Ewing's sarcoma recurrence

lcopeland002 Member Posts: 1
edited March 2014 in Sarcoma #1
Is anyone out there that has had Ewing's and has had it come back? I had chemo to shrink the mass I had on my scapula. Then I had surgery. After surgery, I had chemo once again. Finally, I had a stem cell transplant. I went for my first checkup after the stem cell transplant and found out that the cancer is back. I don't know what course of treatment will be used yet. I will find out probably next week. If the stem cell transplant didn't work, what will? My doctor told me that the stem cell transplant would be "everything, but the kitchen sink" so to speak. How do you deal with finding out that your cancer is back? I try to stay positive, but it's hard. I need some words of encouragement.


  • danyiel
    danyiel Member Posts: 2
    Do not feel alone! I was in remission for 2yrs then found out it was back in another location. I could use a little morale suport as well. I was very distraught when rediagnosed because I ponted out the knot to my oncologist back in october and he completely dismissed my concerns. Sure enought my cancer is in the exact location I tried to bring to his attention. Please feel free to e-mail me at tripytoezange@hotmail.com.
    God bless you!