Gone Natural
spirit, I am also taking alternitive med vitamins and herbs, but not many, and not alone. I finished 4 dose dense treatments of A/C last Aug. and than did the 6 wks of rad's. Then you are on your own. I started taking coq10 while doing rad's and also i started taking AHCC. It is a exotic mushroom extract of sorts with a rice bran I believe. It is suposed to increase your killer cell activity. Please don't count out chemo. If you type in AHCC you should come up with lots of sights about it. One paticular article recommends it be used along with standard treatment. I just feel that I am on my own now and I have to do SOMETHING. If I "think" I'm helping, than I am. Good Luck and in my prayers, Amelia0
spirit, I am also taking alternitive med vitamins and herbs, but not many, and not alone. I finished 4 dose dense treatments of A/C last Aug. and than did the 6 wks of rad's. Then you are on your own. I started taking coq10 while doing rad's and also i started taking AHCC. It is a exotic mushroom extract of sorts with a rice bran I believe. It is suposed to increase your killer cell activity. Please don't count out chemo. If you type in AHCC you should come up with lots of sights about it. One paticular article recommends it be used along with standard treatment. I just feel that I am on my own now and I have to do SOMETHING. If I "think" I'm helping, than I am. Good Luck and in my prayers, Amelia0
I'm with you girl. There's a LOT to alternative therapy that works, but for some reason it gets ignored, by almost everybody. Go figure that one!
Beware of sugar, it feeds cancer cells, makes them grow like crazy. I'm on a multivitamin, extra C and E, CoQ10, selenium, flax seed and my conventional meds herceptin and zometa.
Go to pdrhealth and look up indole-3-carbinol, really works well with tamoxifen. Of course before taking any meds always check with your doctor first. God bless. hummb0 -
Hi hummingbyrd,hummingbyrd said:I'm with you girl. There's a LOT to alternative therapy that works, but for some reason it gets ignored, by almost everybody. Go figure that one!
Beware of sugar, it feeds cancer cells, makes them grow like crazy. I'm on a multivitamin, extra C and E, CoQ10, selenium, flax seed and my conventional meds herceptin and zometa.
Go to pdrhealth and look up indole-3-carbinol, really works well with tamoxifen. Of course before taking any meds always check with your doctor first. God bless. hummb
You don't mention extra calicum with D..I take a womens multi that has 250mg of calcium, and then an extra Calcium of 600 with D. My GYN recommends that I increase the dose to take and extra calcium. I have begun reading about the Vit E and C as extra supplements too. What can you tell me in a nut shell about the extra E and how do we know that we are not taking to much supplements..I really have no clue on vit..I have never taken then until now!
I am a little apprehensive on the alternative therapy such as herbals because my tamoxifen says right on it "Herbal/dietary supplements products may interact with the medication"..it says to dicuss with your doc or your pharmacist, but like you said, I think they pretty much ignore other "remedies".
Any information you can share about supplements would be great!
Kris0 -
Sillyspirit, going natural is a whole different way of living not just a few herbs and vitamins. I have spent many hours with a ND Dr and her well known brother in FL. It amounts to giving up all red meat, all dairy and all sugar but maybe a little honey. There is a wonderful natural sugar called Stevia. Both my husband and I have had cancer as I have posted in the past. Have you had surgery and what treatments? I have taken Tamoxifen for the last year but have used many many herbs with it. I plan on stopping the Tamoxifen and going with Evista, not approved for bc follow ups but sure looks good and I need something for my bones. Calicum has not done it and I take 1500mg daily. The important thing is to detoxic the body for a start. It is kind of a all or nothing approach to treating cancer. Linda0
Forgot about my Calcium w/ vitamin D. I do take that as well.krisrey said:Hi hummingbyrd,
You don't mention extra calicum with D..I take a womens multi that has 250mg of calcium, and then an extra Calcium of 600 with D. My GYN recommends that I increase the dose to take and extra calcium. I have begun reading about the Vit E and C as extra supplements too. What can you tell me in a nut shell about the extra E and how do we know that we are not taking to much supplements..I really have no clue on vit..I have never taken then until now!
I am a little apprehensive on the alternative therapy such as herbals because my tamoxifen says right on it "Herbal/dietary supplements products may interact with the medication"..it says to dicuss with your doc or your pharmacist, but like you said, I think they pretty much ignore other "remedies".
Any information you can share about supplements would be great!
Vitamin E in a nutshell first of all, can be toxic, since it is fat soluble (stored in the body) 10 mg/d is rec RDA (HA!) Course in all fairness the RDA is about 20-30 years behind the times. You would think someone would update the thing since sooo many Americans are into dietary supplements.
