I'm Still Smiling :-)

edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
First, my deepest gratitude and thanks to each and every one of you for cheering us on, never giving up hope, and of course all your prayers and good wishes. There's definitely something to be said for positive thinking and prayers. I haven't been able to quite wipe the smile off my face all day, which of course has rubbed off on my mom. She too was thrilled with Bert's results as it eased some of her worry and concern about me.(Now isn't that just like a mom).

Anyway, with her attitude being up and my attitude being up, we went for Mom's second opinion at USC/Norris Cancer Center today concerning her recurring lung cancer and the let's wait until feels it and then we can start treatment advice of her previous onc. While well meant, not exactly my cup of tea to just sit around and wait.

Mom (Mutti...you remembered, Emily) very impressed with the Cancer Center. She absolutely
fell in love with her new oncologist. The plan is mom will continue to receive radiation to the small growth that is on her hip bone, as started by her other onc, which should take care of it completely. The first week in March, full scans again. If there is the slightest change in the 1.3
centimeter tumor now in her right upper lung lobe, or if any new developments occur, the new oncologist has recommended three different clinical trials for her to participate in, if she wishes. If not, second line lung cancer chemo treatment. Radiation to just the single nodule is not the wisest way to go for metastesized lung cancer...I forget to ask why (drat, drat, drat), but I will definitely remember to ask when I go with mom next time which will be March 10 when all results are back again and we review options. The doctor was also very quick to point out that if there is absolutely no change to
the nodule, and again, nothing else going on, then nothing will be done right now as the cancer would be considered stablized, but would
be watched on a six week to two month basis via combo PET/CAT scans.

Mom was so cute..she asks the onc, so you aren't throwing the towel in on me are you, to which the doc replies heck no, if you continue as well as you have been, then there are still options available and I intend to try as many as I can.

When we left, mom's spirits were so much higher. She knows she won't be cured but if she can get some quantity as well as quality, she asks for no more. We talked long and hard afterward and I again told her that she can stay with her current onc or decide to go ahead and become a patient with the new onc at the cancer center. Mom said she feels right about being at the cancer center and thinks that would be the best route to take. I TOTALLY AGREE!!!!

It has been several weeks of sadness, anxiety, and happiness....what a ride. And thanks to all of you for riding along with me. It's so
comforting to know you are there...even if not across the street to physical talk to and touch, but you are there and all of you will continue to be in my prayers.

Well, I rambled again and all this about lung cancer on a colon cancer board!!!! Forgive me please. I won't do this again...at least not on and on and on about it.

Emily, just as an added FYI, in the late 50's, early 60's, the economy in Germany sucked....big time. My mom's oldest sister had married a Scotsman (yah, can you believe, a German and a Scotsman together...what a fiery brew) that she met while he was visiting in Germany. She immigrated to Scotland with him and then from there, to Ottawa, Canada. She always wrote my mom, her sister, about the opportunities to be had at that time in Ottawa....and as they say, the rest is history.

((((((((((BIGGEST HUG)))))))))))


  • aspaysia
    aspaysia Member Posts: 250
    Girl, what are you doing up at this hour? Thought I was the only night owl on this board. Finally some good news, aye? Sounds like they are treating your Bert very aggressively. I was getting scans evey three months until they were clear. Now I go back in four months--big whoop. They are afraid to stretch it out for six as a lot can happen...blah...blah...

    Between you, your Mum, Emily and moi, that's a lot of guurl power. So what's up with those cry-baby boys in the group confessing that they shed real tears. Men are so competitive. They just don't want us to have all the fun.

    BTW I grew up in Montreal and went to Carleton for a few years. Ottawa is such a pretty city with miles of canals and acres of tulips blooming in the spring. I almost miss it until my sister calls and says the frost on the window is half an inch thick--on the inside!

    Get some rest.
  • spongebob
    spongebob Member Posts: 2,565 Member
    aspaysia said:

    Girl, what are you doing up at this hour? Thought I was the only night owl on this board. Finally some good news, aye? Sounds like they are treating your Bert very aggressively. I was getting scans evey three months until they were clear. Now I go back in four months--big whoop. They are afraid to stretch it out for six as a lot can happen...blah...blah...

    Between you, your Mum, Emily and moi, that's a lot of guurl power. So what's up with those cry-baby boys in the group confessing that they shed real tears. Men are so competitive. They just don't want us to have all the fun.

    BTW I grew up in Montreal and went to Carleton for a few years. Ottawa is such a pretty city with miles of canals and acres of tulips blooming in the spring. I almost miss it until my sister calls and says the frost on the window is half an inch thick--on the inside!

    Get some rest.

    HEEEEEYYYYY! I resemble that remark! You know what it is - too much time spent watching Queer Eye! Well, gotta run, HOCKEY game on TV!
  • spongebob
    spongebob Member Posts: 2,565 Member
    Monika, No-type, and Mutti -

    Great news! So glad things are going well for you all. Bud and I should be there in about two weeks I figure. I'll send you notes from the road to chronicle our trip to SoCal!

