Maine, where we've been going for 17 years....plenty of good friends, cool breezes (hope LA cools off) and happy hours at sunset. I can't wait.

    We'll be with you in spirit; have a blast! Judy
  • grandma047
    grandma047 Member Posts: 381
    hi Monika, You must be one really strong person, dealing with your hubby and mom's cancer at the same time. I really admire you. I am so glad that both are doing good. You guys take that trip. That will be wonderful. Just try to forget cancer for a while(easier said than done, I know) and try to enjoy every day that you have together without treatments. and, no, your're not boring anyone.
    Judy H(grandma047)
  • kangatoo
    kangatoo Member Posts: 2,105 Member

    hi Monika, You must be one really strong person, dealing with your hubby and mom's cancer at the same time. I really admire you. I am so glad that both are doing good. You guys take that trip. That will be wonderful. Just try to forget cancer for a while(easier said than done, I know) and try to enjoy every day that you have together without treatments. and, no, your're not boring anyone.
    Judy H(grandma047)

    Hi Monika and Bert.Gee Bert--how do you do it mate??I was on 5fu/leuc. and it knocked me flat!
    You must have one incredible man there Monika.All I can say is--congratulations Bert for making the best out of tough times!
    I was absolutely unable to work although I do have a son that works for me and I did have to help him for 4 days during my chemo--it knocked me around so much I couldn't even walk the next day.
    Glad to hear your mum is doing better Monika and here's a "rainbow" to give to her from OZ.
    You are all a part of our lives now and we wish you every bit of support we can muster.
    Monika--yu remember to keep yourself well--can't have you on the sickbed as well-- LOOK AFTER YOURSELF TOO!
    luv and many huggs to yu all--kanga and Jen
  • kangatoo said:

    Hi Monika and Bert.Gee Bert--how do you do it mate??I was on 5fu/leuc. and it knocked me flat!
    You must have one incredible man there Monika.All I can say is--congratulations Bert for making the best out of tough times!
    I was absolutely unable to work although I do have a son that works for me and I did have to help him for 4 days during my chemo--it knocked me around so much I couldn't even walk the next day.
    Glad to hear your mum is doing better Monika and here's a "rainbow" to give to her from OZ.
    You are all a part of our lives now and we wish you every bit of support we can muster.
    Monika--yu remember to keep yourself well--can't have you on the sickbed as well-- LOOK AFTER YOURSELF TOO!
    luv and many huggs to yu all--kanga and Jen

    I do Kanga, I do....have one incredible man that is and I thank God for him every single day. I also have an incredible "mum" a wonderful, wonderful son....I've been blessed.

    Bert says "Guten Tag" and doesn't quite know how the heck he does it either....8 months of chemo...4 on 5fu/leuc and 4 on 5fu/leuc/oxal...and the doses have not been low. But he is so grateful and having a good attitude sure helps a lot...especially last year when he was hospitalized with a colon infection brought on by the it hasn't all been without some minor set-backs. Bert's and my mom's basic philosophy is "life is very precious and you do what you got to do to hold on to it for as long as you can." Right Bert? He's says yes.

    Hugs dear Kanga & Jen
    Monika & Bert in L.A. where it has finally dropped below 100 F degrees today. We are toast!!!
  • bschaller
    bschaller Member Posts: 1
    Hi Monika, I've been doing some research on the compound MAC-321, and I came across your positive postings about the oral taxane. I was hoping you could email me at your convenience to answer a few questions I had about it. My name is Bill and my email address is Hope to hear from you soon!