Anyway, at 200mg or IU vitamin E becomes cardioprotective, lowers LDL (bad fat cholesterol) and decreases atherosclerosis (heart disease from build up of plaque). Resource nih.gov
At 400 mg/day vitamin E is being proven to prevent prostate cancer (see SELECT study w/ vit E and selenium), I'm betting it works to prevent all cancer types.
Cancer cells are pro-oxidative, vitamin E is an anti-oxidant. Oxygen, in the body, breaks down and produces free radicals. These free radicals damage the DNA and open the door for cancer.
Anti-oxidants, such as E, bind with these free radicals thereby preventing them from doing damage to healthy cells, essentially stopping the cancer before it stops. Vit E even HELPS chemo therapy work better. It works to protect normal cells, yet makes tumor cells more vulnerable to apoptosis (self destruction). Resource: Beating Cancer with Nutrition
In a nut shell...why the heck aren't they, the NIH, the research institutions pushing for more studies, faster reporting of findings and re-educating the medical community?
Why isn't the ACS actively advocating they discover and disclose this information to the public? We are 'racing, reaching, hoping' for a cure, are we not?
1.3 million people will be diagnosed w/ cancer this year (estimated), 500,000 will die. The war on cancer is not being won, but it could be.
The information I citied is NOT new! There have been studies for the past 50 years that have proven the benefits of vitamins. The only thing that is new is the internet. Any one of us can access this information, just stay away from sites that sell products OR profit in other ways. Try www.defeatcancer.org I think it has some good information and it has a link to your congressmen.
The age of "poisen and burn" is loooong past overdue, it's time to truely defeat cancer. I'm ready to stomp this disease out! Before my children have to endure the h*ll I went through.
Remember as always check with your physician before taking any medication.
Water is essential for the body.
Sugar feeds cancer growth.
Plastic wrap breaks down into cancer causing agents when heated in the microwave.
Just FYI, God bless.
hummb0 -
Hi sillyspirit:
Did you have any traditional treatment, following any surgery? Many studies state that surgery alone is curative in many cases. Those cases with no nodes, no distant mets, etc..
What are your resources/guides for deciding what to take, when and how much, etc.?
I had surgery, chemo and rads. During chemo, I took very little. Things I knew were ok. Reason being that some supplements, herbals, etc. can interact with chemo. Since I was putting myself through it, I wanted to get the full benefit, unhampered by anything else. Some supplements have been investigated to a point of presenting a question mark when taken while on chemo. My thought was why go through that and risk doing anything which could interfere?
More research is definitely needed so we could have better knowledge of what works well with chemo and what doesn't.
Some women decide on no medical intervention at all and use only "naturals" to address bc. It's a serious decision (as is chemo and rads for that matter) and requires a lot of research, a good Naturopathic Physician, Nutritionist and not a route to casually take alone. Certain supplements/herbals, etc. should never be used together and some are best taken with foods, etc.. Just as cabbage, for instance, should be
avoided when taking antibiotics (it interferes with and reduces the action of the drugs)so, some supplements can be rendered ineffective when taken with certain other supplements/foods/drugs. Acidophilus is a staple in our house, when anyone is on antibiotics or has had a tummy virus. It's also something I take every day...I just take more when needed for restoring the healthy bacteria in the gut. Yogurt (Dannon has the best cultures) is better than nothing at all, but a top quality acidophilus (Primadophilus for instance)beats everything out there. Not all preparations are the same and ideally, this product must be kept refrigerated. So, if you go to purchase it and it's just sitting on a shelf in a warm store, you've already lost part of it's action. A lot to know and understand and always more to learn. Thus, the need for a good ND, at the minimum, for guidance.
It IS possible to take too much of "naturals". My thoughts on that are not to exceed the RDA of retail products, unless an ND is supervising/advising you take more or less than that. If a little is good, more is not necessarily better. If you see a good herbalist, then he/she will supervise those unique elements, likely making them for you.
Quality of product is another concern. You want to purchase the best you can afford. Not all supplements are created equal.
There are some good books on the subject but again, I'd strongly advise an ND or an MD who's into supplements and has the knowledge to advise you. It is unfortunate but quackery runs rampant in this field and caution is always advisable.
Naturals for curing cancer? I don't know. Naturals for maintaining optimal health, DEFINITELY!
