Field Trip...

StacyGleaso Member Posts: 1,233 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Greetings All!

Throughout several of these postings, many of us have made references to meeting in person. So with that in mind, I guess what I'm looking for is a suggestion, vote, or opinion of who would be interested, and where this could possibly take place. The following places have been thrown on the proverbial table:

~~~~Las Vegas

~~~~Texas (somewhere near the CSN call center so Jose and Greta can join us!

~~~~Indianapolis, Indiana, as is seems to be smack dab in the heart of the midwest.

So, when you can, if you're interested, drop a note of interest or another suggestion of where to plan this reunion.




  • Stacey, I think that would be a wonderful idea...although I might not be able to make it...but then again, it all depends what, where, and when. I vote for Las Vegas....maybe it's because I can drive there in about 4 hours :o) Nah!!!! It's because I know that I would most likely get Bert to go...he loves that town!

  • kerry
    kerry Member Posts: 1,313 Member

    I will go where ever anyone want to go. Give me some notice for airline tickets. I live in San Antonio, Texas and all my family is fron Austin so naturally that would be the best for me - BUT, Las Vegas sounds like fun, Indy is also good. I am game - if you need help in planning I am familiar with all places and have some contacts so just let me know (email me).


    Kerry (and looking forward to meeting each and every one of you)
  • kerry
    kerry Member Posts: 1,313 Member

    I will go where ever anyone wants to go. Give me some notice for airline tickets. I live in San Antonio, Texas and all my family is from Austin so naturally that would be the best for me - BUT, Las Vegas sounds like fun, Indy is also good. I am game - if you need help in planning I am familiar with all places and have some contacts so just let me know (email me).


    Kerry (and looking forward to meeting each and every one of you)
  • livin
    livin Member Posts: 318 Member
    Vegas Baby Vegas. I know I would enjoy the bright lights and entertainment. Its like New York the town never sleeps. Livin
  • mikew42
    mikew42 Member Posts: 114 Member
    Although I am new to this group, my wife and I would love to get together and meet all the wonderful people on this site. We would go anywhere, although Vegas is our favorite get-away! When were you thinking of doing this (gotta give grandma and grandpa a heads-up to watch the boys)?
  • kangatoo
    kangatoo Member Posts: 2,105 Member
    mikew42 said:

    Although I am new to this group, my wife and I would love to get together and meet all the wonderful people on this site. We would go anywhere, although Vegas is our favorite get-away! When were you thinking of doing this (gotta give grandma and grandpa a heads-up to watch the boys)?

    Hiya Stacy--great idea!!!
    Awwww, hell, keep forgettin that I can't swim that far!!!
    Now I have always wanted to go to the north shore in Hawaii to see "pipeline"--but I guess that is out of the question.
    mmmmmmm?---yu guys wouldn't consider a coffee on a secluded island on the "Great Barrier Reef"?
    "ground control to major Tom?"
    nah--guess the int. space station is out too seeing NASA has had cutbacks.
    Yu all think if I tried for government assistance here in OZ I could conjure up enough $'s here in OZ I could ride me motorsickle to Darwin then one of yu could come over n pick me n Jen up??==PLEEEEEEEAAAASE!!!!!

    OK --I get the message--yu guys have a good time , hear!And we wanna hear all the gossip!

    ps==last field trip I had was in 5th grade and someone swiped me choccy milk outa me tent!
  • kangatoo
    kangatoo Member Posts: 2,105 Member
    kangatoo said:

    Hiya Stacy--great idea!!!
    Awwww, hell, keep forgettin that I can't swim that far!!!
    Now I have always wanted to go to the north shore in Hawaii to see "pipeline"--but I guess that is out of the question.
    mmmmmmm?---yu guys wouldn't consider a coffee on a secluded island on the "Great Barrier Reef"?
    "ground control to major Tom?"
    nah--guess the int. space station is out too seeing NASA has had cutbacks.
    Yu all think if I tried for government assistance here in OZ I could conjure up enough $'s here in OZ I could ride me motorsickle to Darwin then one of yu could come over n pick me n Jen up??==PLEEEEEEEAAAASE!!!!!

    OK --I get the message--yu guys have a good time , hear!And we wanna hear all the gossip!

    ps==last field trip I had was in 5th grade and someone swiped me choccy milk outa me tent!

    STOP PRESS!!===maybe Spongebob could "borrow" a Huey/phantom jet/"CONCORDE" to come get us.
    Awwww--it would just be for a short time uncle sam.
  • jgomez
    jgomez Member Posts: 25
    I would like to meet all of you, even if I live in Mexico. I vote for Las Vegas.
    Keep me informed.
    Thank you
  • jsabol
    jsabol Member Posts: 1,145 Member
    Wow, Stacey, Great idea, and looks like there might be enough interest to work on a plan! Never been to Vegas, but liked all the other parts of the West that I've visited. Hubby and I would be interested; it would be great to meet others....and no late night steak dinners this time! Hope time and place can be set. After the school year (late June) would be best for us!!! Sounds like all is continuing to be well with you. Regards, Judy
  • Lisa Rose
    Lisa Rose Member Posts: 598 Member
