pregnant, bc same spot, recur

leachangus Member Posts: 1
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Does anyone have any experience with estrogen receptive bc that recurred while pregnant? My friend had a mastectomy 3 years ago followed by Tamoxifen. Went off and is now 11 wks pregnant. Felt a lump which is cancer in the exact same spot as before. Doctor said terminate the pregnancy because it would reduce her life expectancy if she went ahead with the baby to term. Has anyone gone through this or suggestions for Doctors in teh chicago area


  • glapapa
    glapapa Member Posts: 10
    I haven't been in the same situation however, I just read an article not too long ago about a mother in that situation. She did go ahead with her pregnancy, under strict observation. The article was in the chicago trib. and the hospital was the cancer treatment center of america in zion. I hear they are a little more open about different situations. Good Luck!
  • inkblot
    inkblot Member Posts: 698 Member
    Hi leach:

    I'm so sorry to hear of your friend's heartbreaking situation and I cannot think of much which could be more upsetting than where she is right now.

    I haven't experienced this personally but recall a lady who used to post here who went through cancer treatment while pregnant and gave birth to a healthy baby! Absolutely amazing!

    I don't recall precisely how long ago that was, but if you have the time, you can do a search through older posts...perhaps a year ago or thereabouts.

    Good luck to your friend and hope she'll be able to have her baby and get life saving treatment as well. I know that Cancer Treatment Centers of America is very innovative and that may be a good resource for her to contact for a 2nd opinion.

    Love, light and laughter,
  • tlmac
    tlmac Member Posts: 272 Member
    Perhaps the doctor's concern for her life expectancy has less to do with a breast cancer diagnosis during pregnancy than with the fact that this is a reoccurrence of cancer that wasn't completely removed or killed by the original treatment (or neutralized by hormone therapy following treatment). Now this pregnancy is fueling growth even more. As difficult as termination of pregnancy might be, I strongly suggest a second opinion with emphasis on reoccurrence rather than diagnosis.
  • martyzl
    martyzl Member Posts: 196
    Hello Lea,
    Please do look up Heavenlee's site in here. She was the woman I believe Inkblot was referring to... She was ER positive and did continue with the pregnancy as she was already 3 months along.
    Often, time is of the essence and since your friend is right on the cusp of her second trimester, this could make a difference. Chemo and extensive surgeries are not done during the first trimester. The estrogen of the pregancy could be likely to fuel the cancer's growth as Tlmac said. This will be cause for great concern.

    I was 7wks pregnant when I had to have a mastectomy and begin chemo immediately afterward. My cancer was very aggressive but was not ER positive. (Mine was Her2Neu 3+) I was told that I might not even make it to the birth if I put off the chemo that long. I refused the idea of chemo during pregnancy. A very personal and difficult choice. I had an abortion at 7wks which was excrutiatingly difficult but the choice my husband & I made for our family.

    I am now (amazingly! after chemo-induced menopause) pregnant and coming up on my 2nd year anniversary of diagnosis. I have my Onc's full blessings but only because I was not ER positive. Had I been, he told me that he would have strongly recommended termination..

    I do wish your friend all the best, the best possible outcome and total peace with where her adventure takes her.
    Every life/situation/moment is different.

    Please keep us updated and do send her in to "see" us. This group can be a marvelous source of support.

    Be well,