Just a few days after my last chemo, I began my supplements in earnest again. A daily regimen of quite a bit of stuff. A no iron multivitamin/mineral, CoQ10, Calcium/VitaminD (a.m.) Calcium/Magnesium at night, extra Copper and Zinc, extra Vitamin C/Quercitin,Garlic, an additional 400mg/day Vitamin E (dry), Glucosamine/Chrondroitin (also MSM) and a couple of other specially compounded formula's/herbals. (Every day still begins with a cup of green or black tea and Yoga) And since I'm a life long vegetarian, a sublingual B12/daily with extra folic acid. I stayed on this regimen for 6 months to give my body help in repairing itself. I remained physically active and had no problems with fatigue. I also spent time on stress reduction, dealing with where I'd been, and my feelings about it, while working on relaxation and inner peace. It worked well for me. I currently take maintenance doses of some of the above...some every other day, etc.. I feel great. I have had a stubborn problem with my right wrist (site of chemo infusion) which requred medical intervention in the form of surgery.
The key is that everyone's body is different and some of the elements which may be depleted or very low in our bodies, can only be detected through blood work, for certain. But then we need expert interpretation and guidance. Other things can be a matter of choice. Basically things which are water soluble are safer, as excess is excreted from the body. Not retained and no dangerous buildup. Fat soluble, however is another story and some of these can become toxic in amounts exceeding the RDA, unsupervised by a professional.
My supplement/health regimen followed traditional treatment and I'd imagine that a regimen designed to "treat" cancer would be a diverse and completely different undertaking. Having complete faith and confidence in what one is doing is very important and I believe it influences the effectiveness of the program as well. We each must give it our best go, with heart and soul, whatever route we take.
Wishing you the very best and hope you'll keep us posted on your progress.
Love, light and laughter,
Ink0 -
My doctor said cause of the stage and type of cancer I had I didn't need chemo and I tested neg. for the other med's. I didn't have rad. because I had that years ago on my chest when I had Hodgkins which caused my BC. I'll let ya all know how I do with alt. if ya don't hear from me then you know it didn't work. lol....oh by the way, calcium is good.. I buy "coral calcium plus" it suppose to be better because it has over 72 trace minerals.inkblot said:Hi sillyspirit:
Did you have any traditional treatment, following any surgery? Many studies state that surgery alone is curative in many cases. Those cases with no nodes, no distant mets, etc..
What are your resources/guides for deciding what to take, when and how much, etc.?
I had surgery, chemo and rads. During chemo, I took very little. Things I knew were ok. Reason being that some supplements, herbals, etc. can interact with chemo. Since I was putting myself through it, I wanted to get the full benefit, unhampered by anything else. Some supplements have been investigated to a point of presenting a question mark when taken while on chemo. My thought was why go through that and risk doing anything which could interfere?
More research is definitely needed so we could have better knowledge of what works well with chemo and what doesn't.
Some women decide on no medical intervention at all and use only "naturals" to address bc. It's a serious decision (as is chemo and rads for that matter) and requires a lot of research, a good Naturopathic Physician, Nutritionist and not a route to casually take alone. Certain supplements/herbals, etc. should never be used together and some are best taken with foods, etc.. Just as cabbage, for instance, should be
avoided when taking antibiotics (it interferes with and reduces the action of the drugs)so, some supplements can be rendered ineffective when taken with certain other supplements/foods/drugs. Acidophilus is a staple in our house, when anyone is on antibiotics or has had a tummy virus. It's also something I take every day...I just take more when needed for restoring the healthy bacteria in the gut. Yogurt (Dannon has the best cultures) is better than nothing at all, but a top quality acidophilus (Primadophilus for instance)beats everything out there. Not all preparations are the same and ideally, this product must be kept refrigerated. So, if you go to purchase it and it's just sitting on a shelf in a warm store, you've already lost part of it's action. A lot to know and understand and always more to learn. Thus, the need for a good ND, at the minimum, for guidance.
It IS possible to take too much of "naturals". My thoughts on that are not to exceed the RDA of retail products, unless an ND is supervising/advising you take more or less than that. If a little is good, more is not necessarily better. If you see a good herbalist, then he/she will supervise those unique elements, likely making them for you.
Quality of product is another concern. You want to purchase the best you can afford. Not all supplements are created equal.
There are some good books on the subject but again, I'd strongly advise an ND or an MD who's into supplements and has the knowledge to advise you. It is unfortunate but quackery runs rampant in this field and caution is always advisable.
Naturals for curing cancer? I don't know. Naturals for maintaining optimal health, DEFINITELY!
Just a few days after my last chemo, I began my supplements in earnest again. A daily regimen of quite a bit of stuff. A no iron multivitamin/mineral, CoQ10, Calcium/VitaminD (a.m.) Calcium/Magnesium at night, extra Copper and Zinc, extra Vitamin C/Quercitin,Garlic, an additional 400mg/day Vitamin E (dry), Glucosamine/Chrondroitin (also MSM) and a couple of other specially compounded formula's/herbals. (Every day still begins with a cup of green or black tea and Yoga) And since I'm a life long vegetarian, a sublingual B12/daily with extra folic acid. I stayed on this regimen for 6 months to give my body help in repairing itself. I remained physically active and had no problems with fatigue. I also spent time on stress reduction, dealing with where I'd been, and my feelings about it, while working on relaxation and inner peace. It worked well for me. I currently take maintenance doses of some of the above...some every other day, etc.. I feel great. I have had a stubborn problem with my right wrist (site of chemo infusion) which requred medical intervention in the form of surgery.