    (in case you are confused by this comment, please see Bud's "port" posting)

    See ya soon!

    - SB
  • kangatoo
    kangatoo Member Posts: 2,105 Member
    spongebob said:

    Monika, No-type, and Mutti -

    Great news! So glad things are going well for you all. Bud and I should be there in about two weeks I figure. I'll send you notes from the road to chronicle our trip to SoCal!

    (in case you are confused by this comment, please see Bud's "port" posting)

    See ya soon!

    - SB

    Hiya Monika--am new here but you can still give your mum a hug from kanga--I got enough to go around.My mum passed 4 years ago to brain cancer and the hugs are free--she would like it that way!Say hi to bert and my best wishes.

    Hullo Aspaysia--yep--'twas me who admitted to having a cry--at 47 you would think I would know better!Must be a "male thingy"---he he--working out in the garage n doing chores n stuff(when I am able)---must be the dust???-awww---I dunno--I'll think of something--lol--lol
    cheers and luv, kanga and Jen
  • kangatoo
    kangatoo Member Posts: 2,105 Member
    kangatoo said:

    Hiya Monika--am new here but you can still give your mum a hug from kanga--I got enough to go around.My mum passed 4 years ago to brain cancer and the hugs are free--she would like it that way!Say hi to bert and my best wishes.

    Hullo Aspaysia--yep--'twas me who admitted to having a cry--at 47 you would think I would know better!Must be a "male thingy"---he he--working out in the garage n doing chores n stuff(when I am able)---must be the dust???-awww---I dunno--I'll think of something--lol--lol
    cheers and luv, kanga and Jen

    Hey Spongebob--re; crybabt remark?---is that female domination in here or are us males just a minority--any way we can drum up some male support here?--BTW-- can you sympathise with me n shed a tear to--would be so comforting---lol
  • spongebob
    spongebob Member Posts: 2,565 Member
    kangatoo said:

    Hey Spongebob--re; crybabt remark?---is that female domination in here or are us males just a minority--any way we can drum up some male support here?--BTW-- can you sympathise with me n shed a tear to--would be so comforting---lol

    Ahoy, Kanga -

    We boys are definitely outnumbered by the girls (I've always preferred those odds anyway!). Still plenty of us around though - gotta keep that diversity! I always make a joke about blowing my macho sailor man image by letting my emotions out once in a blue moon. Of course I don't REALLY cry - it's all just an act to make the women-folk feel more comfortable. Especially the artsy-dreamer types like asp and em!

    Well, gotta go chang out the transmission on my truck, play some rugby, and pound some beers, fart belch, and chase a girl or two (and anything else "macho" that you can think of!)


    - SB
  • spongebob said:

    Monika, No-type, and Mutti -

    Great news! So glad things are going well for you all. Bud and I should be there in about two weeks I figure. I'll send you notes from the road to chronicle our trip to SoCal!

    (in case you are confused by this comment, please see Bud's "port" posting)

    See ya soon!

    - SB

    Sponge & Bud....you'd be welcome anytime. While the days are quite lovely (about 64 to 72 degrees), the nights get cold...well cold for So. Cal standards....about 39 to 50...depending on exactly where you live. I'll throw the welcome mat out for the two of you.

  • kangatoo said:

    Hiya Monika--am new here but you can still give your mum a hug from kanga--I got enough to go around.My mum passed 4 years ago to brain cancer and the hugs are free--she would like it that way!Say hi to bert and my best wishes.

    Hullo Aspaysia--yep--'twas me who admitted to having a cry--at 47 you would think I would know better!Must be a "male thingy"---he he--working out in the garage n doing chores n stuff(when I am able)---must be the dust???-awww---I dunno--I'll think of something--lol--lol
    cheers and luv, kanga and Jen

    Hey Kangatoo:

    Sorry I didn't have time to officially welcome you but if you gotta be somewhere when fighting this awful demon, glad that you are here.

    Thanks for your very, very good wishes for my "mum" and your hugs too. Now send those hugs on their way for hubby Bert and that'll put a smile on his face (hahaha). He's ex-Navy himself and one of those macho men...at least on the outside, but such a soft heart on the inside. Heck, he cries at some Hallmark TV commercials (don't anybody say that I told you that...he'd be red as a beet.

    Again, welcome to our group. I will post this message under your introduction as well...just in case you don't go back to this post and read it.

  • kangatoo
    kangatoo Member Posts: 2,105 Member
    unknown said:

    Sponge & Bud....you'd be welcome anytime. While the days are quite lovely (about 64 to 72 degrees), the nights get cold...well cold for So. Cal standards....about 39 to 50...depending on exactly where you live. I'll throw the welcome mat out for the two of you.


    Hey Monika--tks for the welcome--if we keep filling up this boat with patients it might sink--he he.
    Hugs are on the way for Bert from Jen--tell him to be on guard--she hugs mighty good!
    Am sure a hug from me would not be correct protocol--will a high 5 do?
    luv kanga n jen