my dad part 2

vac Member Posts: 97
edited March 2014 in Prostate Cancer #1
i talk to my mom today she said his psa went up to 45 and so did his testerone is up the doctor wants him to have the surgery. he gets the hormone injections every 3 months(hopefully that is what you call it)i thought maybe he should get every month what do you think???? i am so worry about him going under the knife. he was a very active man until he hurt his back. now all of a sudden he looks like a fragile old man. my dad use to be a cop a very tuff one. so it is so hard to see him in this way. i love him sooooo much i hate to see him suffer. he is a very fun man we had alote of good times together. he raised 8 kids 6 boys and 2 girls we all turned out pretty good. i have gone through breast cancer and he was there for me.


  • Benji48
    Benji48 Member Posts: 117
    As I mentioned in an earlier post, at age 76 I'm surprised they mentioned surgery at all!! With a psa of 48, in accordance with the Partin Table statistics, the chance of the disease NOT having escaped the gland is slim to none & therefore surgery WILL NOT WORK. Please have him get a second opinion as to the efficacy of either seed implants or external beam, both of which have serious side effects! It would seem the most viable route would be hormonal therapy with the Lupron.Because the disease at this point is what they call "systemic", that's to say it could be anywhere & they don't know exactly where!If he has not had a bone scan, it would be an advantage to have one now for a "benchmark". Lupron can be administered either with 7.5mg/1 month or 22.5mg/3month or 30mg/4month. All are equally effective, it's your choice.
    Good luck with his therapy.
  • 2ndBase
    2ndBase Member Posts: 220
    The doctor who recommends surgery must be a surgeon, because at that age and psa I dont think that would be wise. Im only 52 and had a psa of 23 and gleason score of 9 and my urologist recommended taking Lupron and the maximun radiation allowed. 8 months later Im not sure it did any good but Im still here. The cancer cost me my job and I have no insurance so I plan to just live as long as I can without further treatment. The side effects of my treatment are much worse than I was expecting and if I could do it again Id have had none.