The key is that everyone's body is different and some of the elements which may be depleted or very low in our bodies, can only be detected through blood work, for certain. But then we need expert interpretation and guidance. Other things can be a matter of choice. Basically things which are water soluble are safer, as excess is excreted from the body. Not retained and no dangerous buildup. Fat soluble, however is another story and some of these can become toxic in amounts exceeding the RDA, unsupervised by a professional.
My supplement/health regimen followed traditional treatment and I'd imagine that a regimen designed to "treat" cancer would be a diverse and completely different undertaking. Having complete faith and confidence in what one is doing is very important and I believe it influences the effectiveness of the program as well. We each must give it our best go, with heart and soul, whatever route we take.
Wishing you the very best and hope you'll keep us posted on your progress.
Love, light and laughter,
Ink0 -
Hummingbyrd,hummingbyrd said:Forgot about my Calcium w/ vitamin D. I do take that as well.
Vitamin E in a nutshell first of all, can be toxic, since it is fat soluble (stored in the body) 10 mg/d is rec RDA (HA!) Course in all fairness the RDA is about 20-30 years behind the times. You would think someone would update the thing since sooo many Americans are into dietary supplements.
Anyway, at 200mg or IU vitamin E becomes cardioprotective, lowers LDL (bad fat cholesterol) and decreases atherosclerosis (heart disease from build up of plaque). Resource nih.gov
At 400 mg/day vitamin E is being proven to prevent prostate cancer (see SELECT study w/ vit E and selenium), I'm betting it works to prevent all cancer types.
Cancer cells are pro-oxidative, vitamin E is an anti-oxidant. Oxygen, in the body, breaks down and produces free radicals. These free radicals damage the DNA and open the door for cancer.
Anti-oxidants, such as E, bind with these free radicals thereby preventing them from doing damage to healthy cells, essentially stopping the cancer before it stops. Vit E even HELPS chemo therapy work better. It works to protect normal cells, yet makes tumor cells more vulnerable to apoptosis (self destruction). Resource: Beating Cancer with Nutrition
In a nut shell...why the heck aren't they, the NIH, the research institutions pushing for more studies, faster reporting of findings and re-educating the medical community?
Why isn't the ACS actively advocating they discover and disclose this information to the public? We are 'racing, reaching, hoping' for a cure, are we not?
1.3 million people will be diagnosed w/ cancer this year (estimated), 500,000 will die. The war on cancer is not being won, but it could be.
The information I citied is NOT new! There have been studies for the past 50 years that have proven the benefits of vitamins. The only thing that is new is the internet. Any one of us can access this information, just stay away from sites that sell products OR profit in other ways. Try www.defeatcancer.org I think it has some good information and it has a link to your congressmen.
The age of "poisen and burn" is loooong past overdue, it's time to truely defeat cancer. I'm ready to stomp this disease out! Before my children have to endure the h*ll I went through.
Remember as always check with your physician before taking any medication.
Water is essential for the body.
Sugar feeds cancer growth.
Plastic wrap breaks down into cancer causing agents when heated in the microwave.
Just FYI, God bless.
See, I knew you would be able to anwser my questions..LOL..Thanks for taking the time to give me the "nut shell" version!!
I will begin researching more when I get two minutes to myself...lol
If you find any more info and feel like sharing I would love to see it. Here is my email kristen8594@aol.com.
Thanks Hummingbyrd
Kris0 -
Linda,lindatn said:Sillyspirit, going natural is a whole different way of living not just a few herbs and vitamins. I have spent many hours with a ND Dr and her well known brother in FL. It amounts to giving up all red meat, all dairy and all sugar but maybe a little honey. There is a wonderful natural sugar called Stevia. Both my husband and I have had cancer as I have posted in the past. Have you had surgery and what treatments? I have taken Tamoxifen for the last year but have used many many herbs with it. I plan on stopping the Tamoxifen and going with Evista, not approved for bc follow ups but sure looks good and I need something for my bones. Calicum has not done it and I take 1500mg daily. The important thing is to detoxic the body for a start. It is kind of a all or nothing approach to treating cancer. Linda
Check close on the Evista, I believe that is what they were going to put me on for my Osteoporosis and it said right on it "do not take if you have had breast cancer" I am now on Actonel.
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