    Hey Baby Let's Go To Vegas!!! and no I am not Faith Hill. Also I was never in any mens bathrooms in Vegas. We also would like to go but timing will be everything. Yesterday we sold our house and starting a new one early June.

    I feel like Stacy is Ms Frizzle and were all going on The Magic School Bus for a field trip to Vegas. Should Be Very Interesting!!!!!!!

    Have A Great Day Everyone,
  • pattieb
    pattieb Member Posts: 168
    Hey stacey
    In case you haven't heard there are 2 fiekd trips already in the works from the chat room. 1 is in nashville I have have the date on that one but I'm sure someone there can help. The 2nd one is a picnic on July 25 being held at the Bellvue State Park in Wilmington DE and of course everyone is inveited for more infor on the picnic contact deltaron.
  • StacyGleaso
    StacyGleaso Member Posts: 1,233 Member
    Hey Guys!

    Vegas is looking like the destination. How does the third week in July work for everyone? July 20th is a Monday. Looking for maybe a Thursday through Sunday? In the middle of the week? Again, let's base it on "majority rules"...

    I would suggest nobody book anything regarding airlines until we get a definite plan in action. I will be contacting a few of the hotels out there to get rooms at drastically reduced rates, possibly free even (no, NOT a Motel 6!).

    I'll be able to let you all know more once we nail down some dates.


  • kerry
    kerry Member Posts: 1,313 Member

    Hey Guys!

    Vegas is looking like the destination. How does the third week in July work for everyone? July 20th is a Monday. Looking for maybe a Thursday through Sunday? In the middle of the week? Again, let's base it on "majority rules"...

    I would suggest nobody book anything regarding airlines until we get a definite plan in action. I will be contacting a few of the hotels out there to get rooms at drastically reduced rates, possibly free even (no, NOT a Motel 6!).

    I'll be able to let you all know more once we nail down some dates.



    3rd week in July works for me! Actually, I think July 20 is a Tuesday. Let's try for a good hotel - during the summer they give great rates. Let me know if you need help, my daughter got married at Caesars's Palace and our luxury condo room was compted. Maybe they will remember us!!

    Thanks Stacy for thinking of putting this together. What about SpongeBob???

  • StacyGleaso
    StacyGleaso Member Posts: 1,233 Member
    kerry said:

    3rd week in July works for me! Actually, I think July 20 is a Tuesday. Let's try for a good hotel - during the summer they give great rates. Let me know if you need help, my daughter got married at Caesars's Palace and our luxury condo room was compted. Maybe they will remember us!!

    Thanks Stacy for thinking of putting this together. What about SpongeBob???


    Hi Kerry...

    I'm e-mailing SpongeBob to see if he'll be able to swing the reunion. I'm hoping he can, as that will totally make the trip!

    I'll let you know...

  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,065 Member

    Hi Kerry...

    I'm e-mailing SpongeBob to see if he'll be able to swing the reunion. I'm hoping he can, as that will totally make the trip!

    I'll let you know...


    Do I hear a collective sigh of relief in the room when I say I cannot make it?? haha! :-O No nutrition police will be raining on your parade! heehee

    We will packing up and moving around that time so count me out. Plus we will have just returned from our vacation on the coast of SC. A little island...big beaches.....relaxing next to the ocean....a cook! (that's the BEST part of it!)

    So y'all have fun and just know that I would have loved to meet everyone.

    Take pictures!

    peace, emily who'd rather paddle the Boundary Waters than pull the slots! :-)
  • jgomez
    jgomez Member Posts: 25
    jgomez said:

    I would like to meet all of you, even if I live in Mexico. I vote for Las Vegas.
    Keep me informed.
    Thank you

    I was so emotioned about the trip that I forgot that in July my third baby will be born. So I'm out of the trip. Thank anyway.
  • StacyGleaso
    StacyGleaso Member Posts: 1,233 Member
    2bhealed said:

    Do I hear a collective sigh of relief in the room when I say I cannot make it?? haha! :-O No nutrition police will be raining on your parade! heehee

    We will packing up and moving around that time so count me out. Plus we will have just returned from our vacation on the coast of SC. A little island...big beaches.....relaxing next to the ocean....a cook! (that's the BEST part of it!)

    So y'all have fun and just know that I would have loved to meet everyone.

    Take pictures!

    peace, emily who'd rather paddle the Boundary Waters than pull the slots! :-)


    We were counting on you to come to mix our drinks of blueberries and vodka! Seriously, though, you're a staple on this site who always brings another spin on things, and that is priceless...if your plans change, we will find you and drag you with us!

  • StacyGleaso
    StacyGleaso Member Posts: 1,233 Member
    jgomez said:

    I was so emotioned about the trip that I forgot that in July my third baby will be born. So I'm out of the trip. Thank anyway.

    Congrats on your new arrival Jose! Actually, your WIFE would probably benefit from a little vacation after that! Best wishes for a smooth delivery and healthy new addition to the Gomez family!
